even if you're not a pot smoker, I encourage you to be a little open minded and visit the website to read about the objectives
I'll be there for sure... if anyone else is going, maybe we can meet up there
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Posted: Fri May 28, 2004 3:24 pm Post subject: (No subject)
Hmm, sounds like a good place to go and load up for the summer.
Posted: Fri May 28, 2004 4:04 pm Post subject: (No subject)
Haha that's funny... I'm just imagining the crowd. They're all gonna be stoned when they get there LOL.
Posted: Fri May 28, 2004 7:22 pm Post subject: (No subject)
I'd imagine they'd either mess up the directions and storm a convenience store looking for food, or fall asleep on the bus on the way there
Either way, people who smoke the Mary Jane typically aren't the brightest individuals, and certainly won't give intelligent reasons to their action. I mean, they're prolly gonna cause a whole lotta ruckus with their screaming and protesting of "We like weed! Fulfill our need!" or something stupid along those lines.
It'd take some damn good arguments from some big shot professor of medicine or law to convince Parliament, not some 21 year olds wanting to keep that nickel bag they spent their hydro money on.
Posted: Mon May 31, 2004 6:57 pm Post subject: (No subject)
ouch. looks like you're the only one going paddy.
Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2004 5:36 pm Post subject: (No subject)
how disappointing oh well .. not my loss 8)
Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2004 6:32 pm Post subject: (No subject)
... unless a riot somehow starts and you get arrested/trampled/shot.
Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2004 12:59 am Post subject: (No subject)
except for that's not gonna happen... I really don't see a riot starting at a pot protest
here's a few quotes for you naysayers to consider ... hopefully it will open your mind to the fact that the amount of money that's being wasted on the criminalization of marijuana is totally pointless, which is what this rally is about
"The annual cost of drug enforcement in Canada is estimated to be between
$700 million and
$1 billion...The cost of prosecuting drug offences in 2000-2001 was $57
million with approximately $5 million...relating to prosecuting cannabis
possession offences"-Report of the Senate Special Committee on Illegal Drugs
"Continued criminalization of cannabis undermines the fundamental values set
out in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms"-Report of the Senate
Special Committee on Illegal Drugs 2002
The Le Dain Commission & the Senate Special Committee on Illegal Drugs both
concluded "that criminalization of cannabis had no scientific bases" -Report
of the Senate Special Committee on Illegal Drugs 2002
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Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2004 9:27 am Post subject: (No subject)
Weed makes everyone that tries it happy, and sociable. Which is a lot less than you can say for alcohol.
I personally do say that the criminalization of marijuana is fairly stupid. Alcohol does a lot worse for you than marijuana, hell... cigarettes are worse.
Plus, if you legalize it, the government has more control over the "industry" and can therefor moderate it so that you don't have all these shooting and crap.
Same goes for cocaine, prostitution, ect. If the government regulated all of these things appropriately, this would be a better country. But if you just ban it, It's just more of an incentive to make people want to try these things out. Like the forbidden fruit, "I'm not allowed to try it, so let's prove that we can get it no matter what they say" and then you have newbies at snorting coke running around ODing because they wheren't properly taught how to inhale it, or how much. But if it's freely available, and moderated, then I'll just be like alcohol or pizza, regular things. It's human nature, "People want what they can't have" or "The grass is always greener on the other side" (in this case, literally. )
Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2004 9:56 am Post subject: (No subject)
yeah that's exactly it templest... instead of losing money by punishing people for doing something they're gonna do regardless of what the government tells them, the government might as well legalize it and take control of it like they have with alcohol and tobacco. plus pot is not nearly as bad for you or those around you as either of these two.
you're likely not gonna get stoned and pick a fight with someone
when you're stoned, you tend to drive a lot slower and be a lot more cautious, so you're likely not gonna cause too many accidents
no studies have shown anything about getting cancer of any kind from smoking pot
Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2004 8:04 am Post subject: (No subject)
I don't agree with that philosophy either; just because people want it doesn't mean we should regulate it so we can make money off of it. Here's my reasoning:
By extension, society frowns on drug use, but you propose to legislate it, since people only want what they can't have. Society also frowns on child pornography and we definitely shouldn't legislate that. Sure, its forbidden fruit, so perves are gonna want it, but that doesn't mean we should give it to them. To paraphrase,
Instead of losing money by punishing people for making, distributing and watching child pornography, which they're gonna do regardless of what the government tells them, the government might as well legalize it and take control of it like they could with marijuana. That's how I see your approach to legalization. I'm not against it, but like usual I'm opposed to people doing things for the wrong reason.
Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2004 9:11 am Post subject: (No subject)
Dauntless wrote:
I don't agree with that philosophy either; just because people want it doesn't mean we should regulate it so we can make money off of it. Here's my reasoning:
By extension, society frowns on drug use, but you propose to legislate it, since people only want what they can't have. Society also frowns on child pornography and we definitely shouldn't legislate that. Sure, its forbidden fruit, so perves are gonna want it, but that doesn't mean we should give it to them. To paraphrase,
Instead of losing money by punishing people for making, distributing and watching child pornography, which they're gonna do regardless of what the government tells them, the government might as well legalize it and take control of it like they could with marijuana. That's how I see your approach to legalization. I'm not against it, but like usual I'm opposed to people doing things for the wrong reason.
No, because there are differences between the nature of the act. When you fuck a 6 year old, It's a crime against the kid, their faminly, your city, the country, everything that makes us human. When you smoke a joint, it's the same as consuming alcohol.
Smoke 2 grams of marijuana, and the next day take 6 shots of vodka. Then tell me if you feel any difference between the two.
Except the fact that marijuana won't give you a hangover, make you vomit, or fuck over your liver if you do too much.
I don't think you want beer outlawed, but by that nature, why outlaw the marijuana? It's the same shit. I honestly find no logic in it being banned and alcohol not.
Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2004 11:06 pm Post subject: (No subject)
I don't oppose the legalization of marijuana, but I oppose your logic, and people who support good things for the wrong reason.
I was attacking your reasoning that "people are always going to want what the government won't let them, so just give them what they want".
And I understand your argument; there isn't any reason that alcohol and tobacco shouldn't be illegal any more than marijuana. But my view is that cigarettes and alcohol became accepted and ingrained in our society because of laxness and ignorance of the true harm of it. If we allow marijuana to be legalized and popularized, it could go the way of alcohol and cigarettes. Are you a big fan of alcoholics and smokers? Or alcohol and cigarettes? In a few years, maybe people will be moving to legalize a different drug, citing how alcohol, tobacco, and marijuana are legal, and then it'll just keep going from there. Marijuana is the supposed gateway drug, but my forecast gives that a whole different meaning.
Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2004 11:13 am Post subject: (No subject)
Do not give in to the anarchists who want marijuana legalized!!!
I agree with Dauntless, except that he said that he doesn't oppose its legalization so I'm getting confused because 2 paragraphs after that he says he doesn't like it. Hmph.
Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2004 7:49 pm Post subject: (No subject)
templest wrote:
When you smoke a joint, it's the same as consuming alcohol.
Not true. If you were to buy your marijuana, it is possible that you could be funding organized crime, and they could use the money to support more evil things, like prostitution. Also, marijuana contains carcionigens.