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 I Need Game Makers
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 07, 2005 9:34 pm   Post subject: I Need Game Makers

Anyways I entered this contest for game making, but it wasn't it pure code you had to use RPG Maker Xp ,A really great tool for Great 2D single player and Very Happy multiplayer RPG's Very Happy !!!

ANyways back to the title I need to recruit some help with people who are interested. If you would like to help just put a message here.
I will post some screenshots form the game so far and some form the editor. Anyways I need people who can make character sets with ripping them. I need osmeone who can learn an offshoot of Ruby called RGSS,
I need some to make or find ambeiant sounds and music (themes,battles and such).

Now without further redo..

PostPosted: Thu Apr 07, 2005 9:43 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

well Chris... I suspect you need to rethink your web hosting alternatives Thinking

PostPosted: Thu Apr 07, 2005 9:49 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

Sry bout that i clicked submit instead of preview on time before I posted picture they are there now.

PostPosted: Thu Apr 07, 2005 10:41 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

Pretty cool looking.

PostPosted: Fri Apr 08, 2005 1:36 am   Post subject: (No subject)

Personaly i am very agisted anyhing RPG maker based on this site b/c it is not coding it is just clicking a mouse buttion for the most part and making scripts that are not true progaming. (Unless of corse you make your own dll files for it but even then u are still using alot of other peoleops code).

If it was me making an RPG i whould rather make my own RPG maker system and then make the RPG (in fact i have done just that for turing and java for compsci class projects....).

Just my option about it tho.......
Computer Science Canada Help with programming in C, C++, Java, PHP, Ruby, Turing, VB and more!

PostPosted: Fri Apr 08, 2005 8:12 am   Post subject: (No subject)

Hacker Dan wrote:
Personaly i am very agisted anyhing RPG maker based on this site b/c it is not coding it is just clicking a mouse buttion for the most part and making scripts that are not true progaming. (Unless of corse you make your own dll files for it but even then u are still using alot of other peoleops code).

If it was me making an RPG i whould rather make my own RPG maker system and then make the RPG (in fact i have done just that for turing and java for compsci class projects....).

Just my option about it tho.......

I Totally agree because I used to be one of those guys on StarCraft who would make those Use Map Settings maps, and once I got into actual programming, I realized it's just for a bunch of noobs that cannot program stuff themselves. If you're looking for sounds or whatever, juss download Bearshare, and search under the .wav section, or any program like that.

But yeah, if this was for like turing or something where you can actually program the commands, or actually program, rather than picking one out from a list, then I'd be in, but I'm done with that stuff.

PostPosted: Fri Apr 08, 2005 10:08 am   Post subject: (No subject)

My main problem with these RPG makers is that they pretty much stifle any creativity.

Before I get into some rants of any length, I'd like to point out the problem with the tilesets.

Tile based maps are great. Possibly one of the best ways to make a map. That said, these tiles are awful. Nothing wrong with the art, just the structure. Tilemaps shouldn't look like tiles. FF3, Chrono Trigger, and Secret of Mana 3 all used tile based maps, but did such a great job of it that you couldn't look at it and immediately tell where one tile ended and the next started. You'll definitely want to read article.

Aside from that, I think these RPG maker programs just give you the tools to make a bad clone of the old Final Fantasy games. Aside from my dislike of that series, I don't see why people only want to make their games like that.
Some people just came here and started bugging me about various things, so I've forgotten other things I wanted to say.

PostPosted: Fri Apr 08, 2005 10:12 am   Post subject: (No subject)

Coutsos wrote:
Aside from that, I think these RPG maker programs just give you the tools to make a bad clone of the old Final Fantasy games. Aside from my dislike of that series, I don't see why people only want to make their games like that.
Some people just came here and started bugging me about various things, so I've forgotten other things I wanted to say.

You dislike Final Fantasy?! Get out.

PostPosted: Fri Apr 08, 2005 10:44 am   Post subject: (No subject)

martin wrote:
Coutsos wrote:
Aside from that, I think these RPG maker programs just give you the tools to make a bad clone of the old Final Fantasy games. Aside from my dislike of that series, I don't see why people only want to make their games like that.
Some people just came here and started bugging me about various things, so I've forgotten other things I wanted to say.

You dislike Final Fantasy?! Get out.

Get out yourself. Somebody explain what's so fantastic about the gameplay.
(Y'know, I've stated my dislike of it on several occassions before...)

PostPosted: Fri Apr 08, 2005 11:11 am   Post subject: (No subject)

This is going to be a long reply...

First, To Hacker Dan comments


Personaly i am very agisted anyhing RPG maker based on this site b/c it is not coding it is just clicking a mouse buttion for the most part and making scripts that are not true progaming. (Unless of corse you make your own dll files for it but even then u are still using alot of other peoleops code).

If it was me making an RPG i whould rather make my own RPG maker system and then make the RPG (in fact i have done just that for turing and java for compsci class projects....).

Just my option about it tho.......

Well Let me clarify it you look at my screenshots you would see that the script is complete ruby, and I can get a script editor for it in any language.
The program basis is to create a planing guide for making an RPG nothing more. Not all games run on .dll most do nowadays but still! Anyways the editor comes with the RGSS.dll which can be replaced with other languages to allow the use of them. I have also made several RPG in turing, java, C++/C#. I just found this inda fun because it removes the most annoying part of any program. LINKING TOGETHER SO EVERYTHING RUNS.

