I don't... The show r0x!!!@!1 LOL! ROTFLMAO! Poor Chickens. :(
[ 0 ]
I don't give enough of a fuck to have an opinion. (praise thee, there's still hope).
[ 7 ]
Total Votes : 12
Posted: Sat Apr 17, 2004 7:45 pm Post subject: Reality T.V. Shows Can Bite My Hairy Ass.
I don't care about you. I have no interest in who you mary, or who who went out with 13 years ago. I really couldn't give 1/3rd or a chunk of sh!t what you like to do on the weekends. Hell, If your dad died by the re-incarnation of Hitler, I wouldn't give a fuck. I'd care more about Hitler than your Jewish dad. If I care this much about you, why in the HOLY-FUCK would I give a FUCK about some retarded, fake-blonde, that lives somewhere in the outskirts of Texas? I FUCKING DON'T!
This disguisting habbit of mongoloids to know everything about EVERYONE as means of entertainment and masturbation (knowing that your life is better) is both lame, and vomit inducing. It literally makes me sick. Physically sick, every time I see a new survivor air on TV. Some would say the first time was OK, NO!@@!#1 THE FUCKING-FIRST-MOTHER-FUCKING-TIME WAS NOT OK!! IT WAS FUCKING DISGUISTING! This mass-wave of reality T.V. shows is making me wish I was a poor kid in Uganda, that was I wouldn't have to be exposed to this bullshit.
Trading Spaces. Survivor. Life in the ER. The Bachlor. The Bachlor... (omg)... ette. What kind of an asshole consider's themself a "bachlorette"?~@?!211 Do women really feel the need to bestow upon themselves male titles in order to exentuate/rub in our faces the fact that they are finaly equal in front of the eyes of the law? And make the title complete shit/ thereafter worthless amongst the eyes of men? I'll never call myself a bachlor as long as I live now, because all that'll do is remind me of this piece of shit show. And ASWELL THE FACT THAT IT'S BASED ON THE INTIMATE LIFE OF SOME FUCKTARD I HAVE NO CLUE/NO WILL TO KNOW MAKES ME HATE IT EVEN MORE!!@! Fucking lamers. This is the conversation between the imbeciles as Fox Netwerkz and that "Bachorette" whore:
*NOTE: The woman is making out with 20 / 30 ( I don't know) men a fucking week, letting them rub her tits, blah, blah... and not even charging!!@23@ Yes, She's a fucking whore. Nay, worse... at least she should charge them a fucking nickle.
"Bachlorette": (thinking to herself as she waits in the lobby): Ohh, I'm so pretty, I wish I get picket, that way I can make out with lots of dreamy guys and get to get hit on everyday. Ohhh! Judy will be so jelous! That bitch, serves her right!.
The Dude (creator of show, w/e. You fill in the blanks): Ms. ________! Guess what! I have great news for you! You're our new Bachelorette!
"Bachlorette": Ohh wow! I feel so special! Thank you very much! I love your tie! Wanna fuck? WEEE!
Sorry, I got bored... Back on the subject.
Have you seen that new "The Swan" show? AHHHHTHGHG!
The sluts on that show deserve to be executed on the spot. Why is every woman in the whole fucking world like this? Do they really feel that the only way to be happy is to dump a pound of rubber on their face and burn their thighs off? Must they incinerate the roots of their hair with bleach just because it "cool"? These women are sad, disguisting human beings. With no self esteem, no intelligence, and no self respect. And these fuckers are only contributing to her derranged mental state. Be happy with your self you fucking retard!
I'm not going to go tear my fucking ass-hairs out and eat steroids for breakfast just so that these annoying/retarded girls like me.
Hints for all you males, (Which should make up about 99% of the people reading this post):
1) Boycott women that only buy Old Navy/GAP/Roots/GUCCI cloathing & Accessories. These type of trendy whores only care about what's "in" and will most likely never really have deep emotions for you. They are most likely only going out with you because your hair matches her purse.
2) Boycott fake blondes emmidiately. Do I really have to explain why? It shows they have no self esteem and feel that the only way to be happy with themselves is to look like those bitches on "La Senza" posters.
3) Boycott women that use the word "like" every 13.463 seconds. A person with that type of MTV induced speech impediment is like, y'know, not really, like, smart.
