%Dann Westman
%April 8 2005
%Try to escape from the evil haunted house!
setscreen ("graphics:710,500")
colour (white)
colourback (7)
%title and Variables
var door : int
var pick : int
var font : int
var font2 : int
var font3 : int
var font4 : int
var font5 : int
var font6 : int
var font7 : int
var font8 : int
var font9, font10, font11, font12, font13 : int
var switch : int
var pick2, pick3 : int
var pick4, pick7, pick8, pick9 : string
var pick5, pick6 : int
var direction, d2, d3, d4 : string
for d : 14 .. 30
font := Font.New ("Kaufman Bd BT:47: Bold")
delay (300)
Font.Draw (" House on Silent Hill", d, 150, font, d)
end for
font3 := Font.New ("Kaufman Bd BT:20:Bold")
Font.Draw ("By Dann Westman", 0, 100, font3, green)
font7 := Font.New ("Kaufman Bd BT:20:Bold")
Font.Draw ("April 8 2005", 0, 50, font7, red)
Draw.FillBox (250, 350, 460, 480, 8)
Draw.FillBox (260, 350, 290, 390, brown)
Draw.FillBox (270, 360, 280, 380, black)
Draw.FillBox (300, 360, 330, 390, black)
Draw.FillBox (340, 360, 370, 390, black)
Draw.FillBox (380, 360, 410, 390, black)
Draw.FillBox (420, 360, 450, 390, black)
Draw.FillBox (240, 450, 470, 490, brown)
Draw.FillBox (260, 400, 290, 430, black)
Draw.FillBox (300, 400, 330, 430, black)
Draw.FillBox (340, 400, 370, 430, black)
Draw.FillBox (380, 400, 410, 430, black)
Draw.FillBox (420, 400, 450, 430, black)
Draw.FillBox (425, 410, 430, 415, yellow)
Draw.FillBox (440, 410, 435, 415, yellow)
Draw.FillBox (0, 210, 800, 350, green)
delay (3000)
put "You are dared by some of your friends to knock on the door of an abandoned old house."
put "The last thing you remember is a bright light as the door opens and then...nothing."
put "You awake in a room inside the house. You head hurts.You see that all the windows around you are barred!"
put "It is very dark and you need to turn on a light!"
put "There are 3 light switches you find in the dark!"
put "One switch is wired badly.Pretty spooky huh!"
Draw.FillBox (10, 200, 70, 300, grey)
Draw.FillBox (100, 200, 160, 300, grey)
Draw.FillBox (190, 200, 250, 300, grey)
Draw.FillBox (30, 220, 50, 280, yellow)
Draw.FillBox (120, 220, 140, 280, yellow)
Draw.FillBox (210, 220, 230, 280, yellow)
Draw.Line (210, 250, 230, 250, black)
Draw.Line (120, 250, 140, 250, black)
Draw.Line (30, 250, 50, 250, black)
Draw.FillBox (220, 160, 225, 200, red)
Draw.FillStar (210, 160, 240, 100, yellow)
Draw.FillBox (20, 160, 25, 200, red)
Draw.FillBox (120, 160, 125, 200, red)
put "Pick a switch(1,2 or 3)!"
get switch
if switch = 3 then
put "You get a shock and die!"
delay (3000)
font5 := Font.New ("Kaufman Bd BT:100:Bold")
Font.Draw ("THE END!", 0, 300, font5, red)
font6 := Font.New ("Kaufman Bd BT:50:Bold")
Font.Draw ("By Dann Westman", 40, 200, font6, yellow)
delay (90000000)
put "You turn on the light and see 2 doors."
delay (2000)
end if
delay (1000)
font2 := Font.New ("Kaufman Bd BT:60:Bold")
Font.Draw ("Pick a door.", 100, 400, font2, yellow)
Draw.FillBox (100, 300, 200, 150, brown)
Draw.FillBox (310, 300, 410, 150, brown)
Draw.FillBox (110, 240, 190, 280, white)
font9 := Font.New ("Kaufman Bd BT:50:Bold")
Font.Draw ("#1", 100, 50, font9, red)
font10 := Font.New ("Kaufman Bd BT:50:Bold")
Font.Draw ("#2", 350, 50, font10, red)
font8 := Font.New ("Kaufman Bd BT:14:Bold")
Font.Draw ("Stay Out!", 111, 260, font8, black)
put "Which door will you go through?#1 or #2!"
get pick
if pick = 1 then
put "You are killed by a ferocius monster!!!!"
