setscreen ("graphics:490;540,nobuttonbar")
colorback (black)
color (white)
%Normal For Game/Maze
const backgrnd : int := black
const pacrad : int := 11
const wall : int := 30
const room : int := 4
var direction : int := 360
var x : int := 245
var y : int := 230
var x_temp, y_temp : int := 0
var xInc, yInc : int := 0
var mouthangl : int := 0
var move : string (1) := KEY_RIGHT_ARROW
const DEL : int := 15
%Controls Font
var font1 : int
font1 := Font.New ("arial:15")
%Created By Font
var font2 : int
font2 := Font.New ("arial:8")
%Copy, At Beginning ------------
const backgrnd2 : int := black
const pacrad2 : int := 11
var direction2 : int := 360
var x2 : int := 245
var y2 : int := 230
var x_temp2, y_temp2 : int := 0
var xInc2, yInc2 : int := 0
var mouthangl2 : int := 0
%GAME PROCEDURES----------------------------------------------
procedure walls
colourback (backgrnd)
%Draw Walls
var box1x : array 1 .. 49 of int := init (0, 0, 0, 490, 0, 480, 50, 140, 190, 240, 290, 340, 0, 440, 50, 90, 140, 290, 390, 390, 0, 90, 0, 140, 190, 240, 340, 390, 390, 400, 0, 90, 0, 390, 390,
140, 340, 140, 290, 50, 390, 190, 240, 50, 140, 290, 390, 240)
var box1y : array 1 .. 49 of int := init (0, 0, 530, 260, 300, 300, 50, 50, 100, 100, 50, 60, 100, 100, 150, 160, 160, 160, 160, 160, 210, 260, 260, 260, 210, 210, 260, 260, 260, 200, 300, 360,
350, 300, 300, 300, 300, 350, 350, 400, 400, 400, 410, 450, 450, 450, 450, 450)
var box2x : array 1 .. 49 of int := init (10, 490, 490, 480, 10, 490, 200, 150, 300, 250, 440, 350, 50, 490, 100, 100, 200, 350, 400, 440, 100, 100, 90, 150, 300, 250, 350, 480, 400, 480, 100,
100, 480, 480, 400, 150, 350, 200, 350, 100, 440, 300, 250, 100, 200, 350, 440, 250)
var box2y : array 1 .. 49 of int := init (260, 10, 540, 0, 540, 540, 60, 110, 110, 50, 60, 110, 110, 110, 160, 100, 150, 150, 100, 150, 200, 200, 250, 200, 200, 150, 200, 250, 200, 210, 310, 310,
360, 360, 310, 360, 410, 410, 360, 360, 410, 410, 410, 350, 490, 490, 490, 490, 540)
for i : 1 .. 49
drawfillbox (box1x (i), box1y (i), box2x (i), box2y (i), brightblue)
end for
for i : 45 .. 48
drawfillbox (box1x (i) + 10, box1y (i) + 10, box2x (i) - 10, box2y (i) - 10, black)
end for
end walls
%Mouth Opening and closing....
%Draw mouth close
procedure drawMouthClose (x : int, y : int)
mouthangl := mouthangl mod 45 + 1
drawfillarc (x, y, pacrad, pacrad, mouthangl + direction, -mouthangl + direction, 14)
end drawMouthClose
%Erase Pacman
procedure erasePacman (x : int, y : int)
drawfillarc (x, y, pacrad, pacrad, mouthangl + direction, -mouthangl + direction, backgrnd)
end erasePacman
%Change Direction
procedure directionChange
if hasch then
getch (move)
if ord (move) = ORD_DOWN_ARROW then
direction := 270
xInc := 0
yInc := -1
elsif ord (move) = ORD_UP_ARROW then
direction := 90
xInc := 0
yInc := 1
elsif ord (move) = ORD_LEFT_ARROW then
direction := 180
xInc := -1
yInc := 0
elsif ord (move) = ORD_RIGHT_ARROW then
direction := 0
xInc := 1
yInc := 0
end if
end if
end directionChange
% MUSIC/SOUNDS------------------------------------------------
procedure musicbegin
Music.PlayFile ("GAMEBEGINNING.wav")
end musicbegin
procedure soundchomp
Music.PlayFile ("pacchomp.wav")
end loop
end soundchomp
%Mouth Opening And Closing For The Main Menu (not working)-----------------------------------
procedure drawMouthClose2 (x2 : int, y2 : int)
mouthangl2 := mouthangl2 mod 45 + 1
drawfillarc (x2, y2, pacrad2, pacrad2, mouthangl2 + direction2, -mouthangl2 + direction2, 14)
end drawMouthClose2
%Erase Pacman
procedure erasePacman2 (x : int, y : int)
drawfillarc (x2, y2, pacrad2, pacrad2, mouthangl2 + direction2, -mouthangl2 + direction2, backgrnd2)
end erasePacman2
%Movement Mouth Speed
const DEL2 : int := 8
procedure paceat
drawMouthClose2 (x2, y2)
delay (DEL2)
erasePacman2 (x2, y2)
x_temp2 := x2 + xInc2
y_temp2 := y2 + yInc2
end loop
end paceat
%Start Menu
procedure gui12
%Background -----------------------
const picesizeb : int := 20
var picb : int := Pic.FileNew ("the best pic ever.bmp")
var newPicb : int
var picWidthb, picHeightb : int
picWidthb := Pic.Width (picb)
picHeightb := Pic.Height (picb)
newPicb := Pic.Scale (picb, picWidthb div 1, picHeightb div 1)
