Anyway, I bought the stress test, and its amazing. Lots of fun. Any gamers in the crowd should definately check out the beta tomorrow. If you like what you see, you can buy it in stores on the 23rd.
Unfortunately for poor people in the crowd it does have a monthly fee to play, but on the upside it doesent need a brand new computer.
It's beautiful, seriously. Blizzard's first shot at an MMORPG.. and theyve done quite a fine job. Check out the beta, it's well worth the 10 hour download.
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Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2004 7:46 pm Post subject: (No subject)
First approach at a MMORPG? What happened to Diablo I and II?
Monthly fee sucks, they'll probably lose a lot of users for that, though they'll make lots of money. I guess, in the end, it's all about the money.
Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2004 8:03 pm Post subject: (No subject)
Diablo I and II weren't massively multiplayer. They were 8-player. The idea of a MMORPG is that everyone is in the same game at the same time.
Theres no comparison with this to D2, but im going to compare anyway. In Diablo, there were four towns. In WoW, you can travel anywhere in the entire warcraft world. I mean ANYWHERE. And it's a big world, too!
But youre right, blizzard will lose a lot of players because of the fee. However, the company is so well known that they will do better than their mmorpg competitors. Also, the fee should make up for the decrease in users.
I personally dont mind paying; the last computer games I bought were warcraft 3 and warcraft 3: the frozen throne. lol =)
Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2004 8:17 pm Post subject: (No subject)
the last time i read about it.. the gameplay sucked.. although the graphics were quite good.. i mean amazingly good.. i mean the best!!!
but not so easy to beat Lineage II. (as a warning... GuildWars is going to be quite good... no monthly fee... just a one-time fee for buying their cd)
Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2004 7:56 am Post subject: (No subject)
ive already changed my undrwear for the same reason a couple times...
Hey! I thought the open beta was supposed to be downloadable today.. i woke up 10 mins early to d/l but i think we gotta wait a bit longer.
rizzix the gameplay is great man. The graphics could be better, but they are pretty great. If you remember playing wc3, everything had that "cartoony" look to it. It's the same thing to a much lesser degree. If you choose to be undead, you can make your guy have no jaw and that soft tongue tissue just hangs down.. the characters are awesome. For instnace, a troll male compared to a gnome is huge. The gnome only goes up to its knees, and both races are playable. All 8 races have their own characteristics and you need to be a certain race for certain char classes. i.e. u must be tauren or night elf to be a druid.
If you like PvP it has its own PvP servers, or if you like to kill monsters you can play on the PvE servers, where questing and grouping up is a must. Theres still some dueling on pve, just more of it on the player vs player server.
And guilds can have tournaments i think. The orc town has a colloseum where u can go and sit on the benches to watch the gladiators duel. It's so full, or as my programming teacher would say, robust. =)
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Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2004 8:45 am Post subject: (No subject)
<supahsarcasmzor>My absolute favourite part is that they took a strategy game and turned it into a massively multiplayer (so called) roleplaying game because MMORPGs are so kewl. Kewl like reality tv. And everybody loves it.</supahsarcasmzor>
But seriously, I remember watching a trailer for WoW back in the day. One scene had a dramatic battle sequence where about 6 humans are on one hill, about 6 orcs are on another, and everybody plays there "charge" emoticon animation and runs into the middle where they all stand around stupidly until the characters perform an attack and the animation plays.
Does anyone remember the original Warcrafts, or am I just an old geezer who rambles on about the classics?
Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2004 9:50 am Post subject: (No subject)
Wow, are the graphics in the trailer like that in the game? .... wow.
Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2004 11:25 am Post subject: (No subject)
That animation is the intro-video that is to be put into the actual game. And yes, we all still do recall the old Warcraft II: BNE, but think about it. Warcraft III: TFT is the same thing, but with an uber beefed-up graphics engine and some major strategy updates.
WoW is like Diablo II, but it's a real MMORPG (ie: Not 8 players per game), and it has an uber beefed-up graphics engine, with some major strategy updates.
Those videos you saw were that of the early, pre-beta (probably alpha), version of the game. Because I was playing the closed-beta at my friend's house about a month ago, and you could do such crazy things as stalk people while hiding in the bushes, and you could hear foot steps, climb on trees and ambush people as they run by. Attacking is a lot more swift too, not like FF where you'd take turns, but you can actually stand off at a distance and shoot arrows at people, and they can run up at you and swiftly take a sword to your face, cast spells or what-not. It's all real-time, like quake & cs, only, WoW style, and in 3rd person.
Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2004 3:15 pm Post subject: (No subject)
yea it's just like FWO, GuildWars, MuOnline, Lineage, City of Heros, Matrix Online .... the list goes on and on and on and on.
IMO Lineage II graphics engine was out of this world.
Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2004 7:07 pm Post subject: (No subject)
Coutsos wrote:
Does anyone remember the original Warcrafts, or am I just an old geezer who rambles on about the classics?
I remember.
I haven't watched the trailer, but WoW doesn't appeal to me, from all I've heard of it. It may be a neat story and have cool graphics, but it lacks the strategy of the real warcrafts, and especially of starcraft.
Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2004 7:08 pm Post subject: (No subject)
WoW's still pwnz all. (graphic engine that is).
Yeah, I still play starcraft. But that doesn't change the fact that WoW is going to pwn everything. I'm paying the monthly fee, I don't care.
Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2004 7:23 pm Post subject: (No subject)
hahah starcraft and stratergy? meh g i v e me a break. that's the last thing i'd want to hear!
real stratergy is in GENERALS.. play it.. enjoy it.