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PostPosted: Wed Feb 18, 2004 6:08 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

Yeah, I think from Windows 2000 and above MSPaint let's you save as GIF and JPG (or at least JPG). But the compression is terrible. You'd be better off with IrfanView ( Website seems to be down right now...). You can convert to/from many different image formats. It also has batch renaming/conversion so that's cool too. There's other stuff you can do too which is pretty impressive considering it's only around 600kb.

PostPosted: Wed Feb 18, 2004 9:24 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

haha i only got win 98 SE so thats why. Site doesnt work Sad

PostPosted: Tue Jun 29, 2004 11:06 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

Maverick wrote:
haha i only got win 98 SE so thats why. Site doesnt work Sad

(Vomits) Wow, I feel sorry for you, no self respecting Jedi or Sith uses 98.

PostPosted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 10:00 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

Mint wrote:
Maverick wrote:
haha i only got win 98 SE so thats why. Site doesnt work Sad

(Vomits) Wow, I feel sorry for you, no self respecting Jedi or Sith uses 98.

Its better then ME, 2000, and XP Home!

PostPosted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 11:42 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

WinME is the worst, I know someone who uses it, when I go over to her house, winME = no multitasking ever... it freezes whenever u try to, now if she'll only let me reformat her HD... do not ever get WinME, I'm sure 98SE is better...

PostPosted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 2:34 am   Post subject: (No subject)

Paul Bian wrote:
now if she'll only let me reformat her HD...

be careful there... I disabled this one girl's computer for... 5 days Confused I blame Darkness for talking me into running programs I didn't know anything about Evil or Very Mad
Latest from Tony's programming blog. DWITE - a programming contest.

PostPosted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 9:19 am   Post subject: (No subject)

tony wrote:
I blame Darkness for talking me into running programs I didn't know anything about Evil or Very Mad
... This better not be some kinda web cam hijacking program that lets u control the webcam Laughing

PostPosted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 9:25 am   Post subject: (No subject)

so if you ever come across videos with me... you know where it came from Laughing

haha, no - but it is a good idea Wink
Latest from Tony's programming blog. DWITE - a programming contest.

PostPosted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 5:11 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

Maverick wrote:
Mint wrote:
Maverick wrote:
haha i only got win 98 SE so thats why. Site doesnt work Sad

(Vomits) Wow, I feel sorry for you, no self respecting Jedi or Sith uses 98.

Its better then ME, 2000, and XP Home!

Better than XP? All Windows are disguisting, but in all seriousness... If you're going to use any Windows, at least use XP. Eh

PostPosted: Thu Aug 19, 2004 5:55 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

He said XP Home... which is seriously completely crap... and it seems that it's being sold with most computer packages on the net... which is very gay. But XP Pro is by far the most stable in my oppinion... I would switch to Unix/Linux... but I need to be able to program in .NET next year otherwise I'm teh screwed... and I like to play the games I've got without wondering if they will work on the other OS... so ya XPpro is the only way to go if your bound by the windows virus...

PostPosted: Thu Aug 19, 2004 6:46 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

Delta wrote:
so ya XPpro is the only way to go if your bound by the windows virus...

Not really the only way. God bless partitioning. Very Happy

PostPosted: Fri Aug 20, 2004 2:27 am   Post subject: (No subject)

I do not know where u got this Win XP pro is more stable and so much better then XP home thing. As far as i know both verson are prity much the same excepted pro alows for dual cpu, more unix sytel conotrals over files (athougth u can get this on home by going in to safe mode), and pro has a full verson of remote desktop. Also Pro has some extrase trown in with are prity uless like a faxing app, a M$ webserver app (better free ones out there) and some M$ file ecnripting stuff (better free ones...).

The real big difrence is that home is made to be simpler to set stuff up like netwroking and loging (athougth that realy just means the defatl setings are difrent.) The core of both OS are almost 100% the same and the only import dif in my option is the more money you have to pay for the word pro to come up on your boot screen.

I have computers with both xp home and xp pro on them and they work and act almost 100% the same and crash about the same amount and home is just as big a pain in the ass as pro. If you are looking for an OS save your self alot of time, money and furestation and go with a linux distro.
Computer Science Canada Help with programming in C, C++, Java, PHP, Ruby, Turing, VB and more!

PostPosted: Fri Aug 20, 2004 1:25 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

Hacker Dan wrote:
...If you are looking for an OS save your self alot of time, money and furestation and go with a linux distro.

This is where your whole argument died. You where doing fine... right up 'till there.

