%File "ShapeCl"the Shape Class
class ShapeCl
export Circle, Ball, Square, Block, TiltSquare, Moon, Star,
proc Circle (xc, yc, radius, clr : int)
Draw.Oval (xc, yc, radius, radius, clr)
end Circle
proc Ball (xc, yc, radius, clr : int)
Draw.FillOval (xc, yc, radius, radius, clr)
end Ball
proc Square (x, y, size, clr : int)
Draw.Box (x, y, size, size, clr)
end Square
proc Block (x,y, size, clr: int)
Draw.FillBox (x, y, size,size, clr)
end Block
proc TiltSquare (x1, y1, size, angle, clr : int)
%compute 4 constants for the corners:
const a := round (size * cosd (angle))
const b := round (size * sind (angle))
const c := round (size * sqrt (2) * cosd (45 + angle))
const d := round (size * sqrt (2) * sind (45 + angle))
%compute corners
const x2 := x1 + a
const y2 := y1 + b
const x3 := x1 + c
const y3 := y1 + d
const x4 := x1 - b
const y4 := y1 + a
%draw the square
Draw.Line (x1, y1, x2, y2, clr)
Draw.Line (x2, y2, x3, y3, clr)
Draw.Line (x3, y3, x4, y4, clr)
Draw.Line (x4, y4, x1, y1, clr)
end TiltSquare
proc Moon (xc, yc, size, clr : int)
for angle : 0 .. 360 by 10
TiltSquare (xc, yc, size, angle, clr)
end for
end Moon
proc Star (x1, y1, x2, y2, clr : int)
Draw.FillStar (x1, y1, x2, y2, clr)
end Star
proc MapleLeaf (x1, y1, x2, y2, clr : int)
Draw.FillMapleLeaf (x1, y1, x2, y2, clr)
end MapleLeaf
end ShapeCl