setscreen ("graphics:700;max,position:center;center,nobuttonbar,offscreenonly")
var x, y, button, paddlex, paddley := 100
var cpux, cpuy := maxx div 2 % x and y value of paddle
var ballx, bally : real := 100 % x and y value of ball
var dx, dy : real := 0 % difference in x and y value for ball
var cpuxd, cpuyd := 1 % difference in x and y value for comp paddle
var maxspeed := 3 % maximum speed for comp paddle
var numofhits : int := 0
var maxballspeed : int := 3
var a, b : int := 0
var paddler : int := 35
var ballr : int := 30
cpuy := maxy - 100
ballx := maxx div 2
bally := maxy div 2
proc drawscreen
drawfillbox (0, 0, maxx, maxy, red) % Border
drawfillbox (20, 20, maxx - 20, maxy - 20, 1) %Background
drawfillbox (20, maxy div 2 - 150, maxx - 20, maxy div 2 - 155, red) % bottom line from center
drawfillbox (20, maxy div 2 + 150, maxx - 20, maxy div 2 + 155, red) % top line from center
drawfillbox (20, 20, maxx - 20, 30, grey) % bottom
drawfillbox (maxx div 2 - 70, 20, maxx div 2 + 70, 40, black) % net
drawfillbox (20, maxy - 20, maxx - 20, maxy - 30, grey) % top
drawfillbox (maxx div 2 - 70, maxy - 20, maxx div 2 + 70, maxy - 40, black) % net
drawfillbox (20, maxy div 2, maxx - 20, maxy div 2 + 5, grey) %center line
%Center Circle
drawfilloval (maxx div 2, maxy div 2, 80, 80, grey)
drawfilloval (maxx div 2, maxy div 2, 70, 70, 1)
drawfilloval (maxx div 2, maxy div 2, 10, 10, grey)
% Left top circle
drawfilloval (maxx div 2 - 200, maxy div 2 + 250, 70, 70, grey)
drawfilloval (maxx div 2 - 200, maxy div 2 + 250, 60, 60, 1)
% Right top circle
drawfilloval (maxx div 2 + 200, maxy div 2 + 250, 70, 70, grey)
drawfilloval (maxx div 2 + 200, maxy div 2 + 250, 60, 60, 1)
% Right bottom
drawfilloval (maxx div 2 + 200, maxy div 2 - 250, 70, 70, grey)
drawfilloval (maxx div 2 + 200, maxy div 2 - 250, 60, 60, 1)
% Left bottom
drawfilloval (maxx div 2 - 200, maxy div 2 - 250, 70, 70, grey)
drawfilloval (maxx div 2 - 200, maxy div 2 - 250, 60, 60, 1)
if ballx > 35 and ballx < maxx - 35 and bally > 35 and bally < maxy - 35 then
drawfilloval (round (ballx), round (bally), ballr, ballr, black)
end if
drawfilloval (paddlex, paddley, paddler, paddler, 12)
drawfilloval (cpux, cpuy, paddler, paddler, 12)
locate (1, 1)
put "Computer score:", a
locate (1, 30)
put "Player score:", b
end drawscreen
proc detection
%if the ball hits either end then make it go in the opposite direction
if ballx > maxx - 35 then
dx := abs (dx) * -1
elsif ballx < 35 then
dx := abs (dx)
end if
%if the ball hits either side then make it go in the opposite direction
if bally > maxy - 35 then
dy := abs (dy) * -1
elsif bally < 35 then
dy := abs (dy)
end if
%if the distance between the ball and the paddle is less than 50 (touching) then change direction
if abs (sqrt ((ballx - paddlex) ** 2 + (bally - paddley) ** 2)) < 50 then
dx := (ballx - paddlex) / 10 %the ball will go back in the same direction at the same
dy := (bally - paddley) / 10 %angle at which it came into the paddle
end if
if (sqrt ((ballx - cpux) ** 2 + (bally - cpuy) ** 2)) < paddler + ballr then
dx := (ballx - cpux) / 10
dy := (bally - cpuy) / 10
numofhits := numofhits + 1
end if
end detection
if bally < maxy - 75 then
numofhits := 0
end if
if numofhits > 3 then
cpux := maxx div 2
end if
mousewhere (x, y, button)
if y + paddler > maxy div 2 then %if the mouse is above the center line, the paddle stays at center line
paddley := maxy div 2 - paddler
elsif y < paddler + 20 then
paddley := paddler + 20
paddley := y
end if
if x > maxx - paddler + 20 then %if the mouse is off the screen to the right then make the paddle be at the
paddlex := maxx - (paddler + 20) %furthest point horizontally on the screen (maxx)
elsif x < paddler + 20 then %**same as above but for the left side**
paddlex := paddler + 20
paddlex := x
end if
ballx += dx %make the ball move
bally += dy %""
cpux := cpux + cpuxd % makes comp paddle move
if cpux > ballx then % checks if cpu x coordinate is greater than ball x coordinate
cpuxd := cpuxd - 1 % comp paddle x value moves negative direction
cpux < ballx then % checks if cpu x coordinate is less than ball x coordinate
cpuxd := cpuxd + 1 % comp paddle x value moves positive direction
end if
% Computer paddle speed doesn't go past assigned maximum speed
if cpuxd > maxspeed then %
cpuxd := maxspeed
elsif cpuxd < maxspeed * -1 then
cpuxd := maxspeed * -1
end if
% Keeps computer paddle inside the table
if cpux > maxx - 100 then
cpux := maxx - 100
cpux < 100 then
cpux := 100
end if
if ballx > maxx div 2 - 70 and ballx < maxx div 2 + 70 and bally < 35 then
a := a + 1
ballx := maxx div 2
bally := maxy div 2
delay (500)
elsif ballx > maxx div 2 - 70 and ballx < maxx div 2 + 70 and bally > maxy - 35 then
b := b + 1
ballx := maxx div 2
bally := maxy div 2
delay (500)
end if
end loop |