Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 11:59 am Post subject: Bleach
HAHAH I just need to type this.
that was sick.
Anyhow, who all watch Bleach and what are some other good animes to watch over this summer break?
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Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 12:01 pm Post subject: (No subject)
You and your silly BS (I'm guessing).
/me goes and watches Kenshin while waiting for RSS feed update
Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 12:03 pm Post subject: (No subject)
"BS" as in Bleach Society? then yes..
I switched over to them because of their translation- they use the actual words ( i think ) at least it sounds more..jap
But i hate their video it gets suck sometimes- except for this eps- perfect-- and the best eps i have to say.
Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 12:27 pm Post subject: (No subject)
And Amailer, if you havn't seen Kenshin (TV), do your self a favour and see at least the first 2 seasons. You'll really like it, what with the slashing swords, and surmounting dialogue (damn Kenshin used to waffle on, and on, and on...)
Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 12:55 pm Post subject: (No subject)
It get really gay at times, but the cool parts are cool and make it all worth it. I've heard so many people talk about Ep 39, but stupid Lunar is taking their sweet time to release this ep because of the new ending theme. ...B4stards. I'm in no position to watch the RAW, it would ruin it for me, but alas, Lunar is my favourite translators, so I'll stick with them.
Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 12:58 pm Post subject: (No subject)
I just recently watched FMA-- one sick amazing anime
I'm gonna try watching Kenshin- but its hard to find-- thought I did manage to dl some torrents of it..
Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 1:09 pm Post subject: (No subject)
Season1/2 used to be there. Wonder what happened to them. S3/4 is there though. And with plenty of seeders.
Update: Bah, I'm too impatient. I hope "Bleach Society" doesn't suck. I hate betraying Lunar, but they're really taking too long. Ep 40 is two days away and 39 isn't even done yet.
Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 3:56 pm Post subject: (No subject)
woah guys.. i've started this one its called "Monster"... SICK!!!! you have to watch it... i'm on episode # 4 right now... it could be better than FMA.. but it is too early to judge... anyways.. animation wise it rocks.. the storyline also seems to be pretty cool...
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Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 4:18 pm Post subject: (No subject)
At least it's good though. It's been a long time since I've seen something unexpected happen in any Anime in a long time.
Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 4:29 pm Post subject: (No subject)
Ending of what?
Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 5:06 pm Post subject: (No subject)
Ep 39. Duh
Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 5:39 pm Post subject: (No subject)
.........Has the Bleach Musical been put on stage yet??? I believe it was supposed to be sometime this month.. >_<
GUH no spoilers though, I've only seen up to ep 15 ;___;
Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 6:03 pm Post subject: (No subject)
Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 7:18 pm Post subject: (No subject)
Amailer wrote:
I just recently watched FMA-- one sick amazing anime
I'm gonna try watching Kenshin- but its hard to find-- thought I did manage to dl some torrents of it..
Sorry Amailer. Wrong Kenshin. Those are the highly acclaimed, unsurpassed, masterful Kenshin OVA's. Rurouni Kenshin: Tsuioku Hen.
All other posts in this thread were in reference to Rurouni Kenshin, TV series - the one with 95 eps. On Animenfo, it usually ranks around 16-18.
Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 8:29 pm Post subject: (No subject)
I don't follow the anime but I follow the manga, I think it progresses further? what happened in episode 39? Let me guess, the Ichigo vs Captain of the 13th team?
Now go watch Samurai Champloo!!!!!!!!
Or actually, watch Yakitate Japan, it's a manga/anime that's about the world of bread baking. (Yes, I said bread baking. No, it does not suck)