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 Bank Machine Program: variable has no value
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 7:20 pm   Post subject: Bank Machine Program: variable has no value

kk i need to figure this out by tonight or i am sooo done; i get 10% off my mark in computers. Anyways, when i run my program it says that my main variable: PINBalance has no value. Though when i look over the code it seems to have no reason for the variable to be empty. I am working with external files to save the back account PIN numbers and balance. Here is the code. Also this is whats in GaryPINBalance.txt:


any help would be greatly appreciated thx Smile


var PINBalance : array 1..2,1..200 of string
var PINBalanceDraft:array 1..200 of string
var PINbalance : array 1..2,1..200 of real
var overdraft: array 1..2,1..200 of string
var balancetrue : array 1..200 of boolean
var enterpin : int
var answer : string
var enterpinstr : string
var counter : int := 0
var counter2 : int:=0
var position : int := 0
var counter5 :int:=1
var space:int
var stringarray : array 1..200 of string
var intlength : array 1..200 of int
var counter3 : int:=0
var column : int := 1
var action : array 1..5 of int
var account : array 1..2,1..200 of string
var account2 : array 1..200 of real
var account3 : array 1..200 of string
var error : int:=1
var number :int
var option : string
var check :int:=0
var opval : boolean := false
var filenumber : int
var filenumber2 : int
var PINtrue:boolean:=false

for o:1..200
balancetrue(o) := false
end for

account3(1) := "WD"
account3(2) := "DEP"
account3(3) := "BILL"
account3(4) := "ACC"

open : filenumber,"GaryPINBalance.txt",get
    counter := counter+1
    get : filenumber, PINBalance(column,counter)
    if column = 1
    column := 2
    elsif column = 2
    column :=1
    end if
    exit when eof (filenumber)
end loop
close : filenumber

open : filenumber2, "GaryPINBalanceDraft.txt", get
    counter3 := counter3 + 1
    get : filenumber2, PINBalanceDraft(counter3)
    exit when eof (filenumber2)
end loop
close : filenumber2

% function WD : real
% for i:1..200
% if balancetrue(i) = true and account(1,i) = "WD"
% then
% PINBalance(2,i):= realstr(strreal(PINBalance(2,i))-strreal(account(2,i)),0)
% end if
% end for
% result WD
% end WD

check := counter2 div 2

% procedure accountacc
% for i:1..counter5
% stringarray(i):= account(2,i)
% intlength(i):= length(stringarray(i))
% end for
% for i:1..200
% if space < intlength(i)
% then
% space := intlength(i)
% end if
% end for
% put "****************Account Activities****************"
% for i:1..2
% if PINbalance(2,i) > 0
% then
% Text.Colour (green)
% put "Opening Balance":30,"$",PINbalance(2,i):space:2
% Text.Colour (black)
% elsif PINbalance(2,i) <= 0
% then
% Text.Colour (red)
% put "Opening Balance":30,"$",PINbalance(2,i):space:2
% Text.Colour (black)
% end if
% end for
% for i:1..counter5
% put account3(i):30,"$",account2(i):space:2
% end for
% for i:1..200
% if PINbalance(2,i) > 0
% then
% Text.Colour (green)
% put "Closing Balance":30,"$",PINbalance(2,i):space:2
% Text.Colour (black)
% elsif PINbalance(2,i) <= 0
% then
% Text.Colour (red)
% put "Closing Balance":30,"$",PINbalance(2,i):space:2
% Text.Colour (black)
% end if
% end for
% end accountacc

put "Please enter your PIN number:"
get enterpin
enterpinstr := intstr(enterpin)
for i:1..check
if enterpinstr = PINBalance(1,i+number)
PINtrue:= true
balancetrue(i) := true
end if
number := number+1
end for
if PINtrue not= true and error not= 3
put "Sorry that PIN is invalid please enter it again"
error:= error+1
end if
if error = 3
put "Sorry that was your last try to enter a PIN"
end if
exit when PINtrue = true or error = 3
end loop

if error = 3
Error.Halt ("Invalid PIN number entered 3 times")
end if

for h:1..200
if balancetrue(h) = true
position := h
end if
end for

put "There are four options you may choose from:"
put "- Withdraw (WD)"
put "- Deposit (DEP)"
put "- Pay a Bill (BILL)"
put "- Acount Activities (ACC)"
put "Please enter the abreviation of the option you want, located in the brackets"
put "(case sensetive, all capitals):"
get option
for i:1..4
if option = account3(i)
opval := true
end if
end for
if opval = false
put "Sorry you have not entered a valid option please re enter the option you want"
end if
exit when opval = true
end loop
if option = "WD"
account (1,counter5) := "WD"
counter5 := counter5 +1
put "Your current balance is: ",PINBalance(2,position)
put "How Much Would You Like To Withdraw?"
get account (2,counter5)
elsif option = "DEP"
counter5 := counter5 +1
account (1,counter5) := "DEP"
put "Your current balance is: ",PINBalance(2,position)
put "How Much Would You Like To Deposit?"
get account (2,counter5)
elsif option = "BILL"
counter5 := counter5 +1
account (1,counter5) := "BILL"
put "Your current balance is: ",PINBalance(2,position)
put "How Much Is The Bill You Must Pay?"
get account (1,counter5)
elsif option = "ACC"
put "YAY"
end if
counter5 := counter5+1
put "Are there any more transactions?(Y/N)"
get answer
exit when answer = "N" or answer = "n"
end loop

