Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2004 6:04 pm Post subject: Help me out here guys, analyse this conversation
This took place in MSN, between me and my friend's girlfriend's sister, now keep in mind that she is younger, and might not have the best arguing sense, but assumeing you guys read all of that, have I said anything rude to deserve the judgements she has placed upon me?
help me out here, am I really stupid and have no manners? I just don't realize it?
All the 8) are eye rolling emoticons on MSN
(all this was from a little blurb I said about the queen, I said the Queen was old... and she took offence cause she's british)
[06:20:10 PM] :S: hey
[06:20:22 PM] :S: Paul?
[06:20:29 PM] Paul ["¢"Oro?: hey
[06:20:32 PM] :S: hey
[06:20:36 PM] :S: its Arezou
[06:20:44 PM] Best Summer : Ida's sister..
[06:20:47 PM] :S: u got it
[06:20:55 PM] Paul ["¢"Oro?: hey
[06:20:58 PM] :S:
[06:20:59 PM] :S: hi
[06:21:08 PM] Best Summer : ok stop saying hi..
[06:21:11 PM] :S: sorry
[06:21:12 PM] :S: now
[06:21:15 PM] :S: Paul
[06:21:23 PM] :S: im just saying this for ur own good
[06:21:27 PM] :S: cuz u dont know ida that well
[06:21:32 PM] :S: u better stop arguing with her
[06:21:40 PM] :S: or u wont be happy with the resaults
[06:21:51 PM] :S: cuz if she decides to get back
[06:21:56 PM] :S: she will be really rude and mean
[06:22:02 PM] Paul ["¢"Oro?: lol...
[06:22:10 PM] :S: im not saying that for u to laugh:P
[06:22:13 PM] :S: im seriouse
[06:23:02 PM] Paul ["¢"Oro?: I take you seriously, but you see, people
think for themselves, a person shouldn't expect everyone
to bend to their will, with no opposition at all
[06:23:14 PM] :S: is that what i said?
[06:23:16 PM] :S: i said
[06:23:25 PM] :S: dont go against anyone
[06:23:31 PM] :S: if u dont want anyone to do the same to u
[06:23:49 PM] Paul ["¢"Oro?: ^o) I don't want EVERYONE to agree with
[06:24:00 PM] :S: ok then
[06:24:03 PM] Paul ["¢"Oro?: ... it'd be boring |-)
[06:24:12 PM] :S: ill take that as how rude u r <- first judgement
[06:24:16 PM] :S: u argue with her tomorrow
[06:24:22 PM] :S: i wouldnt want to waist my time
[06:24:26 PM] :S: u guys all have to get manners
[06:24:32 PM] Paul ["¢"Oro?: lol... how old are u
[06:24:48 PM] :S: any of ur bussines/
[06:24:50 PM] :S: ?
[06:25:12 PM] Paul ["¢"Oro?: heh... I'd think at least you should be
old enough to understand the concept of a friendly
[06:25:19 PM] :S: i m
[06:25:21 PM] :S: ur not
[06:25:27 PM] :S: totally rude without any manners <-second one
[06:25:31 PM] :S: and dont get anyone
[06:25:32 PM] Paul ["¢"Oro?: ah... assumptions, have I said anything
[06:25:42 PM] :S: not that u think
[06:25:45 PM] :S: cuz its the way u r <- she never met me b4
[06:25:53 PM] Paul ["¢"Oro?: lol, judgemental are we?
[06:26:02 PM] :S: as a matter of fact, we r
[06:26:18 PM] Best Summer : come on people, take it easy..
[06:26:20 PM] Paul ["¢"Oro?: haha, I think Im a pretty good judge of
character, yet I don't think Im good enough to judge
someone over the internet...
[06:26:29 PM] :S: u cant
[06:26:30 PM] Paul ["¢"Oro?: especially since I have not said anything
out of ignorant
[06:26:30 PM] :S: im too good
[06:26:34 PM] Paul ["¢"Oro?: *ignorance
[06:26:38 PM] :S: whatever
[06:26:43 PM] Paul ["¢"Oro?: while you have, you've judged me when you
don't know me
[06:26:46 PM] :S: i wonder how ur gf can handle u
[06:26:53 PM] Paul ["¢"Oro?: lol, she handles me fine
[06:26:59 PM] :S: with u thinking ur teacher is hot
[06:27:06 PM] Paul ["¢"Oro?: lol, my free will to think
[06:27:10 PM] :S: oh yeah
[06:27:14 PM] Paul ["¢"Oro?: plus, my girlfriend wants me to argue with
[06:27:19 PM] Paul ["¢"Oro?: ... even though I don't want to
[06:27:21 PM] :S: then u r mental
[06:27:28 PM] Paul ["¢"Oro?: judgement number 3
[06:27:33 PM] :S: which is true
[06:27:49 PM] Paul ["¢"Oro?: haha...
[06:27:57 PM] :S: just like my sister, im smart enough to find
anything out by the first word u say
[06:28:12 PM] Paul ["¢"Oro?:
[06:28:34 PM] :S: nothing to say eh?
