% The "IntruderAlert" program
%D0 (pin2) sends power to the emitter.
%D1 (pin3) activates the IR been when the Arm boxis clicked
%I0 (pin10) connects to the IR receiver. I0 is 1 id the emitter is given
%power and the IR receiver is receiving the bea.
% These are the locations of the boxes. (x1,y1) is the lower left corner
% of the box and (x2,y2) is the upper-right corner.
const armBoxX1 := 20
const armBoxY1 := 270
const armBoxX2 := 80
const armBoxY2 := 310
const disarmBoxX1 := 20
const disarmBoxY1 := 210
const disarmBoxX2 := 80
const disarmBoxY2 := 250
const quitBoxX1 := 20
const quitBoxY1 := 150
const quitBoxX2 := 80
const quitBoxY2 := 190
% For this computer, 63 means that light is shining on the reciever.
% The receiver is receiving light from the emitter.
% For this computer, 127 means that light is not shinning on the receiver.
% The beam is broken.
setscreen ("graphics")
% x,y is the mosition of the mouse.
% button is the variable determining if the mouse button is pressed.
var x, y, button : int
var value : int
% armed indicates whether or not the alarm is currently armed
var armed : boolean := false
% Draws the titles.
colour (red)
locatexy (230, 380)
put "Home Security System"
locatexy (0, 320)
colour (black)
put "Control Panel"
% Draws the "Quit" box.
drawbox (quitBoxX1, quitBoxY1, quitBoxX2, quitBoxY2, black)
locatexy (quitBoxX1 + 20, quitBoxY1 + 20)
colour (black)
put "Quit" ..
% Draws the "Disarm" box.
drawbox (disarmBoxX1, disarmBoxY1, disarmBoxX2, disarmBoxY2, green)
locatexy (disarmBoxX1 + 10, disarmBoxY1 + 20)
colour (green)
put "Disarm" ..
% Draws the "Arm" box.
drawbox (armBoxX1, armBoxY1, armBoxX2, armBoxY2, red)
locatexy (armBoxX1 + 20, armBoxY1 + 20)
colour (red)
put "Arm" ..
% Locates the current mouse position
mousewhere (x, y, button)
if quitBoxX1 <= x and x <= quitBoxX2 and
quitBoxY1 <= y and y <= quitBoxY2 and button = 1 then
% If the Quit box is clicked, sets all pins on parallel port to 0.
% The system is now shut down.
locatexy (200, 200)
colour (black)
put "The Security System is Shut Down"
parallelput (0)
locatexy (200, 180)
put ""
elsif disarmBoxX1 <= x and x <= disarmBoxX2 and
disarmBoxY1 <= y and y <= disarmBoxY2 and button = 1 then
% If the Disarm box is clicked, sets all pins on parallel port to 0.
% to shut off infrared emitter.
%The program continues to wait for another command.
locatexy (200, 200)
colour (green)
put "The Security System is Disarmed"
parallelput (0)
armed := false
locatexy (200, 180)
put ""
elsif armBoxX1 <= x and x <= armBoxX2 and
armBoxY1 <= y and y <= armBoxY2 and button = 1 then
% If the Arm box is clicked, sets D0 pin to 1 to the
% activating the emitter.
locatexy (200, 200)
colour (red)
put "The Security System is Armed"
parallelput (1)
armed := true
end if
% If the system is armed, tests the results of the IR receiver by
% checking the input pin I0 on the parallel port
if armed then
value := parallelget
if (value div 64) mod 2 = 1 then
% If I0 is 1, the Ir receiver is getting light.
locatexy (200, 180)
put "Situation normal. No intruders detected"
% if I0 is 0, the beam has been interrupted
locatexy (200, 180)
%Set d0 and d1. d) continues to providee power and D1
%starts the buzzer.
parallelput (3)
end if
end if
end loop