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 DragonSpires - My online multiplayer graphical rpg!!
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 23, 2004 10:32 pm   Post subject: DragonSpires - My online multiplayer graphical rpg!!

Final Update on Compsci
This is the link to the official DragonSpires website!!
Do not post here anymore, go to the message board linked in the
official site. So for client updates, game info, etc., goto::

This is DragonSpires : The Dark Legacy. It is an RPG based in the medieval ages. You are one of 5 classes, and must journey through the expansive land to uncover the locations of the 10 magical scrolls, created by the ancient druids. (These scrolls were taken by whom they were meant to destroy, and in a last effort, the druids spread the scrolls across the land.) Basically, here are the commands.
TAB == attack
ARROW KEYS == movement
CNTRL A == equip armor
CNTRL G == get item off ground/drop item in hand/both
CNTRL W == equip weapon
CNTRL V == toggle inventory open/closed
CNTRL C == toggle item between inventory and hand
CNTRL U == use an item in your hand
CNTRL T == throw item in your hand
CNTRL P == display playerlist
CNTRL S == Open shop menu at NPC
CNTRL L == Look ahead of you
/username Hey buddy!! == whisper to user 'username': "Hey buddy!!"
-adminlist === check the games admins

etc. etc.

-reverted to older dragonspires map systems
-reverted to older dragonspires graphic systems
-reverted quest for Red Scroll (kill GoRk, bring BeKaRs head to head hunter for the red scroll)
(and by older, I mean the originals Ive seen)
DragonSpires v1.1

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 24, 2004 7:38 am   Post subject: (No subject)

wow, works much better in VB, nice, if I get bored, I'll explore more.

PostPosted: Tue Aug 24, 2004 8:20 am   Post subject: (No subject)

Much better... but you my friend have picked the worst controls in the history of game design... have a nice day

PostPosted: Tue Aug 24, 2004 10:14 am   Post subject: (No subject)

Thanks, and I used the controls based on the original version of this game, so bleh. Wink I was kinda hoping you guys would start *playing* the game, heh.
[Recent Characters Logged in]
Delta x2
[Recent Characters Logged in]

If someone actually will play this game, the next five people to come online (ill reset the server) will receive a free item. The first and second people will receive a rare item from the roof to the right. The third, fourth, and fifth will receive a magic scroll from the left. Ill give it to them a.s.a.p.
(PS: I leave my character logged in, but invincibile of course, and afk)
( Ill be online approx 9 pm today - tuesday - )

PostPosted: Tue Aug 24, 2004 4:45 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

couldn't connect to the server? Confused
Latest from Tony's programming blog. DWITE - a programming contest.

PostPosted: Tue Aug 24, 2004 8:31 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

wtf? its ACTUALLY multiplayer? I thought those "admins" and sh!t where just there to make it LOOK multiplayer! Cool! that just improved my opinion of this game ten fold. Now... we should organize some time for compsci ppl to play. I've only seen VB games with 2 player, computer vs other computer on the network. Explain pls Smile

PostPosted: Tue Aug 24, 2004 11:11 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

Ok, sorry about the server being down. I have a problem....I cant seem to configure my router! So only when the modem is hooked directly to my computer will the server work properly. Does anyone know how to configure a router so that ppl can connect through it?? Normally, the server will use the IP given by my ISP when the modem is directly connected...but when the router is connected, the server will use some weird IP under my computer name. Does anybody know how I could alter my routers settings to make 1 global IP, not 2 IP's under the router??
Lol. OH, and the second computer was hooked up to the router, thats why the server went down, sorry! Anyway...seeing as the server was down, I will give out items as following:
Rare Item to:
Scroll to:

Sooo...Catalyst and Mazer, submit the name of the item of your choice:
Heart - [1 time use] heals all within 2 tiles around you
Royal Armor - Best (non-rare) armor
Royal Sword - Best (non-rare) weapon
Wyrm Bane - Crappy (but rare) sword
Brown Scroll - [costs 50k to use] sumons a monster in front of you
Blue Shelled Snail - transforms you into a Snail Mastah
Orange Shelled Snail - transforms you into a random object or item
Gold Cross - shoots elemental flames up to 3 spaces ahead of you
Chrome Cross - transforms you into a grave, says "username dies."
Black Cross - Shoots undead spirites up to 5 spaces ahead
Prince Snail - Disforms your body into a warlock

mike, Paul, Delta, submit the name of the scroll of your choice:
Dark Blue Scroll - Teleports you to the main town
Light Blue Scroll - same as dark blue, but 1 time use
Yellow Scroll - transforms you into a statue
Purple Scroll - transforms you into a (passable) shadow
Red Scroll - fires elemental fire up to 3 spaces ahead of you
Green Scroll - transforms you into a tree
Silver Scroll - surrounds you in mist (enemy damaging)
Grey Scroll - transforms you into a stalagmite (a cave rock)
Pink Scroll - heals you