Draw.FillBox (0, 300, 100, 150, brown)
Draw.FillBox (100, 300, 200, 150, blue)
font4 := Font.New ("Kaufman Bd BT:60:Bold")
Font.Draw ("Booga Booga!!!", 0, 400, font4, red)
Draw.FillBox (160, 220, 170, 230, red)
Draw.FillBox (140, 220, 150, 230, red)
Draw.FillBox (140, 200, 170, 210, red)
Draw.FillBox (140, 190, 150, 200, red)
Draw.FillBox (160, 190, 170, 200, red)
delay (4000)
for a : 1 .. 10
font5 := Font.New ("Kaufman Bd BT:100:Bold")
delay (300)
Font.Draw ("THE END!", 0, 300, font5, a)
end for
for b : 1 .. 11
font6 := Font.New ("Kaufman Bd BT:50:Bold")
delay (300)
Font.Draw ("By Dann Westman", 0, 250, font6, b)
end for
for c : 1 .. 12
font := Font.New ("Kaufman Bd BT:50:Bold")
delay (300)
Font.Draw ("April 8 2005", 0, 100, font7, c)
end for
delay (900000)
put "You picked the correct door and go out into a hallway!!!"
Draw.FillBox (0, 300, 100, 150, brown)
Draw.FillBox (100, 300, 200, 150, yellow)
end if
delay (4000)
for d : 1 .. 13
font12 := Font.New ("Kaufman Bd BT:40:Bold")
font13 := Font.New ("Kaufman Bd BT:40:Bold")
Font.Draw ("Left", 50, 20, font12, green)
Font.Draw ("Right", 400, 20, font13, green)
Draw.FillBox (345, 0, 355, 700, blue)
Draw.FillBox (150, 200, 250, 400, brown)
Draw.FillOval (230, 280, 6, 6, yellow)
Draw.FillBox (400, 200, 500, 400, brown)
Draw.FillOval (480, 280, 6, 6, yellow)
Draw.FillBox (420, 330, 480, 380, blue)
Draw.FillOval (450, 450, 10, 10, d)
delay (300)
end for
delay (400)
delay (1000)
put "You enter a hallway."
put "To the right you see a shining orb above the front door!"
put "To the left you see a door at the end of a long hallway."
put "Will you go left(l) or right(r)?"
get direction
if direction = "r" then
put "You try to get past the orb."
put "The orb kills you!"
delay (1000)
Draw.FillBox (0, 0, 700, 700, red)
delay (2000)
for a : 1 .. 10
font5 := Font.New ("Kaufman Bd BT:100:Bold")
delay (300)
Font.Draw ("THE END!", 0, 300, font5, a)
end for
for b : 1 .. 11
font6 := Font.New ("Kaufman Bd BT:50:Bold")
delay (300)
Font.Draw ("By Dann Westman", 0, 250, font6, b)
end for
for c : 1 .. 12
font := Font.New ("Kaufman Bd BT:50:Bold")
delay (300)
Font.Draw ("April 8 2005", 0, 100, font7, c)
delay (900000)
end for
put "You go left and the orb follows close behind you!"
for e : 1 .. 13
Draw.FillOval (350, 250, 20, 20, e)
delay (300)
end for
end if
put "Will you go in the door(d) or fight(f) the myterious figure?"
get d2
if d2 = "f" then
put "You try to fight but it bites your hand off!"
put "Wow,that's upsetting!"
put "Yes, this does mean you lost and the orb kills you!!!"
Draw.FillBox (200, 0, 300, 200, yellow)
Draw.FillBox (200, 200, 300, 300, 12)
Draw.FillOval (250, 250, 20, 15, 12)
Draw.FillOval (150, 100, 30, 20, 12)
Draw.FillOval (200, 200, 50, 50, 12)
Draw.FillOval (300, 200, 20, 20, 12)
Draw.FillOval (250, 150, 40, 15, 12)
delay (6000)
for a : 1 .. 10
font5 := Font.New ("Kaufman Bd BT:100:Bold")
delay (300)
Font.Draw ("THE END!", 0, 300, font5, a)
end for
for b : 1 .. 11
font6 := Font.New ("Kaufman Bd BT:50:Bold")
delay (300)
Font.Draw ("By Dann Westman", 0, 250, font6, b)
end for
for c : 1 .. 12
font := Font.New ("Kaufman Bd BT:50:Bold")
delay (300)
Font.Draw ("April 8 2005", 0, 100, font7, c)
end for
delay (900000)
put "You go in the door and the figure stops by the door as if guarding it."
