Posted: Thu May 19, 2005 10:53 am Post subject: SHOOTING
[b][i] i have a problem with shooting....i can only shoot 1 bullet at a time and then cannot move until my bullet comes off the screen. I want to be able to shoot continuosly and move a tthe same time.
var x, x2, y, y2 : int := 200
var input : array char of boolean
setscreen ("offscreenonly")
colorback (black)
drawfillbox (50, 110, 40, 280, white)
drawfillbox (590, 110, 600, 280, white)
drawfillbox (490, 0, 500, 25, white)
drawfillbox (490, 375, 500, maxy, white)
drawfillbox (125, 375, 135, maxy, white)
drawfillbox (125, 0, 135, 25, white)
drawfilloval (320, 190, 50, 50, white)
drawfilloval (450, 200, 7, 7, brightblue)
drawfilloval (x, y, 7, 7, brightred)
Input.KeyDown (input)
if input (KEY_UP_ARROW) then
y := y + 5
elsif input (KEY_DOWN_ARROW) then
y := y - 5
elsif input (KEY_LEFT_ARROW) then
x := x - 5
elsif input (KEY_RIGHT_ARROW) then
x := x + 5
elsif input (KEY_CTRL) then
% colour (0)
% locate(1, 1)
% put x
for s : x .. maxx
if s > x + 20 then
drawline (s - 11, y, s + 1, y, black)
drawline (s - 10, y, s, y, white)
delay (2)
end if
end for
end if
delay (20)
end loop
if x = (somewhere between 0 to maxx) then
x -=1
end if
if whatdotcolor (x , y) = blue then
(whatever you want it to do.)
end if
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Posted: Thu May 19, 2005 11:52 am Post subject: (No subject)
Listen, I want to help you but frankly I need you to help me first.
Y'see, there's this friend of mine... a girl ( ). And I want to ask her out. Because, I like her.
What should I do? I haven't seen her in a long time becaue she went away. People kept telling me I should just ask her but I'm scared. What if she doesn't feel the same way about me? I'll just look like an idiot and make her feel embarassed!
If you can give me some good advice, I'll be able to figure out something with your source code.
Posted: Thu May 19, 2005 11:56 am Post subject: (No subject)
Using usernames that confick with other users or are insulting are agaisted the rules. There for i will have to ban you unless you pm with a new user name by the time i get home from work........
Computer Science CanadaHelp with programming in C, C++, Java, PHP, Ruby, Turing, VB and more!
Posted: Thu May 19, 2005 12:02 pm Post subject: (No subject)
Wow, you both have interesting problems, and I wish I could help you guys out; but I have an even bigger problem!
See I have this thing where I can't help either of you until I find some way of getting my avatar hosted somewhere stable for the summer. What good am I to the compsci comunity without an avatar?!
Posted: Thu May 19, 2005 12:07 pm Post subject: (No subject)
That rough, Cornflake. I'm sorry, I just feel like such an ass now for being so focussed on my own stupid problems. I can think of a few solutions here:
I've got some webspace with my ISP. It's 20MB or so, and I'm using maybe 5 right now... I don't know, think that'll be enough?
o wait1!!!11 i kno what u can do!
the_short1 has shaw cable servcers that u can host on!!!!!
if you give him bits * he will let you pm him a pic so upload!!!! u can use irfanview to make the pic relly kewl.
I can donate some bits to such a cause if necessary. Good luck, Cornflake.
Posted: Thu May 19, 2005 12:09 pm Post subject: (No subject)
Lain dose not like you fake dan........
What isn't remembered,
never happened.
Memory is merely a record...
you just need to
rewrite that record.
User hacker_dan has been added to the ban list.
Posted: Thu May 19, 2005 12:22 pm Post subject: (No subject)
Lain... hmm yes I remember that name... Lain.....
you must know dan somehow (in real life)... Lain... hmm yes.
Posted: Thu May 19, 2005 12:26 pm Post subject: (No subject)
If acactions of the few users from this school do not stop one of the falowing repsones will be taken by this site:
1. ban all ips from this school
2. report you to shcool borad system admin
3. report you to the high school system admin
4. reprot you to the admistration of the high school
Unfornly thess acactions could relostes in bad things for the users from this school that are not miss behaving. We are sorry for this but since you go to the same school you could try to concive the few bad peoleop not to rune it for the good.
Computer Science CanadaHelp with programming in C, C++, Java, PHP, Ruby, Turing, VB and more!
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Posted: Thu May 19, 2005 7:41 pm Post subject: (No subject)
Posted: Fri May 20, 2005 8:06 pm Post subject: (No subject)
All this time we've been talking to a flag on the moon?
Posted: Fri May 20, 2005 9:01 pm Post subject: (No subject)
At least it's an uber-leet non anti-aliased professionaly lit and textured Blender flag on a moon.
Or would you prefer Paul's theory?
Posted: Sat May 21, 2005 7:52 am Post subject: (No subject)
Heavens no!
Posted: Sun May 22, 2005 1:10 am Post subject: (No subject)
Coutsos wrote:
Listen, I want to help you but frankly I need you to help me first.
Y'see, there's this friend of mine... a girl ( ). And I want to ask her out. Because, I like her.
What should I do? I haven't seen her in a long time becaue she went away. People kept telling me I should just ask her but I'm scared. What if she doesn't feel the same way about me? I'll just look like an idiot and make her feel embarassed!
If you can give me some good advice, I'll be able to figure out something with your source code.
why not go for it? you never know what the end result is until you do it, and why not? if she doesn't like you then you can move on, but if you never ask you'll never know and you'll just end up regretting... so don't be dumb just do it! and it's cute to find out someone has a crush on you, any girls would be flatter... unless you pick your nose in public