This is where we get into the whole *User scenario. Let me brake it down for you, as follows:

Time: Gentoo took me three days to install, and after that, there was still much customization to be done. Granted, a newb can run Mandrake, but even then, there's much hardware tuning to be done, specially if you're someone that has an SiS video card / soundcard. Not everyone is computer literate, and it's posts like yours that makes them think that Linux is easier to setup and maintain than windows, this is untrue. Windows, on the other hand, Installs in 15 minutes, and works right out of the box. I created my own customized Windows install disk, which reduced the installation time, auto-fills my info into the dialogues (It's totaly automatic), and comes pre setup with the current ATI / Sound Blaster drivers, AVG Anti-Virus, SpyBot... ohh, and It's slipstreamed with SP2... completely up to date.

Money: Once I installed linux I realized my video card, sound card, and ethernet card would have to be replaced. On top of that, being new at the time... I opted to run KDE as my desktop environment, due to it's direct similarities to Windows' Explorer. Here's the kicker... KDE takes up around 140 MBs of RAM to run... I had 256 RAM at the time... meh, time to get 1024. Yes, the operating system is free, but would your average Joe sixpack really want to sit down infront of his computer and have to deal with all these issues when he could just install Windows?

Frustration: This statement deserved a very bold: "WTF?". Windows does provide various flavours of frustration, granted. But so does linux... I don't have spywars problems, virus problems, hardware problems, and the likes with Windows... why? Because I know how to avoid all that (router, anti-virus, SpyBot, ect)... When you can't get X to work, and you have to surf around in Lynx in a fullscreen console on linux-help forums asking how to get it working again, does that not cause frustration? When you seem to be doing everything right, yet wine won't run Warcraft III at full speed, does that not cause frustration? When there's an app you need to have to do something, but it's in source-code, and provides little to no explination as to how to compile it... does that not cause frustration? Hell... waiting 6 hours for some huge app like KDE to compile when updating, is that not inconvenient?

I say if you are looking for an OS save yourself a lot of time, money, and frustration and go with Windows. If you are computer literate, have patience, a few extra bucks to screw around with, and feels like playing around with an Operating System a lot go with Linux.

*User, n: A word IT professionals use for Idiot.

PostPosted: Fri Aug 20, 2004 2:26 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

templest wrote:

Gentoo took me three days to install, and after that, there was still much customization to be done.

No kidding, gentoo is made to be one of the most customizable distros. It is excpeted that it whould be hard to isntall and u whould have to customize alot since that is the point of that distro.

templest wrote:

Granted, a newb can run Mandrake, but even then, there's much hardware tuning to be done, specially if you're someone that has an SiS video card / soundcard. Not everyone is computer literate, and it's posts like yours that makes them think that Linux is easier to setup and maintain than windows, this is untrue.

they are, well they are if u get a distro that is user frendly. Suse is extreaml easy to install and get wroking. it atacly found more of my hardware then windows did and instaled most of it better then windows did with out my help or even prodiving drivers. Idk what u mean abou mandrake i tryed that on one of my comps and it was also very easy to install and found all my hardware. Shure there is some distros that are hard to install but not all of them.

templest wrote:

Windows, on the other hand, Installs in 15 minutes, and works right out of the box. I created my own customized Windows install disk, which reduced the installation time, auto-fills my info into the dialogues (It's totaly automatic), and comes pre setup with the current ATI / Sound Blaster drivers, AVG Anti-Virus, SpyBot... ohh, and It's slipstreamed with SP2... completely up to date.

well idk about you but windows xp did not work with all of my hard ware out of the box, i had to install drivers for things like my wifi card, netwrok card, sound card and graficks card to get it to work with them or to let them use all of there feruaters. But with SuSe linux it found them all and even was easer to congier them. For exmaple with my dial up modem, after it instaled the dirvers for it, it gave a list of isp in canada, ont and i could pick sympatico from it and it whould list all the infromtion for that isp witch makes it alot easer to get the info you need.

templest wrote:

Once I installed linux I realized my video card, sound card, and ethernet card would have to be replaced. On top of that, being new at the time... I opted to run KDE as my desktop environment, due to it's direct similarities to Windows' Explorer. Here's the kicker... KDE takes up around 140 MBs of RAM to run... I had 256 RAM at the time... meh, time to get 1024. Yes, the operating system is free, but would your average Joe sixpack really want to sit down infront of his computer and have to deal with all these issues when he could just install Windows?

