var names : array 1 .. 17 of string := init ("Pizza", "Crispy Fries", "Hamburger", "Cheese Burger",
"Chicken Burger", "Submarine", "Salad", "2 Cookies", "Fries", "Pasta",
"Mashed Potatoes", "Baked Potatoes", "Pop", "Chocolate Milk",
"Gatorade/ Powerade", "Water", "Slush Puppy")
var prices : array 1 .. 17 of real := init (2.5, 4, 3, 3.4, 2.4, 5, 3, 1, 2, 2, 1.5,
1, 1, 1.5, 2, 1, 1.35)
var choice : array 1 .. 3 of int
var total : real := 0
var bill : real
var change : real
var f, t, l, q, d, n, p : real := 0
var choice5:string
var count:int:=0
put "Main Dishes Prices"
for a : 1 .. 7
put a, "-", names (a) : 21, prices (a) : 0 : 2
end for
get choice (1)
for a : 8 .. 12
put a, "-", names (a) : 21, prices (a) : 0 : 2
end for
put "10-", names (10) : 20, prices (10) : 0 : 2
get choice (2)
for a : 13 .. 17
put a, "-", names (a) : 20, prices (a) : 0 : 2
end for
get choice (3)
total := prices (choice (1)) + prices (choice (2)) + prices (choice (3))
put ("Would you like select 3 more things")
get choice5
exit when (choice5="no")
end loop
for a : 1 .. 3
put names (choice (a)) : 23, prices (choice (a)) : 0 : 2
end for
put "--------------------------"
put "TOTAL:" : 22, total : 0 : 2
put "Enter Bill Being Used:$" ..
get bill
if bill not= 100 or bill not= 50 or bill not= 20 or bill not= 10 or
bill not= 5 then
put "That is not a valid Bill"
elsif bill = 100 or bill = 50 or bill = 20 or bill = 10 or bill = 5 then
end if
change := bill - total
put "Your change is: $", change, " and you will get: "
f := change div 5
change := change - (f * 5)
t := change div 2
change := change - (t * 2)
l := change div 1
change := change - (l * 1)
q := change div .25
change := change - (q * 0.25)
d := change div .1
change := change - (d * 0.1)
n := change div .05
change := change - (n * 0.05)
p := change div .01
change := change - (p * 0.01)
put "Fives :", f
put "Toonies :", t
put "Loonies :", l
put "Quarters:", q
put "Dimes :", d
put "Nickels :", n
put "Pennies :", p