for f : 1 .. 13
Draw.FillOval (350, 250, 20, 20, f)
delay (300)
end for
delay (3000)
end if
Draw.FillBox (100, 50, 200, 250, brown)
Draw.FillOval (185, 150, 10, 10, yellow)
Draw.FillBox (300, 50, 700, 100, brown)
Draw.FillBox (350, 100, 700, 150, brown)
Draw.FillBox (400, 150, 700, 200, brown)
Draw.FillBox (450, 200, 700, 250, brown)
Draw.FillBox (500, 250, 700, 300, brown)
Draw.FillBox (550, 300, 700, 350, brown)
Draw.FillBox (600, 350, 700, 400, brown)
put "You are in a room with another door and a staircase."
put "The door you came from is now blocked."
put "You decide to go through the door."
delay (7000)
put "You go through the door and are in a candle lit room."
put "On a table you see a piece of paper with a note."
font11 := Font.New ("Kaufman Bd BT:20:Bold")
Draw.FillBox (20, 20, 600, 350, white)
Font.Draw ("I've givin up. This house is", 30, 220, font11, red)
Font.Draw ("driving me insane. I can't get out!You will find", 30, 180, font11, red)
Font.Draw ("my body in the bathroom.Cathy ", 30, 140, font11, red)
delay (20000)
put "You go back out to the large room and go up the staircase."
delay (5000)
put "You are in a long hallway with 4 doors. 3 are bedrooms and one is a bathroom."
put "There is also another staircase at the other end of the hallway."
put "Which will you choose:(1)bedroom,(2)bedroom,(3)bedroom,(4)bathroom,(5)stairs?"
get pick3
if pick3 = 1 then
put "You enter the first bedroom."
put "You see some rotten chicken wings on a table.They look bad.Will you eat them(e) or leave(l)?"
get pick4
if pick4 = "e" then
put "The chicken wings come to life and eat you!!!"
delay (1000)
Draw.FillBox (40, 250, 60, 600, white)
Draw.FillBox (140, 250, 160, 600, white)
Draw.FillBox (240, 200, 260, 600, white)
Draw.FillOval (50, 200, 50, 200, brown)
Draw.FillOval (150, 200, 50, 200, brown)
Draw.FillOval (250, 200, 50, 200, brown)
delay (4000)
for a : 1 .. 10
font5 := Font.New ("Kaufman Bd BT:100:Bold")
delay (300)
Font.Draw ("THE END!", 0, 300, font5, a)
end for
for b : 1 .. 11
font6 := Font.New ("Kaufman Bd BT:50:Bold")
delay (300)
Font.Draw ("By Dann Westman", 0, 250, font6, b)
end for
for c : 1 .. 12
font := Font.New ("Kaufman Bd BT:50:Bold")
delay (300)
Font.Draw ("April 8 2005", 0, 100, font7, c)
end for
delay (900000)
put "You ignore them and leave the room."
end if
elsif pick3 = 2 then
put "you go in the second bedroom."
put "You see nothing of great interest and leave."
elsif pick3 = 3 then
put "You enter the third bedroom."
put "There is a monster in it!"
put "You see a sponge on a table.Will you throw it(y) or (n)?"
get pick7
if pick7 = "y" then
put "You throw the sponge at the monster and it dies!"
put "You run away!"
end if
elsif pick3 = 4 then
put "You go into the bathroom."
put "It smells like someone died in there!"
put "You see a body.Will you eat it(y) or (n)!"
get pick8
if pick8 = "y" then
put "You are one sick son of a B*%#H!!!"
put "You eat it and leave."
put "You leave the bathroom."
end if
put "You go down the stairs."
put "Behind you the stairs collapse!"
put "You can't turn back now!"
end if
delay (4000)
exit when (pick3 = 5)
end loop
put "You are in a small room with 2 doors.Pick a door. (1) or (2)"
get pick9
if pick9 = "1" then
put "You are in a closet."
put "You leave."
put "You go out the back door!"
end if
delay (1000)
exit when (pick9 = "2")
end loop
put "You are outside!"
put "You have escaped the house!"
put "You Win!"
for a : 1 .. 10
font5 := Font.New ("Kaufman Bd BT:100:Bold")
delay (300)
Font.Draw ("You Win!", 0, 300, font5, a)
end for
for b : 1 .. 11
font6 := Font.New ("Kaufman Bd BT:50:Bold")
delay (300)
Font.Draw ("By Dann Westman", 0, 250, font6, b)
end for
for c : 1 .. 12
font := Font.New ("Kaufman Bd BT:50:Bold")
delay (300)
Font.Draw ("April 8 2005", 0, 100, font7, c)
end for |