I am geting the fealing that you did somting horbley wrong when u instaled linux b/c i have one of the most unlinux comable computers and hardware and yet i was able to get almost all of it working with SuSe incuding video card, 3d sound card, ethernet and wifi cards. Also saying that linux has gerater system requerments then windwos may be the dumested thing i have ever hured.

templest wrote:

This statement deserved a very bold: "WTF?". Windows does provide various flavours of frustration, granted. But so does linux... I don't have spywars problems, virus problems, hardware problems, and the likes with Windows... why? Because I know how to avoid all that (router, anti-virus, SpyBot, ect)... When you can't get X to work, and you have to surf around in Lynx in a fullscreen console on linux-help forums asking how to get it working again, does that not cause frustration? When you seem to be doing everything right, yet wine won't run Warcraft III at full speed, does that not cause frustration? When there's an app you need to have to do something, but it's in source-code, and provides little to no explination as to how to compile it... does that not cause frustration? Hell... waiting 6 hours for some huge app like KDE to compile when updating, is that not inconvenient?

As i side b4, i think you ether had a realy bad distro or you did somting horbly wrong when u instaled linux b/c the worst that has ever hapend to me in linux invaing X is when i tryed to upgraed my vid card drivers and it whould not load X. But then i just typed in yast and it borugth up the sytem confgi and i cahged the driver back very easly and it wroked agaen. Also about emulation of windows progmes on linux, how is this a fualt in linux? 1st of all the progame u are using to emulate them is not linux it is wine and 2nd if we are making a comaperson you whold have to try to emulate and linux progam on windows and see how that works out. Also my guse whould be that you could get it to work if u put the time in to reading some wine how tos. As for the sorce code thing, almost every import app has a rpm verson for most distros, in fact there are many sites full of 10000s of rpms for your disrto. agen if we are going to comper this faeraly you whould have to try to comple the same progme on windows witch whould probly be just as hard or if not harder. If you installed all the need/recmened apps when u installed linux you should be able to tpye in make, then make install as su root and it whould install the code. 6 hours for KDE to updated? how slow is your computer???

templest wrote:

I say if you are looking for an OS save yourself a lot of time, money, and frustration and go with Windows. If you are computer literate, have patience, a few extra bucks to screw around with, and feels like playing around with an Operating System a lot go with Linux.

I am starting to wonder if you have ever realy used linux, it makes no scen to say it cost "extra bucks" to use linux over windows and if you are buying new hard ware b/c you can not read the how tos on how to install drivers in linux then may be you should not be using a computer? There are linux distros out there that are just as easy to use and install as windows if not more so. I whould recomend you trying SuSe.

And talk about frustaration with windows, there is so many things i could say about that, but do i realy need to? every windows user here whould know most of them and not to metion that you are sporting an evil comany with is going to try to take away your pricay in there next os.

The only times i have ever had suse crash are when i am doing stoming realy realy realy dum or i have a porly writen app that was not made right and it breaks somting. But with windows you get crashs so much you learn to except them, everything crash on windows wthere it was made by M$ or not and the secrutry holes are crazy in windows. In the open sorce comunity the problems with linux (witch are not many) are fixed extreamly fast and there is ushely like 20 difrent versons of the fixe write by 20 difrent poelop. But with windows when and if they fix a bug they w8 a month to realse it if not more and they are the only ones that trutly know what is going on. I whould not put it past M$ puting there own verson of spy ware on there os and there whould be no way to find out if they did b/c it is not open sorce. In fact M$ has basicly side that they will put an mager amount of spy ware type apps in longhorn to keep the wrold safe from copy right infergment, hackers and virus. This means every file u make, copy, or send to some one will have your id on it and that every file u run or play will be know by M$ in there self apointed role as big borther. Lets see what u say about linux once longhorn comes out and poleop leran what M$ did to it.
Computer Science Canada Help with programming in C, C++, Java, PHP, Ruby, Turing, VB and more!

PostPosted: Fri Aug 20, 2004 3:41 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

they are, well they are if u get a distro that is user frendly. Suse is extreaml easy to install and get wroking. it atacly found more of my hardware then windows did and instaled most of it better then windows did with out my help or even prodiving drivers. Idk what u mean abou mandrake i tryed that on one of my comps and it was also very easy to install and found all my hardware. Shure there is some distros that are hard to install but not all of them.

SuSe is great, if you want a distro that's as customizable as windows and have to wait for it to install over the internet from an FTP server. Confused I really don't find this convenient... and if you want to buy SuSE, and avoid that trouble it's $90... it's just easier to stick with the one that already comes with the computer.

well idk about you but windows xp did not work with all of my hard ware out of the box, i had to install drivers for things like my wifi card, netwrok card, sound card and graficks card to get it to work with them or to let them use all of there feruaters. But with SuSe linux it found them all and even was easer to congier them. For exmaple with my dial up modem, after it instaled the dirvers for it, it gave a list of isp in canada, ont and i could pick sympatico from it and it whould list all the infromtion for that isp witch makes it alot easer to get the info you need.