[06:28:37 PM] Paul ["¢"Oro?: hehe
[06:28:43 PM] :S: thats all u can say
[06:28:46 PM] Paul ["¢"Oro?: I like you, Im thinking your young
[06:28:55 PM] :S: i dont like u at all
[06:29:01 PM] Paul ["¢"Oro?: as expected
[06:29:03 PM] :S: one rude,without manners person
[06:29:14 PM] :S: we dont like that kinda person
[06:29:18 PM] Paul ["¢"Oro?: well, first of all, I have not said
anything rude, directed at you, or anyone else
[06:29:29 PM] :S: its just what U think
[06:29:34 PM] Paul ["¢"Oro?: second of all, you're making judgements
based on nothing, out of ignorance
[06:29:45 PM] :S: thats cuz u dont know anything about these stuff
[06:29:47 PM] Paul ["¢"Oro?: which does nothing for your credibility in
an arguemnt
[06:29:54 PM] :S: well
[06:29:58 PM] :S: i wont blame u
[06:30:06 PM] :S: u guys probably dont think what ur saying is rude
[06:30:08 PM] :S: but we do
[06:30:10 PM] :S: therefore
[06:30:20 PM] :S: since i think im too good( and which is true)
[06:30:22 PM] :S: ill go
[06:30:25 PM] :S: leave u to her
[06:30:33 PM] Paul ["¢"Oro?: ROFL
[06:30:34 PM] :S: dont wanna waist my time on someone like u
[06:30:38 PM] :S: nothing funny
[06:30:45 PM] Paul ["¢"Oro?: I'd take you more seriously if you knew
how to spell better
[06:30:55 PM] :S: i dont care
[06:31:06 PM] Paul ["¢"Oro?: secondly, I didn't ask for an arguement...
I was merely expressing my opinion
[06:31:06 PM] :S: ill take someone seriously based on what they say
[06:31:14 PM] :S: well
[06:31:18 PM] Paul ["¢"Oro?: thirdly, I can't change your mind, so I
won't try
[06:31:27 PM] :S: dont give out stupid ideas...u dont know who ur
talking to
[06:31:32 PM] :S: we can tell u guys r chines
[06:31:39 PM] :S: but u cant tell who`s british or other cultures
[06:31:43 PM] Paul ["¢"Oro?: hehe, me being chinese has to do with what?
[06:31:51 PM] :S: like u dont know/
[06:32:10 PM] Paul ["¢"Oro?: thats great and all, but your really not
basing your decisions upon any solid evidence
[06:32:23 PM] :S: i do...ur not smart enough to get it
[06:32:29 PM] Paul ["¢"Oro?: rofl
[06:32:37 PM] :S: was so funny i forgot to laugh
[06:32:42 PM] Paul ["¢"Oro?: again I say, Im not the one being rude
[06:32:47 PM] :S: right
[06:32:49 PM] Paul ["¢"Oro?: you are the one saying Im not smart
[06:32:53 PM] :S: ur not
[06:32:58 PM] :S: and as the last word
[06:33:05 PM] Paul ["¢"Oro?: exactly, have I said anything negative
against you?
[06:33:05 PM] :S: if u wanna get something in life
[06:33:08 PM] :S: change ur attitude
[06:33:14 PM] Paul ["¢"Oro?: lol, my "attitude"
[06:33:22 PM] :S: exactly
[06:33:51 PM] Paul ["¢"Oro?: you, come out here, accusing me of
being rude, yet I haven't said anything to put you down,
nor to judge you
[06:34:02 PM] :S: then ur stupid
[06:34:08 PM] :S: cuz u already forgot what u said
[06:34:10 PM] Paul ["¢"Oro?: "then ur stupid"
[06:34:15 PM] :S: u r
[06:34:18 PM] Paul ["¢"Oro?: wow
[06:34:22 PM] :S: yeah
[06:34:26 PM] :S: did u just notice that
[06:34:41 PM] Paul ["¢"Oro?: Tony... was that another point she made
about me, without ever meeting me?
[06:34:52 PM] :S: i dont even have to meet u
[06:34:55 PM] :S: i know how u r
[06:35:00 PM] :S: just one stupid guy
[06:35:02 PM] :S: simple
[06:35:07 PM] :S: couldnt be any easier
[06:35:15 PM] Paul ["¢"Oro?: its really hard to argue with someone
who don't back up their points
[06:35:22 PM] :S: good point
[06:35:33 PM] Paul ["¢"Oro?: don't get me wrong, I think your a nice
person, but you really need to learn how to argue
better, without making statements with no basis
[06:35:45 PM] :S: i argue the way i want
[06:35:52 PM] :S: cuz i know its the best
[06:35:52 PM] Paul ["¢"Oro?: matter of opinion of course, you can
accept it, or not, makes no difference
[06:36:00 PM] Paul ["¢"Oro?: I'll continue to live my life
[06:36:03 PM] :S: yeha
[06:36:06 PM] Paul ["¢"Oro?: having learned something from this
[06:36:09 PM] :S: and try to kiss ur HOT teacher
[06:36:36 PM] Paul ["¢"Oro?: eh, if I were an ignorant person, I would
take offence by that comment
[06:36:47 PM] :S: whatever
[06:36:57 PM] :S: look
[06:37:34 PM] Paul ["¢"Oro?: you don't know my intentions, you don't
know what Im like, all your judgements are based on
nothing, YET you assume what my intentions are
[06:37:47 PM] :S: im not gonna waist my time by arguing with someone
as stupid as just too good to do that...