Oh yeah, if you transform into something, it (should) make you inpervious to enemy attacks. And check out the arena to the right of the map1 respawn, you can fight other players there! Attack fountains to heal yourself, etc.
Anyway, if anyone can help me with my router problem, please do!!! I would like to have the server on permanantly! Thanks!
[PS] Im hiring one or two secondary administrators, so tell me why you want to be one if you wish to be one.
-maintain order
-if people are being abusive verbally, mute them
-if people are doing something stupid, send them to jail
-reset lost players who need help (to the main town)
-help new players
@mute bobby = mute the user 'bobby'
@goto bobby = teleport to the user 'bobby'
@jail2 bobby = send 'bobby' to jail
@gotomap 32 = teleport to the 32 'nd map
@reset bobby = teleport bobby to the main town
@place 22 = place the 22 'nd item. (a pillar. can only place specified items)
@parade = run a parade through town
@echosc 3 hey = make the word 'hey' display on everybodys chat in the color 3 (red)
@love = heal everybody within a 2 tile radius
@death = kill everybody with a 2 tile radius (they dont drop items!)
@flood = create a temporary water effect around a 2 tile radius

If you are interested, PM with the reasons why you want to administrate this game. (Abuse admin privlidges, and you lose your powers, permanantly, and Ill hire a new admin, so lol, be responsible, I can check the server logs.)

mike,paul have received their items.
mazer requesting wyrms bane....pending...(crap item, rethink it mazer)

PostPosted: Wed Aug 25, 2004 1:00 am   Post subject: (No subject)

Ok, I fixed my router, and the server is PERMANANTLY online!!!! So go play!!! And remember, the more the merrier! (literally, more players, more fun.) And two secondary admins have been hired, 'Aaron', and 'Kees'. Still looking for 1 more. Go play now!!!

PostPosted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 8:21 am   Post subject: (No subject)

k, I will when I'm bored Smile , as for the scroll, I want the pink if its not one use and the dark blue, if the pink is one use Smile questions though: in the shop near the start, there's this white bag thingy on the floor that u can't pick up, and how did u save player info to the server? I found some bottles... but are there item descriptions anywhere? can u open treasure chests? oh yea, are u and motas always online? motas is ugly. also, can "throwing" rocks do damage? I hate the god damned corrupted knights, anyway to train? and the "special thanks" at the beginning doesn't show up right... I think ... and I seem to have acquired patrick the dog... oh yea, if someone's at the bottom of the stairs, u can't go down, and if that someone's an enemy, you'll never be able to get down Razz

PostPosted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 9:26 am   Post subject: (No subject)

oh yea.. problem, I went ctrl L infront of the golden statue, then I got stuck... I exited, and when I tried to log in, it said I was already in.

PostPosted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 3:42 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

yikes. well, you'll find the pink scroll in your inventory, and you will be reset in the main town. (I have no idea why you would get stuck, and if you every get stuck again, call to an admin for help. And I leave my file online pretty much all day, just to track admin status, to see if they are screwing around. As for the stair issue, what you do is go to a different portion of the map (like 10-20 tiles away), wait like 10-20 seconds, then go back. The AI is random if there isnt anybody around, so it will move out of the way on its own. And, as I said, if you ever get stuck, PM an admin and request to be 'reset'. If one is online, he/she will teleport you to the main town. Another way is to go find the dark blue scroll, which will teleport you to the closest 'reset' point on the map,or the main town. The quest for this (which I am currently recreating), is as follows:

Go find a ""crabby crab"" (some are in portal park, south of the main town). Go to a guy called ""scuba steve"" which right of the main town in a little fish house. He will give you a ""hermit crab"", which you bring to the ""hermit"" located through a forest, hidden in a shack. Talk to him with the ""hermit crab"" in your hand, and he will trade you a Dark Blue scroll for it, because he is lonely and needs a suitable pet.

And the 'splash' load screen, the text is offset wrong, but its not too important so i'll leave it. To open treasure chests, just press TAB while facing them (ie. attack them). Throwing objects will not injure enemies, it simply clears inventory faster, by throwing instead of closing inventory, dropping item, etc.
Training Areas
Newbs=Swamp (left of main town)
Semi-Newbs=Paths to misc places (find trolls/ogres)
Moderate=Desert, Dungeon 1, small portions of the catacombs
Experienced=Full Catacombs
Advanced=Nezerath's Temple
This list may change dramatically, as we are reconfiguring the game so that values are smaller rather than larger. (ie. royal sword damage=100, it will be equal to like 6) This will altar enemy stats too.
Anyway, I hope this clears things up for you.

PostPosted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 7:20 am   Post subject: (No subject)

... I thought that was the one starting with the ted's armory and the ale? but anyway, what do I do with silver coins? and what are balls anyway... and I found things like hands and chair(which I think would fetch a fair price) do these things actually have any purpose?

PostPosted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 7:58 am   Post subject: (No subject)

damn... got stuck on a tree... after getting an item near the edge of a map. but I got out with the scroll Smile. also I think theres a bug with the dark blue scroll, if ur somewhere other than the main town and u use it, u get teleported to the respawn spot in that map. Like in swamp and u use it, u get teleported to that place where u go when u die in swamp. but yes, I'm level 2, but none of my stats increased?

PostPosted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 12:26 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

None of those are bugs. The items I saw in your inventory (for the most part) are useless. Like, theyre things you can drop around to make you look neat, or they are items to make the map not just look like grass and trees, to add variety to the item list. The Dark Blue scroll IS supposed to take you to the closest reset point in the map. So, go get a lot of cash (if you dont want to ask admins) and buy the light blue scroll. (1 time use, directly to main town) And to increase your stats, type "" -mystats "", it will display your stats, and give you the option to use your points to increase the stats of your choice.
Server will be down Friday 1:30 pm - ....
[EDIT] Server is reopened
psss- Anime Convention rocks!!!

PostPosted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 11:10 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

Client is updated to version 1.1, udpates and new client download are at the top of the page.
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