setscreen ("graphics:max,max,offscreenonly")
colorback (black)
var row, column : int
var x : int
x := 1
var v : int
var u : int
var c : int
var count : int
var g : int
var k : int
var countx, county : int
var x1, y1 : int
var a, b : int
var x2, y2 : int
a := 420
b := 50
c := black
countx := 10
county := 7
x2 := 1000
y2 := 300
var h : array 1 .. 4 of int := init (150, 400, 270, 10)
var d : array 1 .. 4 of int := init (250, 250, 400, 10)
g := 1300
k := 600
Draw.FillBox (150, 50, 400, 250, brightred) %house box
Draw.FillBox (401, 50, 620, 160, brightgreen) %Garage
Draw.FillBox (420, 50, 601, 140, brightblue) %Garage Door
Draw.FillBox (350, 140, 300, 170, grey) %house window Right side
Draw.FillBox (200, 140, 250, 170, grey) %house window Left side
Draw.FillBox (1800, 1, 1, 50, green) %Grass in front
Draw.FillBox (250, 110, 200, 50, grey) %Door
drawfillbox (205, 250, 250, 400, red) %Chiminy
Draw.FillBox (a, b, 601, 70, black) %Garage part2
Draw.FillPolygon (h, d, 3, 1) %Roof of house
a := a
b := b + 5
exit when b > 170
delay (150)
colorback (c)
drawfilloval (g, k, 20, 20, yellow)
if b > 170
drawfillbox (475, 120, 480, 125, white)
drawfillbox (520, 120, 525, 125, white)
end if
end loop
var h : array 1 .. 4 of int := init (150, 400, 270, 10)
var d : array 1 .. 4 of int := init (250, 250, 400, 10)
Draw.FillBox (150, 50, 400, 250, brightred) %house box
Draw.FillBox (401, 50, 620, 160, brightgreen) %Garage
Draw.FillBox (420, 50, 601, 140, brightblue) %Garage Door
Draw.FillBox (350, 140, 300, 170, grey) %house window Right side
Draw.FillBox (200, 140, 250, 170, grey) %house window Left side
Draw.FillBox (1800, 1, 1, 50, green) %Grass in front
Draw.FillBox (250, 110, 200, 50, grey) %Door
drawfillbox (205, 250, 250, 400, red) %Chiminy
Draw.FillBox (a, b, 601, 70, black) %Garage part2
Draw.FillPolygon (h, d, 3, 1) %Roof of house
drawfillbox (475, 120, 480, 125, white)
drawfillbox (520, 120, 525, 125, white)
delay (150)
colorback (c)
drawfilloval (x2, y2, 20, 20, yellow)
exit when x2 = 0
x2 := x - countx
y2 := y2 - county
if y2 > 500 then
county := 0
if x < 250 then
county := -7
end if
end if
end loop