View.Set ("graphics:550,400, offscreenonly, nobuttonbar, title:Snake")
var x, y, dir, font, score, foodx, foody, speed, speedfactor, bodycount : int
var chars : array char of boolean
var moving, pauser, gameOver, setfood : boolean
var bodyx, bodyy : flexible array 0 .. 0 of int
x := 28
y := 18
dir := 1
score := 0
moving := false
pauser := false
gameOver := false
setfood := false
speed := 0
speedfactor := 5
bodycount := 0
font := Font.New ("Impact:14")
% lets say 1 in terms of direction = up
proc drawgrid
% Draw a 10x10 grid background
for i : 1 .. maxx by 10
for j : 1 .. maxy by 10
drawbox (i - 1, j - 1, i + 9, j + 9, black)
end for
end for
drawfillbox (0, maxy - 49, maxx, maxy, grey)
end drawgrid
proc controls
% This is the main game loop
Input.KeyDown (chars)
if chars (KEY_UP_ARROW) and dir not= 2 then
dir := 1
if moving = false then
moving := true
end if
elsif chars (KEY_DOWN_ARROW) and dir not= 1 then
dir := 2
if moving = false then
moving := true
end if
elsif chars (KEY_LEFT_ARROW) and dir not= 4 then
dir := 3
if moving = false then
moving := true
end if
elsif chars (KEY_RIGHT_ARROW) and dir not= 3 then
dir := 4
if moving = false then
moving := true
end if
end if
if chars (KEY_ENTER) then
if pauser = false then
pauser := true
elsif pauser = true then
pauser := false
end if
end if
end controls
proc move
% controls should go first and then check if moving has begun then
% Snake Shifting code here
if bodycount > 0 then
bodyx (1) := x
bodyy (1) := y
if bodycount > 1 then
for decreasing i : bodycount .. 2
bodyx (i) := bodyx (i - 1)
bodyy (i) := bodyy (i - 1)
end for
end if
end if
if moving = true then
speed += speedfactor
if speed mod 10 = 0 then
if dir = 1 then
y += 1
elsif dir = 2 then
y -= 1
elsif dir = 3 then
x -= 1
elsif dir = 4 then
x += 1
end if
speed := 0
end if
end if
end move
proc ohnoes
% Handles Game Over/ Restart
if x <= 0 or x * 10 >= maxx or y <= 0 or y * 10 >= maxy - 50 then
x := 28
y := 18
moving := false
%pauser := true
gameOver := true
score := 0
dir := 0
bodycount := 0
new bodyx, bodycount
new bodyy, bodycount
end if
end ohnoes
proc HUD
Font.Draw ("SCORE :" + intstr (score), 20, maxy - 40, font, black)
if pauser = true then
Font.Draw ("PAUSED", maxx div 2 - 100, maxy - 40, font, red)
end if
end HUD
proc food
% Food Code
if setfood = false then
setfood := true
randint (foodx, 1, maxx div 10)
randint (foody, 1, maxy div 10 - 5)
end if
drawfilloval (foodx * 10 + 5, foody * 10 + 5, 5, 5, red)
if x = foodx and y = foody then
bodycount += 1
new bodyx, bodycount
new bodyy, bodycount
score += 1
setfood := false
end if
end food
if pauser = false then
end if
locate (3, 18)
put x, " ", y, " = ", foodx, " ", foody, " ", bodycount, " ", upper (bodyx), " " ..
delay (5)
drawfillbox (x * 10, y * 10, x * 10 + 10, y * 10 + 10, 1)
for decreasing i : bodycount .. 1
drawfillbox (bodyx (i) * 10, bodyy (i) * 10, bodyx (i) * 10 + 10, bodyy (i) * 10 + 10, i)
end for
end loop