4) Boycott women that can only talk about: money, cars, cute puppies, cute bunnies, cute skirts, cute socks, cute kittens, hello kitty, chocolate, how much she hate that bitch, shows like "The Swan".
*If she can't recite the quadratic formula off by heart, she's not worth it.
NOTE: From here on, you sub in the phrase: "Boycott women that" infront of every point I make.
5) Spends 6 hours a day watching TV.
6) Thinks Shawn Desman is cute.
7) Thinks Ja Rule is Cute.
8) Thinks Michael Jackson is innocent.
9) Thinks Jennifer Lopez is "real".
10) has failed 5+ courses in high School.
11) Smoke.
12) Are nymphomaniacs. You might think it's cool, until the plumber has to come one day while you're not home.
13) Has strong feelings about the treatment of chickens in slaughter houses.
14) Don't at least know what a "Linux" is.
*Doesn't count if all she can associate linux with is a penguin.
I know this narrows it down a bit. But trust me, women like that aren't worth it. Only the good one's are left. If you meet a girl like that, and you don't want to like her because she's not "hot", fuck you. Are you that shallow? You'd rather spend a misserable life with a hot girl, instead of a happy, fullfiling, joyful life with a girl that is decent looking?
It all comes down to picky, faggoty, "metro-sexual" fucks that take up the task of making physically less appealing women feel like shit. These fucks should be executed on the spot. Do you know how much better the world would be without idiots like this?
This was my exxxessive rant.
You actually read this all? holly shit.
PS: check out my site: http://xiplst.zor.org <~ and tell me what'cha think. Only link that works is "Convert" in the NavBar. It's a project for my WebDesign Class.
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Posted: Sat Apr 17, 2004 9:20 pm Post subject: (No subject)
Yes reality Tv does suck, you know what?.... TV sucks, i havent watched it in awhile.
We see reality everyday outside of our house, why do we need it plastered all over television too?
In my opinion COPS is the worst television show. They have a positive message: if we can create a large network (like the TV show) we can inform people of criminals and also gather information from the viewers on crimes. But it can be portrayed in a negative image, showing what criminals have done, maybe even possibly giving ideas to others to commit some crime. I always thought of COPS as a competition, if your a criminal and you've made it on the COPS tv show than you've finally got your 15 minutes of fame, beating out the rest that didnt make it.
Posted: Sat Apr 17, 2004 9:22 pm Post subject: (No subject)
I must admit I read very little of your rant but I'm sure I most likely agree with it. Reality TV is officially less real than fake TV. Hell, it's less real than anime (or at least far less interesting). I particularly agree with the Linux comment.
Posted: Sat Apr 17, 2004 9:26 pm Post subject: (No subject)
Television use to be entertaining. I think lately in the last 20ish years its been ruined. TV use to have good shows on like MASH which portrayed the war etc. Now its just who is getting booked by the pigs, or will the hot blonde girl marry the fat obnoxious pig?
Posted: Sat Apr 17, 2004 9:46 pm Post subject: (No subject)
wow templest, sweet rant. We should make a page for your rants or something
Posted: Sat Apr 17, 2004 10:57 pm Post subject: (No subject)
WTF, I do agree with some of that stuff, but hell a girl who doesnt know wat linux is? That narrows the field to about 100 females on the face of the earth. And cant recite the quadratic formula? Man now whose the picky one?
Posted: Sat Apr 17, 2004 11:00 pm Post subject: (No subject)
wtf people are ranting without me?!
templest got caught by the naughty words filter a little too many times for his rant. My opinion on reality TV is a little more objective. It isn't a new concept, reality TV has been around in various forms since the late 80s, but it's recent industry take-over can be attributed to the success of two shows, MTV's The Real World, and Survivor. These shows recieved massive ratings showing that there was a market for reality TV. This spawned a massive ring of reality TV shows that saturated the market by literally every network jumping on the bandwagon. (Keep in mind, this currently parallels to the video game industry where the market is being saturated with MMO's.) The MAIN problem with reality TV is that it lacks origionality, to prove this, I'll outline the categories most reality TV shows fall into:
The Contest- Includes shows like Survivor, American Idol, Last Comic Standing, Big Brother, Popstars, Playing it Straight, and the Apprentice. This keeps the audience by creating "drama" by pitting the cotestants against each other and by having a big reward for the winner. This genre picks up where game shows left off and has the same appeal.
