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 zylum3D v2
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 20, 2005 4:57 am   Post subject: zylum3D v2

im going to my cottage for 10 days tomorrow morning (well actually in a couple of hours Laughing) so i decided to completely redo my 3D engine from scratch. Its not quite done but its almost there and i though maybe someone could finish it up while im gone 8).

im quite pleased with how it came out so far and im pretty sure its the fastest turing 3D engine out there (sorry catalyst, rizzix and homer Twisted Evil)

on my crappy box (733MHz) its rendering 320 polys at about 20 fps.

this version features:

- A massive speed boost
- Shaded polys
- Custom object colors
- Repositionable light source
- Can choose to render wireframe, shaded or both
- HUGE library of models (6 - 8 lol)
- Reads .ply file types for

the only thing that its lacking is the perspective... if anyone can implement it before i get back, it would be awesome!

Details about 3D engine:

ONLY reads .ply format files. once you generate your ply file from where ever, you must remove the header from the file and only leave the amount of vertices and number of polygons. if you have any trouble just look at the models i have provided.


There are only a few methods associated with the 3d class, these include:


takes the file name as an argument and loads the model.

rotateModel(int, int, int)

the three arguments are the amount of degrees you want to rotate the
model from if current position. rotation occures along the x,y and z axis.


moves the model in the specified x, y and z directions


takes a percentage and scales the model to that percentage of its current size


changes the base color of the model. all other shades are automatically generated.

renderModel (boolean, boolean)

renders the model. the two areguments specify whether to show wireframe and/or faces

numberOfFaces : int

returns the amount of faces in the model

setLightVector (real, real, real)

sets the direction the light source is pointing at. the light source is place at an infinite distance from the object. you can only change at what angle its pointing at the object. it takes in a vector (broken into its x,y,z components)[/list]


 Filename:  zylum3Dv2.rar
 Filesize:  27.65 KB
 Downloaded:  521 Time(s)


PostPosted: Sat Aug 20, 2005 8:13 am   Post subject: (No subject)

What can I say other than, "Incredible, Zylum!"?

When you say, adding perspective, are you referring to how the camera sees the objects, or how the light bounces off the objects (that is, moving the light to a position other than infinately far away)?

PostPosted: Sat Aug 20, 2005 4:06 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

Amazing! That's some incredible ASCII art you have there zylum!
No, but this is the best Turing creation we have had in a long time, maybe even best ever Smile.

Now you just have to add texture mapping and stuff like that, and you're on your way of making a full 3D game in Turing Smile.

So far I only ran it on my p500, and it ran pretty good. 671 polygons at 5 fps.

Anways, amazing, incredible, fabulous!!

PostPosted: Tue Aug 30, 2005 12:19 am   Post subject: (No subject)

Cervantes wrote:
What can I say other than, "Incredible, Zylum!"?

When you say, adding perspective, are you referring to how the camera sees the objects, or how the light bounces off the objects (that is, moving the light to a position other than infinately far away)?

i meant how the camera views the objects. the light thing can be fixed easily, this is just the early stages of my engine. im also planning on adding the option to give each face its own color but i have to find a file format that will allow for that.

PostPosted: Sat Sep 03, 2005 9:39 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

can u put a turing winrar is messed up ad i cant re-install... Confused

PostPosted: Sun Sep 11, 2005 11:28 am   Post subject: (No subject)

El Comandante wrote:
can u put a turing winrar is messed up ad i cant re-install... Confused
It's way too many files (including models) to put up as source files, but here's a .zip for you. You don't need WinRAR for that.
Zylum's amazing 3D engine, now in ZIP! ;)

 Filesize:  29.46 KB
 Downloaded:  245 Time(s)


PostPosted: Sun Sep 11, 2005 5:40 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

i have been working on a ripoff version of windows and thought that it might amaze some people but then i saw this and only had one thing to say about it ... THIS IS AWESOME. It's too bad turing can't use a computer's 3D hardware, then you can really make cool stuff. but still, it's realy cool. I have kinda figured out a way to do texture but its really complicated. I'm working on it right now and will post it when i'm done and don't worry zylum, i will give you the credit you deserve, after all, you were the one who designed this program from the start.

PostPosted: Sun Sep 11, 2005 7:09 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

yeah sounds good....

i can do textures too but theyre *really* slow so theres no point.... if you can manage to get 20+ frames per second with a textured cube then good job Wink

PostPosted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 12:02 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

Wow... that's amazing... very nice work once again, zylum

PostPosted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 3:34 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

zylum wrote:
i can do textures too but theyre *really* slow so theres no point.... if you can manage to get 20+ frames per second with a textured cube then good job Wink

How about you post/send it, and I'll see what I can do Wink.

So, any updates?

PostPosted: Wed May 23, 2007 3:20 pm   Post subject: Re: zylum3D v2

Can anyone make an exe file from this. I want to see a demo of how it works, but I don't have turing.

PostPosted: Wed May 23, 2007 5:16 pm   Post subject: Re: zylum3D v2

Sure thing, just extract and run.


 Filename:  Engine.rar
 Filesize:  254.29 KB
 Downloaded:  194 Time(s)


PostPosted: Thu May 24, 2007 12:15 pm   Post subject: RE:zylum3D v2

weirod, fun.....i like it!
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