Well, that's why you make your own custom Windows CD, which is what I did... if you read further on you would have noticed this... now if I could only do that with linux... I'd be set.

And about sympatico... isn't that what the "Internet Connection Wizard" in windows is for?

"What type of connection do you have?"
"Please enter password and user name"

I don't need a list of ISP's... I know what ISP I have... just connect me... anyways, if you do need to list of all the ISP's in your area.. windows does that aswell.

And if you want the specs on your connection, I believe that's what the "net" / 'ipconfig" commands are for.

I am geting the fealing that you did somting horbley wrong when u instaled linux b/c i have one of the most unlinux comable computers and hardware and yet i was able to get almost all of it working with SuSe incuding video card, 3d sound card, ethernet and wifi cards. Also saying that linux has gerater system requerments then windwos may be the dumested thing i have ever hured.

SiS chipsets are extreamly uncompatible with linux... they work, but never well. And there is no Hardware Graphics Acceleration with SiS video cards in Linux, and the SiS sound card gives no sound in lots of apps (ie: quake, ut2k4.. ect).

Read the fûcking post, I never said, implied, nudged, stated, or alledged that linux has more system requiredments than Windows. Hell, you can install linux on a gameboy with some hardware hacking. I said that KDE uses more system resources than Windows. Explorer uses about 32 MBs, KDE uses (in total) 140+. So if I want to run quake, I need to boot into X with blackbox so as to free up some RAM... which is really inconvenient. GNOME uses the same resources as KDE, actually, all desktop environments for linux use more resources than Windows' Explorer.

As i side b4, i think you ether had a realy bad distro or you did somting horbly wrong when u instaled linux b/c the worst that has ever hapend to me in linux invaing X is when i tryed to upgraed my vid card drivers and it whould not load X. But then i just typed in yast and it borugth up the sytem confgi and i cahged the driver back very easly and it wroked agaen. Also about emulation of windows progmes on linux, how is this a fualt in linux? 1st of all the progame u are using to emulate them is not linux it is wine and 2nd if we are making a comaperson you whold have to try to emulate and linux progam on windows and see how that works out. Also my guse whould be that you could get it to work if u put the time in to reading some wine how tos. As for the sorce code thing, almost every import app has a rpm verson for most distros, in fact there are many sites full of 10000s of rpms for your disrto. agen if we are going to comper this faeraly you whould have to try to comple the same progme on windows witch whould probly be just as hard or if not harder. If you installed all the need/recmened apps when u installed linux you should be able to tpye in make, then make install as su root and it whould install the code. 6 hours for KDE to updated? how slow is your computer???

I think there are thousands of people that would disagree with you on the fact that gentoo is a horrible distro. This happened to me as a newb, and with my SiS chipset... this really is discouraging to the newbs... Windows isn't discouraging to the newbs, I wonder why... Confused

You can emulate any linux application in Windows with cygwin, just as easily, if not easier, than with wine on Linux. Not to mention, that cygwin provides all the tools... and after that, absolutely any linux app can be compiled as a windows' ".exe" binary and run from any windows box.

I've read all the Wine How-Tos... That's why I don't have those problems anymore... but your average Joe SixPack won't want to. What user-friendly app makes you read 300 pages worth of documentation?

Not all Linux distro's are RPM based, and "alien" only does so good of a job.

Lots of programs require different compiler flags and manual configs, and simply doing a "./configure && make && make install" won't do.

Install KDE from source, not update.

My computer is 3.2 GHz slow.


I am starting to wonder if you have ever realy used linux, it makes no scen to say it cost "extra bucks" to use linux over windows and if you are buying new hard ware b/c you can not read the how tos on how to install drivers in linux then may be you should not be using a computer?

Hah, that one made my laugh.

I've been using Linux since I was in grade 6. I'll always prefer to use linux over windows, but you're saying that Linux is a lot easier to use than windows... and that your average joe sixpack will be able to run it right out of the box and have no issues with it what-so-ever, which is entirely false.

Try installing any video card from SiS on linux. I dare you, try, read every single mother fûcking how-to in the world... you still won't be able too, unless y ou write your own.. which is still impossible since they completely refuse to reveal any key driver specs that would allow open source developers to make one. Don't you think people would have made an SiS video driver by now for those who couldn't upgrade to nVidea or ATI cards? So far, they've managed to make them work, without hardware acceleration... which is pretty much useless.

Don't fûck with me when it comes to linux... I was installing "linux from scratch" before you even knew what turing was.
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