%Project: Traffic Light
%Purpose - to create an interface between the computer and the (light) box
%Question 1 - 130 points
% x - int - the x coordinate that the user clicked on
% y - int - the y coordinate that the user clicked on
% bnum - int - the button that you select on the mouse
% bud - int - whether the button is pressed (1) or released (0)
setscreen ("graphics:vga")
%var for the button's coordinates
var x, y, bnum, bud : int
%var for the traffic buttons
var rb, yb, gb : int := 0
%var for the of the words. size and type
var font : int
%var for the number of flashs
var flash : int := 0
%var for the number of rotates
var rotate : int := 0
%var for the number of patterns
var pattern : int := 0
%var for the output of the parallel put for the on an off swtich
var swt : int := 0
var fp : int
%color of background
colorback (gray)
%font size and type
font := Font.New ("Arial:14")
Font.Draw ("WELCOME TO MY TRAFFIC LIGHT PROGRAM", 80, 305, font, 7)
%loop command, keeps the program going
drawfillbox (390, 110, 560, 230, brown)
drawfillbox (100, 110, 270, 230, brown)
Font.Draw ("Test Mode", 141, 166, font, white)
Font.Draw ("Scenerio Mode", 413, 166, font, white)
drawfillbox (0, 35, 700, 0, 7)
drawfillbox (0, 800, 700, 355, 7)
locate (21, 25)
put "please slect a mode"
buttonwait ("down", x, y, bnum, bud)
if (x >= 50 and x <= 260) and (y >= 110 and y <= 240) then
%clears the program
%loop command, keeps the program going
%Traffic ligth buttons
drawfillbox (25, 25, 110, 65, 12)
drawbox (24, 24, 111, 66, black)
drawfillbox (25, 125, 110, 165, yellow)
drawbox (24, 124, 111, 166, black)
drawfillbox (25, 225, 110, 265, brightgreen)
drawbox (24, 224, 111, 266, black)
%traffic light body
drawfillbox (200, 25, 321, 275, 7)
drawbox (199, 24, 322, 276, black)
%traffic lights
drawfilloval (261, 75, 30, 30, 12)
drawfilloval (261, 75, 28, 28, white)
drawfilloval (261, 150, 30, 30, yellow)
drawfilloval (261, 150, 28, 28, white)
drawfilloval (261, 225, 30, 30, brightgreen)
drawfilloval (261, 225, 28, 28, white)
%Special switches
drawfillbox (25, 300, 100, 340, 7)
drawbox (24, 299, 101, 341, black)
drawfillbox (125, 300, 200, 340, 7)
drawbox (124, 299, 201, 341, black)
drawfillbox (225, 300, 300, 340, 7)
drawbox (224, 299, 301, 341, black)
drawfillbox (325, 300, 400, 340, 7)
drawbox (324, 299, 401, 341, black)
%the font infomation for the words inside my special buttons
Font.Draw ("Flash", 40, 315, font, white)
Font.Draw ("Rotate", 135, 315, font, white)
Font.Draw ("Pattern", 235, 315, font, white)
Font.Draw ("Stop", 344, 315, font, white)
drawfilloval (557, 360, 35, 35, blue)
colorback (0)
color (7)
locate (6, 66)
put " BACK " ..
% waits for the user to use the mouse and obtains the x,y location where the
%loop command, keeps the program going
%tells the button when to activate: when the button is pressed "down"
buttonwait ("down", x, y, bnum, bud)
%red button
%the red button's coordinates
if x >= 25 and x <= 110 and y >= 25 and y <= 65 then
%this shows that the buttons is low
if rb = 0 then
%what will happen if user clicks inside the coordinates
drawfilloval (261, 75, 30, 30, 12)
%if the button is clicked the button is turns high (on)
rb := 1
%turns the red light high(on), while the other lights are high(on)
swt := swt + 4
%turns the command (on), and by showing it on the real lights
parallelput (swt)
%what will happen if user clicks inside the coordinates again
drawfilloval (261, 75, 28, 28, white)
%the red button is turned off again
rb := 0
%turns the red light low(off), while the of=ther buttons are high(on)
swt := swt - 4
parallelput (swt)
%end the if command for this button
end if
%yellow button
elsif x >= 25 and x <= 110 and y >= 125 and y <= 165 then
if yb = 0 then
drawfilloval (261, 150, 30, 30, yellow)
yb := 1
swt := swt + 2
parallelput (swt)
drawfilloval (261, 150, 28, 28, white)
yb := 0
swt := swt - 2
parallelput (swt)
end if
%green button
elsif x >= 25 and x <= 110 and y >= 225 and y <= 265 then
if gb = 0 then
drawfilloval (261, 225, 30, 30, brightgreen)
gb := 1
swt := swt + 1
parallelput (swt)
drawfilloval (261, 225, 28, 28, white)
gb := 0
swt := swt - 1
parallelput (swt)
end if
%Flash button
%flash button's coordinates
elsif x >= 25 and x <= 100 and y >= 300 and y <= 340 then
%this will keep the sentence in the same position, so it won't over lap the program
locate (1, 1)
put "Enter the number of times you would like the the lights to flash: " ..
