Posted: Tue May 18, 2004 4:04 pm Post subject: (No subject)
%Mitchell Malcomson
%A Simple Matrix for Newbs
%modified by: paul bian
setscreen ("graphics")
var x : int
var y : int
colorback (16)
color (green)
for a: 33..57
randint (x, 1, maxx)
randint (y, 1, maxy)
locatexy (x,y) put chr(a)
end for
for a: 97..122
randint (x, 1, maxx)
randint (y, 1, maxy)
locatexy (x,y) put chr(a)
end for
end loop
same results
Posted: Tue May 18, 2004 6:22 pm Post subject: (No subject)
%Mitchell Malcomson
%A Simple Matrix for Newbs
%modified by: paul bian
setscreen ("graphics")
var x : int
var y : int
colorback (16)
color (green)
for a: 33..57
randint (x, 1, maxx)
randint (y, 1, maxy)
locatexy (x,y) put chr(a)
end for
for a: 97..122
randint (x, 1, maxx)
randint (y, 1, maxy)
locatexy (x,y) put chr(a)
end for
end loop
shorter still paul, uses cooler symbols
Canadian Rob
Posted: Wed May 19, 2004 5:00 pm Post subject: (No subject)
lol Nice nice, I made sumen like that in grd 10 when I had nutten 2 do.. I got kicked out of class for ... well thats for me 2 know lol and my classmates looool well yea.. I got moved to a class with no one in it.. and i made it lol
Posted: Mon May 24, 2004 9:45 pm Post subject: (No subject)
the true matrix one would shade the colors of green along a line going from bright to dark falling....
but anyways... i made it look better and cooler yet..
i didn;t like it how it deleted all chars on line.. so i made it scroll a better way...
anyways.!! take a look.... too bad u cant make window bigger... when i tried it gave mne tons of color and row errors
Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2004 12:37 pm Post subject: (No subject)
Cervantes : shorter still paul, uses cooler symbols
What are you talking about, they are exactly the same code dude, nothing has changed!
Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2004 3:35 pm Post subject: (No subject)
nice...good stuff...
Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2004 11:26 pm Post subject: (No subject)
I liked the idea, but wanted to make one that looked more like the original. It's much less simple, but looks good:
setscreen ("nobuttonbar,graphics:max;max")
const numl := 400 % change this value until it runs at a good speed on your computer
colorback (black)
var font1 := Font.New ("serif:12")
process dropletter
var start : int
randint (start, maxy, round (maxy * 2))
var let : int
randint (let, 33, 126)
var k : char := chr (let)
var x, col : int
randint (x, 1, maxx)
randint (col, 5, 20)
col := RGB.AddColor (0, col / 20, 0)
for decreasing y : start .. 0 by 10
Font.Draw (k, x, y, font1, col)
if y < start - 100 then
drawfillbox (x, y + 100, x + Font.Width (k, font1), y + 120, black)
end if
exit when hasch
end for
for decreasing y : 100 .. 0 by 10
drawfillbox (x, y, x + Font.Width (k, font1), y + 20, black)
exit when hasch
end for
start := maxy
exit when hasch
end loop
end dropletter
for i : 1 .. numl
fork dropletter
end for
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Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2004 11:54 pm Post subject: (No subject)
nice ... thats the stuff.... i dont like the varying sizes... but i really lke the falling effect!!
Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2004 10:00 am Post subject: (No subject)
I don't actually change the size of the text - those are just differences in the actual charachter sizes. If you want them to be the same size, just change my code to limit it to alphabetic characters.
Here's a more modifiable version of the code:
setscreen ("nobuttonbar,graphics:max;max")
const numl := 400 % change this value until it runs at a good speed on your computer
const linel := 300 % This changes the length of the line of charcters
const spc := 15 %This changes spacing between characters vertically - overlapped and not both work well
colorback (black)
var font1 := Font.New ("serif:12")
process dropletter
var start : int
randint (start, maxy, round (maxy * 2))
var let : int
randint (let, 33, 126) % Change this line for which characters to include
var k : char := chr (let)
var x, col : int
randint (x, 1, maxx)
randint (col, 5, 20)
col := RGB.AddColor (0, col / 20, 0)
for decreasing y : start .. 0 by spc
Font.Draw (k, x, y, font1, col)
if y < start - linel then
drawfillbox (x, y + linel, x + Font.Width (k, font1), y + linel + 10 + spc, black)
end if
exit when hasch
end for
for decreasing y : linel .. 0 by spc
drawfillbox (x, y, x + Font.Width (k, font1), y + 10 + spc, black)
exit when hasch
end for
start := maxy
exit when hasch
end loop
end dropletter
for i : 1 .. numl
fork dropletter
end for
Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2004 6:06 pm Post subject: (No subject)
Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2004 7:00 am Post subject: (No subject)
not bad DanShadow.
err, that's odd. Either paul edited his post to copy mine, or a mod edited either of our posts.
Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2004 7:18 am Post subject: (No subject) I remeber checking every line... they were the same. I think u had a better version, u just didn't Ctrl+C it very well, so the code u copied to use to modify got posted.
Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2004 4:39 pm Post subject: (No subject)
very interesting, although i made the same effect as the first code using only eight lines!
as soon as i get back to school, i'll post it for u!