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Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2005 3:25 am Post subject: Working??? |
Whats your job?
How long you work??
And on what days??
and add your pay...
is it worth it???
Im a dishwasher...
I work long hours, from 10++
I work ALL days exept for SUNDAY for 1 more week, then on everyday...
And get paid $8.00 an hour...
It is NOT worth it, see i though if i had a job id have money to get a new comp or a car, game system, anything really, but meh..
I have no more time to do what i want, im a slave, and money has now become usless to me.. I cant even play with turing anymore.. no more time to play games. i mean its fucking 3:30am here, and i have to sleep cause i gotta wake up at 11am... thank god im out of school..
Holly shit work sucks, dont you agree???
I am a slave, untill i quit, but this world is based on slavery, and there are 3 ways to escape it, 1) Dieing, (which is not in my books) 2) living homless and poor (Not in my books ither) or 3) Getting lots of money fast to avoid having to spave a job for years of your life... (which i want to do)
So heres some questions...
If you wanted to get rich, honestly plausible, and feasable, possible, how would you do it??
In my opinion, theres 2 ways, the hard way which has 0 consiquences, or the easy way, which has devistating consiquences, lets here them all.
Note: I dont want anything about having a profession such as a doctor or loyar.. but maybe an invention.. what would you invent and how?? |
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Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2005 8:57 am Post subject: (No subject) |
I work as a Web Developer
7 hours a day, 5 days a week
salary based, works out to be something like $14/hour. That's before taxes though. Smack middle in the earn range for first years. You should actually ask Martin how much he was making at National Defence
Want to get rich?
How does $430 000 in.. 2 month sound? Times article |

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2005 9:52 am Post subject: (No subject) |
Post-secondary prof.
15 hours a week instruction time.
About twice that prepping, researching, marking.
Usually 2 hours or so weekly of meetings and/or conferences.
Works out to about 60$ hourly, depending on the type of classes being taught - for actual instruction time only.
...and I love my job. |

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2005 11:14 am Post subject: (No subject) |
Senior Bosun, Senior Race Bosun
~~40 hours a week, plus extra hours for events (7 days a week, and time of day)
$12 an hour, although I'll probably get more next year
It's so worth it. Half of the time I sit there doing nothing and getting paid; the other half I'm doing little work, or giving others work to do. And I get to drive motor boats. Best job there is  |

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2005 11:22 am Post subject: (No subject) |
Wait, why is our resident Supreme NoobCake a prof??
Audio-Visual Technician
University of Waterloo's Audio Visual Media and Classroom Services department.
Monthly salary, but it works out to about 13 ish per hour... 8:00 - 4:30 Mon-Fri working days, I've worked for 15 minutes overtime once.. lol
I love my job D
My previous job was working in a factory fixing HP computers ... $8/hour... :/ I passed out at work once. Let's just leave it at that. |

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2005 12:31 pm Post subject: Re: Working??? |
Whats your job?
Porgaming CMS (content mangment systems) and other things for the CWN (Canadain Water Network) witch is a orgaration that is party ran by U of W.
How long you work??
I worked there over the summer, still on a contrate bases now. Could be doing some work for them over the school year.
And on what days??
Week days, some times had firdays off.
and add your pay...
About $12/h probly a bit more if you work it out, this is affter tax.....
is it worth it???
Yes.......... |
Computer Science Canada
Help with programming in C, C++, Java, PHP, Ruby, Turing, VB and more! |
Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2005 4:18 pm Post subject: (No subject) |
Whats your job?
Lay about
How long you work??
12 hours a day, the other 12 spent sleeping
And on what days??
Monday - Sunday
and add your pay...
$0 hr
is it worth it?
No! |

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2005 4:57 pm Post subject: (No subject) |
Whats your job?
Internet Technical Support
How long you work??
20 Hours a Week
And on what days??
Sunday/Saturday, Tuesday/Thursday
and add your pay...
is it worth it???
They couldn't pay me enough.
The "suthern" states in the U.S. are the nexus of human stupidity. |
Sponsor Sponsor


Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2005 8:33 pm Post subject: (No subject) |
Code monkey for Epson Avasys in Matsumoto, Japan.
How long?
40+ hours/week, Monday-Friday.
No idea. 2000 yen/hour?
Worth it?
Hell yes. Japan is awesome. |