View.Set ("graphics:max;max")
colorback (7)
Draw.Box (100, 75, maxx - 100, maxy div 2, yellow) %this is the whole board and the 10th square.
Draw.Box (100, 75, 190, maxy div 2, yellow) %square 1
Draw.Box (100, 75, 280, maxy div 2, yellow) %square 2
Draw.Box (100, 75, 370, maxy div 2, yellow) %square 3
Draw.Box (100, 75, 460, maxy div 2, yellow) %square 4
Draw.Box (100, 75, 550, maxy div 2, yellow) %square 5
Draw.Box (100, 75, 640, maxy div 2, yellow) %square 6
Draw.Box (100, 75, 730, maxy div 2, yellow) %square 7
Draw.Box (100, 75, 820, maxy div 2, yellow) %square 8
Draw.Box (100, 75, 910, maxy div 2, yellow) %square 9
color (12)
var dice : int := Rand.Int (1, 6)
put " Dice Roll:"
put dice
Draw.FillOval (50 + dice * 90, 150, 10, 10, blue)