this will help (from the turing help thing):
Dir.Get Part of Dir module
Syntax Dir.Get (streamNumber : int) : string
Description Dir.Get is part of a series of four subprograms that help users get directory listings. Dir.Get is used to get the file names in the directory. Each time the function is called, it returns the next file name in the directory. The names are not sorted. When there are no more file names in the directory, Dir.Get returns the empty string.
Details If the Dir.Get call fails, then Error.Last will return a non-zero value indicating the reason for the failure. Error.LastMsg will return a string which contains the textual version of the error.
Example This program prints a listing of all the files in the directory datafiles.
var streamNumber : int
var fileName : string
streamNumber := Dir.Open ("datafiles")
assert streamNumber > 0
fileName := Dir.Get (streamNumber)
exit when fileName = ""
put fileName
end loop
Dir.Close (streamNumber)