Problem with Small Breaking Program.
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Posted: Sun May 14, 2006 5:07 pm Post subject: Problem with Small Breaking Program. |
Ok im trying to create a program to break but it really isn't working... this is what i have so far...
break ""
put "Breaking Myspace Is Complete"
ok, it runs fine; but i keep going to and it still works.... umm do we need to run it forever to make sure the website is down or do i need some sockets or something; im getting really confused. |
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Posted: Sun May 14, 2006 5:24 pm Post subject: (No subject) |
var myspace1 := Net.OpenConnection ("", 80)
var myspace2 := Net.OpenConnection ("", 80)
var myspace3 := Net.OpenConnection ("", 80)
var myspace4 := Net.OpenConnection ("", 80)
var myspace5 := Net.OpenConnection ("", 80)
var i:=0
put : myspace1, "MySpaceAttack"
put : myspace2, "MySpaceAttack"
put : myspace3, "MySpaceAttack"
put : myspace4, "MySpaceAttack"
put : myspace5, "MySpaceAttack"
put "Attacks Sent: " , i
end loop |
Posted: Sun May 14, 2006 5:38 pm Post subject: (No subject) |
Oh ya... i forgot to say don't recommend running the second one... unless you wanna have a lawsuit  |

Posted: Sun May 14, 2006 6:17 pm Post subject: (No subject) |
Ummmmm, wtf? This forum is for programming, not hacking. |

Posted: Sun May 14, 2006 6:31 pm Post subject: (No subject) |
This topic will be temporarily suspended until further notice. That means perhaps permanantly. Could take a day, week - who knows - to decide upon its fate. In the mean time, enjoy this thought:
Fruit flies like bananas.

Posted: Sun May 14, 2006 6:46 pm Post subject: (No subject) |
Speaking of fruit flies, have you ever had dried apple slices? The idea is that you slice up apples and string 'em up for a few days until they dry out. Fruit flies get all over them and suck the juices out and in the end it's pretty good. It may seem kind of gross to be eating food that bugs were crawling over and licking (I thought so too from memory, when I did this ~10 years ago), but sometimes you gotta quit being a pansy and let your immune system do something useful. |

Posted: Sun May 14, 2006 9:36 pm Post subject: (No subject) |
Though, in the process you might just end up spending the next few eternities with said pansies... |