PostPosted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 8:19 am   Post subject: RE:Bank Machine Program: variable has no value

you need to say wat each line does becuz i cant figure it out srry

PostPosted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 12:20 pm   Post subject: Re: Bank Machine Program: variable has no value

kk sry about that here is the code with explained lines

Also it is not finished so there is no procedure for Deposit or Bill


var PINBalance : array 1..2,1..200 of string
var PINBalanceDraft:array 1..200 of string
var PINbalance : array 1..2,1..200 of real
var overdraft: array 1..2,1..200 of string
var balancetrue : array 1..200 of boolean
var enterpin : int
var answer : string
var enterpinstr : string
var counter : int := 0
var counter2 : int:=0
var position : int := 0
var counter5 :int:=1
var space:int
var stringarray : array 1..200 of string
var intlength : array 1..200 of int
var counter3 : int:=0
var column : int := 1
var action : array 1..5 of int
var account : array 1..2,1..200 of string
var account2 : array 1..200 of real
var account3 : array 1..200 of string
var error : int:=1
var number :int
var option : string
var check :int:=0
var opval : boolean := false
var filenumber : int
var filenumber2 : int
var PINtrue:boolean:=false

%**********Sets all values to false
for o:1..200
balancetrue(o) := false
end for

% these are the values to chack with what the user entered what he wanted to do
account3(1) := "WD"
account3(2) := "DEP"
account3(3) := "BILL"
account3(4) := "ACC"

open : filenumber,"GaryPINBalance.txt",get
    counter := counter+1
    get : filenumber, PINBalance(column,counter)
    if column = 1
    column := 2
    elsif column = 2
    column :=1
    end if
    exit when eof (filenumber)
end loop
close : filenumber

%This is for checking to see if an account is overdraft (can take out more than they have) or nooverdraft(obvious)
open : filenumber2, "GaryPINBalanceDraft.txt", get
    counter3 := counter3 + 1
    get : filenumber2, PINBalanceDraft(counter3)
    exit when eof (filenumber2)
end loop
close : filenumber2

%**********Withdrawl function
% function WD : real
% for i:1..200
% if balancetrue(i) = true and account(1,i) = "WD"
% then
% PINBalance(2,i):= realstr(strreal(PINBalance(2,i))-strreal(account(2,i)),0)
% end if
% end for
% result WD
% end WD %**********

check := counter2 div 2

%***********This is for displaying all the account activities done by the user
% procedure accountacc
% for i:1..counter5
% stringarray(i):= account(2,i)
% intlength(i):= length(stringarray(i))
% end for
% for i:1..200
% if space < intlength(i)
% then
% space := intlength(i)
% end if
% end for
% put "****************Account Activities****************"
% for i:1..2
% if PINbalance(2,i) > 0
% then
% Text.Colour (green)
% put "Opening Balance":30,"$",PINbalance(2,i):space:2
% Text.Colour (black)
% elsif PINbalance(2,i) <= 0
% then
% Text.Colour (red)
% put "Opening Balance":30,"$",PINbalance(2,i):space:2
% Text.Colour (black)
% end if
% end for
% for i:1..counter5
% put account3(i):30,"$",account2(i):space:2
% end for
% for i:1..200
% if PINbalance(2,i) > 0
% then
% Text.Colour (green)
% put "Closing Balance":30,"$",PINbalance(2,i):space:2
% Text.Colour (black)
% elsif PINbalance(2,i) <= 0
% then
% Text.Colour (red)
% put "Closing Balance":30,"$",PINbalance(2,i):space:2
% Text.Colour (black)
% end if
% end for
% end accountacc

%*********This is where the user enters a PIN NUmber
put "Please enter your PIN number:"
get enterpin
enterpinstr := intstr(enterpin)
for i:1..check
if enterpinstr = PINBalance(1,i+number)
PINtrue:= true
balancetrue(i) := true
end if
number := number+1
end for
if PINtrue not= true and error not= 3
put "Sorry that PIN is invalid please enter it again"
error:= error+1
end if
if error = 3
put "Sorry that was your last try to enter a PIN"
end if
exit when PINtrue = true or error = 3
end loop

%***Halts the program
if error = 3
Error.Halt ("Invalid PIN number entered 3 times")
end if

%******this is to see which balance belongs to the PIN entered
for h:1..200
if balancetrue(h) = true
position := h
end if
end for

%****This is where the user enters what account things he wants to do
put "There are four options you may choose from:"
put "- Withdraw (WD)"
put "- Deposit (DEP)"
put "- Pay a Bill (BILL)"
put "- Acount Activities (ACC)"
put "Please enter the abreviation of the option you want, located in the brackets"
put "(case sensetive, all capitals):"
get option
for i:1..4
if option = account3(i)
opval := true
end if
end for
if opval = false
put "Sorry you have not entered a valid option please re enter the option you want"
end if
exit when opval = true
end loop
if option = "WD"
account (1,counter5) := "WD"
counter5 := counter5 +1
put "Your current balance is: ",PINBalance(2,position)
put "How Much Would You Like To Withdraw?"
get account (2,counter5)
elsif option = "DEP"
counter5 := counter5 +1
account (1,counter5) := "DEP"
put "Your current balance is: ",PINBalance(2,position)
put "How Much Would You Like To Deposit?"
get account (2,counter5)
elsif option = "BILL"
counter5 := counter5 +1
account (1,counter5) := "BILL"
put "Your current balance is: ",PINBalance(2,position)
put "How Much Is The Bill You Must Pay?"
get account (1,counter5)
elsif option = "ACC"
put "YAY"
end if
counter5 := counter5+1
put "Are there any more transactions?(Y/N)"
get answer
exit when answer = "N" or answer = "n"
end loop

PostPosted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 2:53 pm   Post subject: Re: Bank Machine Program: variable has no value

It would be helpfull if you could tell what line the error is happening at or supply us with the txt file Smile
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