[06:38:00 PM] :S: so bye
[06:38:04 PM] :S: as the last word
[06:38:06 PM] :S: iw ould say
[06:38:10 PM] :S: butt-head u r
[06:38:12 PM] :S has left the conversation.
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Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2004 6:18 pm Post subject: (No subject)
Simple solution to this. You meet her, face to face and perform the following motion (dodge can vouch for me on the fact that it works):
1) act like you are stretching
2) bring your right arm towards your head
3) use your right hand to cover your mouth as you yawn (I'm adding this part, I've never actually tried it)
4) bring your hand to your forehead as if it's itchy
5) extend thumb and forefinger while keeping your hand steady in front of your forehead, forming an 'L' shape indication "loser"
6) smile like an idiot.
Either that, or roll your eyes and walk away.
As for your question, I have no idea what she's talking about. I'm pretty sure she doesn't know either.
Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2004 6:21 pm Post subject: (No subject)
so really, what is this conversation about? it keeped jumping from topic to topic.. (i think)..
*Also, how did you get the conversation like that, with the time and etc...? in view history it's all displayed in a screwed up way :S
Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2004 6:23 pm Post subject: (No subject)
well supposably its getting me not to argue with her sister, which I never had, then... she started saying Im stupid and rude, for not agreeing with her... and so on...
Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2004 7:21 pm Post subject: (No subject)
Mazer wrote:
Simple solution to this. You meet her, face to face and perform the following motion.....
1. f, f, N
2. jab, jab, short, c.strong
3. qcb + jab, tap jab 3 times
4. qcf + 2P
5. press start button (taunt)
then she will be on the floor crying, and if you did it right, it will be an ultra-mashable 37 hit combo.
Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2004 8:29 pm Post subject: (No subject)
AsianSensation wrote:
Mazer wrote:
Simple solution to this. You meet her, face to face and perform the following motion.....
1. f, f, N
2. jab, jab, short, c.strong
3. qcb + jab, tap jab 3 times
4. qcf + 2P
5. press start button (taunt)
then she will be on the floor crying, and if you did it right, it will be an ultra-mashable 37 hit combo.
Yes, and you'll hear me in the background shouting "Hyper combo finish!"
Amailer wrote:
*Also, how did you get the conversation like that, with the time and etc...? in view history it's all displayed in a screwed up way :S
My guess would be Messenger Plus log files as opposed to MSN's attempt at copying the idea.
Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2004 10:35 pm Post subject: (No subject)
die coutsos
gb is fun
Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 12:12 am Post subject: (No subject)
Amailer wrote:
*Also, how did you get the conversation like that, with the time and etc...? in view history it's all displayed in a screwed up way :S
My guess would be Messenger Plus log files as opposed to MSN's attempt at copying the idea.
aucaly most msn clientes have a time loging featuer, just not M$'s. kind of odd since they make it..... Now that i think of it most IMs have that or at least show it to u in real time.
Any one used aMSN for linux? or do u know of any better ones that are comablte with the KDE GUI?
Computer Science CanadaHelp with programming in C, C++, Java, PHP, Ruby, Turing, VB and more!
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Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 6:45 am Post subject: (No subject)
I tried aMSN, I liked it better than the original msn, actually. But it wouldn't work when I tried to install in on my fedora core 2.
But how is it not compatible with KDE? And why are you using KDE?!?!?!
If you actually care, you might want to try Kopete. It's part of KDE's "Hey let's try to take over the world by bundling our DE with all of our own programs so that everybody will only use our stuff" plan. Not a bad program, I just don't like KDE so I try to stay away from it. There's also GAIM, but I still prefer aMSN.
Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 11:13 pm Post subject: (No subject)
oh i did not mean that aMSN was not, just ment that i am using KDE.
I am using KDE b/c it came with the distro and the distro is aucaly tweaked to work with KDE. alougth i have been meaning to try some other ones, just to lazy to install them and get them working
Computer Science CanadaHelp with programming in C, C++, Java, PHP, Ruby, Turing, VB and more!
Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2004 11:51 am Post subject: (No subject)
did u mean GAIN ( u said GAIM)
nasty spyware..
and... yea msn save convo is normally scrwed up... depends what format u save... and msn plus log.. was much better.. i dont use it no more ..
for ur convo...
just tell her she is a stupid inmature (insert gr here)
cuz thats about it ... she argued for long time over nothig really... sad...
and... Asian Sensation... hmm what game... Street Fighter ?
Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2004 2:45 pm Post subject: (No subject)
No. I did indeed mean GAIM. Though you probably don't know what it is.
Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2004 2:53 pm Post subject: (No subject)