Font.Draw (question, 1, maxy - 50, fontID2, 7)
Font.Draw ("a) " + a, 1, maxy - 100, fontID2, 7)
Font.Draw ("b) " + b, 1, maxy - 140, fontID2, 7)
Font.Draw ("c) " + c, 1, maxy - 180, fontID2, 7)
Font.Draw ("d) " + d, 1, maxy - 220, fontID2, 7)
get guess
if guess="a" or "b" or "c" or "d" then
if guess = "a" and right = "a" then
Font.Draw ("Right! Good Job!", 75, 570, fontID, green)
count := count + 1
elsif guess = "b" and right = "b" then
Font.Draw ("Right! Good Job!", 75, 570, fontID, green)
count := count + 1
elsif guess = "c" and right = "c" then
Font.Draw ("Right! Good Job!", 75, 570, fontID, green)
count := count + 1
elsif guess = "d" and right = "d" then
Font.Draw ("Right! Good Job!", 75, maxy - 30, fontID, green)
count := count + 1
Font.Draw ("Wrong", 75, 570, fontID, red)
if right = "a" then
Font.Draw ("It was a) " + a + ".", 1, maxy - 150, fontID2, 7)
elsif right = "b" then
Font.Draw ("It was b) " + b + ".", 1, maxy - 150, fontID2, 7)
elsif right = "c" then
Font.Draw ("It was c) " + c + ".", 1, maxy - 150, fontID2, 7)
elsif right = "d" then
Font.Draw ("It was d) " + d + ".", 1, maxy - 150, fontID2, 7)
else %%%% ??????Beginning of the loop again??
end if