Pic.Draw (newPicb, maxx div 2000 + 2, maxy div 1000 + 1, picCopy)
Pic.Free (newPicb)
% Start Button -------------------
const picesize : int := 20
var pic : int := Pic.FileNew ("startgame.bmp")
var newPic : int
var picWidth, picHeight : int
picWidth := Pic.Width (pic)
picHeight := Pic.Height (pic)
newPic := Pic.Scale (pic, picWidth div .8, picHeight div .8)
Pic.Draw (newPic, maxx div 2.6 + 10, maxy div 5 + 60, picCopy)
Pic.Free (newPic)
% Controls Button --------------
const picesize2 : int := 20
var pic2 : int := Pic.FileNew ("controls.bmp")
var newPic2 : int
var picWidth2, picHeight2 : int
picWidth2 := Pic.Width (pic2)
picHeight2 := Pic.Height (pic2)
newPic2 := Pic.Scale (pic2, picWidth2 div .8, picHeight2 div .8)
Pic.Draw (newPic2, maxx div 2.5 + 10, maxy div 5 + 30, picCopy)
Pic.Free (newPic2)
%Exit Button ----------------
const picesize3 : int := 20
var pic3 : int := Pic.FileNew ("exit2.bmp")
var newPic3 : int
var picWidth3, picHeight3 : int
picWidth3 := Pic.Width (pic3)
picHeight3 := Pic.Height (pic3)
newPic3 := Pic.Scale (pic3, picWidth3 div .8, picHeight3 div .8)
Pic.Draw (newPic3, maxx div 2.32 + 10, maxy div 5 + 1, picCopy)
Pic.Free (newPic3)
Font.Draw ("Created By pacmaN & Sinergy", 290, 5, font2, brightred)
end gui12
var c, d, button, button2 : int
mousewhere (c, d, button)
if button = 1 and 200 <= c and c <= 295 and 185 >= d and d >= 168 then
%Draws Dots--------------------------------------------------------
%Draws Point Dots
for draw1 : 1 .. 15
drawfilloval (30 * draw1, 30, 5, 5, yellow)
end for
drawfilloval (30, 55, 5, 5, yellow)
drawfilloval (30, 80, 5, 5, yellow)
drawfilloval (60, 80, 5, 5, yellow)
drawfilloval (90, 80, 5, 5, yellow)
for draw2 : 3 .. 17
drawfilloval (120, 30 * draw2, 5, 5, yellow)
end for
drawfilloval (220, 55, 5, 5, yellow)
drawfilloval (220, 80, 5, 5, yellow)
drawfilloval (195, 80, 5, 5, yellow)
drawfilloval (170, 80, 5, 5, yellow)
drawfilloval (170, 105, 5, 5, yellow)
for draw3 : 5 .. 12
drawfilloval (30 * draw3, 130, 5, 5, yellow)
end for
%Draws Booster Dots
drawfilloval (30, 130, 10, 10, brightgreen)
drawfilloval (460, 130, 10, 10, brightgreen)
drawfilloval (460, 470, 10, 10, brightgreen)
drawfilloval (30, 470, 10, 10, brightgreen)
drawMouthClose (x, y)
delay (DEL)
erasePacman (x, y)
x_temp := x + xInc
y_temp := y + yInc
if x_temp = 15 then
x := 475
elsif x_temp = 475 then
x := 15
end if
if whatdotcolor (x_temp + pacrad, y_temp) ~= brightblue
and whatdotcolor (x_temp + pacrad + room, y_temp) ~= brightblue
and whatdotcolor (x_temp - pacrad - room, y_temp) ~= brightblue
and whatdotcolor (x_temp, y_temp + pacrad + room) ~= brightblue
and whatdotcolor (x_temp, y_temp - pacrad - room) ~= brightblue
and whatdotcolor (x_temp + pacrad + room, y_temp + pacrad + room) ~= brightblue
and whatdotcolor (x_temp - pacrad - room, y_temp - pacrad - room) ~= brightblue
and whatdotcolor (x_temp - pacrad - room, y_temp + pacrad + room) ~= brightblue
and whatdotcolor (x_temp + pacrad + room, y_temp - pacrad - room) ~= brightblue
and whatdotcolor (x_temp + pacrad, y_temp + pacrad + room) ~= brightblue
and whatdotcolor (x_temp - pacrad, y_temp - pacrad - room) ~= brightblue
and whatdotcolor (x_temp - pacrad, y_temp + pacrad + room) ~= brightblue
and whatdotcolor (x_temp + pacrad, y_temp - pacrad - room) ~= brightblue
and whatdotcolor (x_temp + pacrad + room, y_temp + pacrad) ~= brightblue
and whatdotcolor (x_temp - pacrad - room, y_temp - pacrad) ~= brightblue
and whatdotcolor (x_temp - pacrad - room, y_temp + pacrad) ~= brightblue
and whatdotcolor (x_temp + pacrad + room, y_temp - pacrad) ~= brightblue
x := x + xInc
y := y + yInc
end if
end loop
x := x + xInc
y := y + yInc
elsif button = 1 and 200 <= c and c <= 295 and 155 >= d and d >= 138 then
Font.Draw ("Use Your Arrow Keys, Up Down Left Right,", 5, 400, font1, yellow)
Font.Draw ("Move Your Pacman To Eat All The Dots", 5, 370, font1, brightred)
Font.Draw ("Collect All Of The Dots And Move To The Next Level!", 5, 340, font1, yellow)
Font.Draw ("Collect Green Dots To Get A Booster Pac!", 5, 310, font1, brightred)
Font.Draw ("Back To Main", 5, 100, font1, brightred)
drawbox (1, 90, 140, 120, white)
end if
exit when button = 1 and 200 <= c and c <= 295 and 110 <= d and d <= 127
end loop