%gets the flash var from the user
get flash
%for command. used to count from the number 1 to the flash var entered by the user
for num : 1 .. flash
%the pattern that the traffic lights are going to flash in
%parallel put: using binary codes it tells the box what light to show
%puts all the three real lights (LED) on
parallelput (7)
drawfilloval (261, 75, 30, 30, 12)
drawfilloval (261, 150, 30, 30, yellow)
drawfilloval (261, 225, 30, 30, brightgreen)
%the time it will take the program to wait until it shows the next pattern/light
delay (500)
%puts all three real lights off
parallelput (0)
drawfilloval (261, 75, 28, 28, white)
drawfilloval (261, 150, 28, 28, white)
drawfilloval (261, 225, 28, 28, white)
delay (500)
%ends the for command for this button
end for
%Rotate button
%rotate button's coordinates
elsif x >= 125 and x <= 200 and y >= 300 and y <= 340 then
%leaves a line of space on top of the pervious lines so that they won'y overlap each other
locate (1, 1)
put " "
put "Enter the number of time you would like the lights to rotate: " ..
%get the rotate var from the user
get rotate
%for command for the rotate button
for num1 : 1 .. rotate
%puts the red light on
parallelput (1)
drawfilloval (261, 75, 30, 30, 12)
delay (500)
%turns the red light off and the yellow light on
parallelput (2)
drawfilloval (261, 75, 28, 28, white)
drawfilloval (261, 150, 30, 30, yellow)
delay (500)
%turns the red and yellow lights off and the green light on
parallelput (4)
drawfilloval (261, 150, 28, 28, white)
drawfilloval (261, 225, 30, 30, brightgreen)
delay (500)
%turns all three lights off
parallelput (0)
drawfilloval (261, 225, 28, 28, white)
delay (500)
%ends the for command for this button
end for
%pattern button
%the pattern button's coordintate
elsif x >= 225 and x <= 300 and y >= 300 and y <= 340 then
locate (1, 1)
%leaves two lines of space so that it won't over lap the pervious two line on top
locate (1, 1)
put " "
put " "
put "Enter the number of time you would like the lights to run the pattern: " ..
get pattern
for num2 : 1 .. pattern
parallelput (1)
drawfilloval (261, 75, 30, 30, 12)
delay (500)
parallelput (4)
drawfilloval (261, 225, 30, 30, brightgreen)
delay (500)
parallelput (2)
drawfilloval (261, 150, 30, 30, yellow)
delay (500)
parallelput (0)
drawfilloval (261, 75, 28, 28, white)
drawfilloval (261, 150, 28, 28, white)
drawfilloval (261, 225, 28, 28, white)
delay (500)
end for
%ends the if
elsif (x >= 325 and x <= 400) and (y >= 300 and y <= 340) then
end if
exit when (x >= 325 and x <= 400) and (y >= 300 and y <= 340)
end loop
exit when (x >= 325 and x <= 400) and (y >= 300 and y <= 340)
end loop
end if
exit when fp = 1
end loop
exit when fp = 1
end loop
% Senerio Mode
buttonwait ("down", x, y, bnum, bud)
if (x >= 370 and x <= 580) and (y >= 110 and y <= 240) then
%traffic lights
drawfillbox (200, 25, 321, 275, 7)
drawbox (199, 24, 322, 276, black)
Font.Draw ("THE CAR IS AT REST", 160, 350, font, 7)
drawfilloval (261, 225, 30, 30, 12)
parallelput (9)
delay (5000)
drawfillbox (200, 25, 321, 275, 7)
drawbox (199, 24, 322, 276, black)
Font.Draw ("THE CAR IS ABOUT TO MOVE", 135, 350, font, 7)
drawfilloval (261, 225, 30, 30, 12)
parallelput (0)
delay (2000)
drawfillbox (200, 25, 321, 275, 7)
drawbox (199, 24, 322, 276, black)
Font.Draw ("THE CAR IS MOVING", 172, 350, font, 7)
drawfilloval (261, 75, 30, 30, brightgreen)
parallelput (12)
delay (5000)
parallelput (2)
drawfillbox (200, 25, 321, 275, 7)
drawbox (199, 24, 322, 276, black)
Font.Draw ("THE CAR IS GOING TO STOP", 130, 350, font, 7)
drawfilloval (261, 150, 30, 30, yellow)
drawfilloval (261, 75, 30, 30, brightgreen)
parallelput (12)
parallelput (1)
delay (5000)
drawfillbox (200, 25, 321, 275, 7)
drawbox (199, 24, 322, 276, black)
Font.Draw ("THE CAR HAS STOPPED", 150, 350, font, 7)
drawfilloval (261, 225, 30, 30, 12)
parallelput (9)
%loop command, keeps the program going
%ends loop
end loop
end loop
%ends if statement
end if
%ends loop