Second, on to jamonathin comments


I Totally agree because I used to be one of those guys on StarCraft who would make those Use Map Settings maps, and once I got into actual programming, I realized it's just for a bunch of noobs that cannot program stuff themselves. If you're looking for sounds or whatever, juss download Bearshare, and search under the .wav section, or any program like that.

But yeah, if this was for like turing or something where you can actually program the commands, or actually program, rather than picking one out from a list, then I'd be in, but I'm done with that stuff.

You can't compare the starcraft map editor to RPG Maker XP there are two different levels. Everything in this game can be customize.

Third, Coutsos comment

My main problem with these RPG makers is that they pretty much stifle any creativity.

Before I get into some rants of any length, I'd like to point out the problem with the tilesets.

Tile based maps are great. Possibly one of the best ways to make a map. That said, these tiles are awful. Nothing wrong with the art, just the structure. Tilemaps shouldn't look like tiles. FF3, Chrono Trigger, and Secret of Mana 3 all used tile based maps, but did such a great job of it that you couldn't look at it and immediately tell where one tile ended and the next started. You'll definitely want to read article.

Aside from that, I think these RPG maker programs just give you the tools to make a bad clone of the old Final Fantasy games. Aside from my dislike of that series, I don't see why people only want to make their games like that.
Some people just came here and started bugging me about various things, so I've forgotten other things I wanted to say.

What do you mean "they pretty much stifle any creativity. " you can customize everything about it, Window screens, to programing don't post about how they stifle creativity until you try it. Yes true alot do but this is a very good one it is different. Secert of Mana is made in an Older version of this. YOu don't half to make your games like that, I made a 33D tileset for this program the possibilities are endless.

PostPosted: Fri Apr 08, 2005 11:20 am   Post subject: (No subject)

StarGateSG-1 wrote:

You can't compare the starcraft map editor to RPG Maker XP there are two different levels. Everything in this game can be customize.

I'm not saying they're the same thing, I'm saying they have the same concept. You said you made a 3D tileset, well, why don't you make a 3D tileset in Turing? I'm not trying to be mean, I'm just saying I would rather program, the program that made your 3D tileset, then make a tileset from it.

PostPosted: Fri Apr 08, 2005 11:26 am   Post subject: (No subject)

StarGateSG-1 wrote:
What do you mean "they pretty much stifle any creativity. " you can customize everything about it, Window screens, to programing don't post about how they stifle creativity until you try it.

Please show me examples of games made with RPG Maker that aren't very similar (in gameplay, NOT appearance).
Here's how I see it at the moment:
The game consists of characters (who are defined by stats such as HP, MP, AGI, DEX, STR, DEF, etc.) who walk around on a map and fighting in random, turn-based battles to gain EXP and GP in order to level up and become stronger. You also get to do things like interact with diverse characters or buy thousands of different weapons and armour with steadily increasing strength (sorry, couldn't find screenshots for these) from shops in each town.

StarGateSG-1 wrote:
Secert of Mana is made in an Older version of this.

For seriously? We're talking about the SNES game made by Squaresoft? I never knew that. Could you show me where this information came from?

PostPosted: Fri Apr 08, 2005 1:34 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

All SNES games were made in RPG makers of some sort aswell as the early FF.

Most Tile based games are made in a RPG maker weather it was created by a custom one or professial one.
For example Pokemon
If you read my first post you would see that I said, If I didn't I am sry I will say It now. The whole game revolves around the script form the Database to the menu and combat. I am still farily new to this so I have not had time to completely change over my game to be different. The game is completely customizable, I will say it again everyhting can be edited.

PostPosted: Fri Apr 08, 2005 2:59 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

StarGateSG-1 wrote:
Most Tile based games are made in a RPG maker weather it was created by a custom one or professial one.

And it makes sense to do that. The company will make an editing program, then they will apply that to virtually every game they make. Look at blizzard for example. StarCraft, Diablo, Warcraft (I'm sure there's others, thats all i can think of) are all done diagonally. If I made a program like that I would just change skins and reuse it for shure.

Ok, yeah you can edit stuff on this program, but that's the kicker, edit. Anyone can edit, not everyone can program.

PostPosted: Fri Apr 08, 2005 3:40 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

Hmmm... Well, for one I used to (and still occassionally) use the Starcraft map editor and the sort to make custom maps - its pretty fun and I wouldnt say its for complete noobs Sad . Also, I tried using some RPG maker, but I didnt really feel it would be worth even getting familiar with but that doesnt say the same thing will be in this case. Next, personally I dislike FF as well Surprised but I do like that kind of game so I dont think it would be a waste.

*More Important Stuff*
The game looks pretty good so far, and I would be willing to help if you really are dedcated to it. I am not sure how - I am pretty good with sounds, and can potentially do some music. I have also had considerable experience making maps for different kinds of games (not just Starcraft Rolling Eyes). On the programming level, I think I'll hold off on learning ruby for now especially since I dont have a lot of time...
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