Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2006 11:38 pm Post subject: Reading Records Problem
Alright before i list what my error is i'll just explain to you what im trying to accomplish so your not totally lost. I have a record file which contains the name of the albulm how many tracks are on the albulm and the songs that are on it. Im trying to take the users request of a song and tell them what albulm it is on.
Here's my attempt ..
procedure songEntered (text : string)
Get % Opens record
put "The song is found on the following cd's : "
get : sn, cdname : *, tracknum
for i : 1 .. tracknum
get : sn, song : *
if song = GUI.GetText (songTextField) then
put cdname
end if
end for
exit when eof (sn)
end loop
close (sn)
dispose % Disposes of TextField
choice % creates search and new buttons
end songEntered