The Disfunctional Family- This one is by far the least entertaining as this genre was bastardized from the real quality shows in this genre like Married with Children. Instead they have been replaced with the Osbournes, The Simple Life, Newlyweds: Nick and Jessica, and Meet My Folks. This genre represented television in the 90s and to see it being abused by reality tv in this manor is a painful sight.
Stupid Teenagers Doing Stupid Things- Like all the other genres, this one did not begin as a reality TV show, but rather as a comic act that gained popularity. The sole appeal to these shows is to target brainless teenagers who are entertained by it. These shows include MTV's Jackass, The Tom Green Show, and The Buzz. While preparation goes in to making these shows, I wouldn't say it's more than any other reality TV genre.
Something to Masturbate to- These would be all of those mindless dating shows which include, The Bachelor(ette), Joe Millionaire, Temptation Island, Married by America, Love Cruise, and Blind Date. The target market for these shows are weepy mindless teenage girls and horny single over 30yr old men.
So this begs the question, what is the future of television? When in the last 1 or 2 years have you seen a brand new show that wasn't a reality show and it didn't suck balls? If it's hard to think of one that's because there hasn't been any. Sure everyone still loves the shows created before the last 2 years, Seinfeld, That 70's Show, The Simpsons, and Family Guy. But there has been no focused creativity on creating new shows that are actually good. I challenge you to find a good show created in the last two years that doesn't have some from of a reality TV element. This is the fate of television.
Posted: Sat Apr 17, 2004 11:21 pm Post subject: (No subject)
Holy shit, that was awesome.
To add to your ideas on the ideal women, you should add something about those who do not conform to the fucked-up ideals of mainstream society. Like (muahaha) how it seems to be completely acceptable to be afraid to get dirty, but then to go and throw mud all over one's fucking face and body. I haven't seen the Swan, but the reason for that is because I thought the goddam commercials were fucking retarded, and I didn't want to lose the millions of brain cells to preview the show.
The "Death of Intelligent TV" is probably why there are so many people on their computers... control content, access to practically anything, free porn, etc. Current TV shows reflect perfectly the mindset of our society. It seems that people think it's funny to sit and laugh and poke fun at the Osbournes for raising some stupid-fuck juvenile delinquents while forgetting all about their own fucking home life. The reason I only watch TV now is to watch Trailer Park Boys (ok, I'm kind of a hipocrite for watching that show, but it's funny) and instead of watching vast amounts of television, I spend vast amounts of time on my computer bypassing the proof of the rapid degeneration of our society.
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Posted: Sat Apr 17, 2004 11:31 pm Post subject: (No subject)
I'm sure women have a boycott list too.
Maybe it goes like:
1) Men who know what a Linux is.
2) Men who swear excessively and repeatedly
3) Men who assume that dying hair is a sign of horrible self-esteem
4) Men who prefer fat-thighed women since they hate women who "burn their thighs off".
5) Men who think that anyone with muscle tone takes steroids
6) Men who keep their ass-hairs....
Templest, just wanted to say: just cuz a girl is hot doesn't mean she's shallow. And being attracted to someone doesn't mean that you are shallow either. It's true that people who have the privilege of being with beautiful women make the more homely women "feel like shit". But usually they're not gay, or metro-sexual...And just because people take showers and change clothes doesn't qualify them as metrosexual.
Yeah, the world would be better without idiots like that. But beauty is mother nature's way of ensuring that the "strongest" reproduce. While nowadays, beauty doesn't always entail stronger genes, that's where it came from. Basically, if beauty never existed, we might not exist to be like we are today. But since it did exist, it carried over, so that now people with the luxury of abundant food and shelter can reproduce at will. Minus the pressure, people are out of how nature intended them to be. Actually, I'm going to continue this rant in my Philosophy thread.
That was my retort.
Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2004 12:01 am Post subject: (No subject)
Ah but in my experiences at the dumn-shit school that I am forced to attend, the extremely beautiful girls are the extremely shallow girls, but they may just be beautiful because they can afford nice clothes and makeup and whatnot. By me saying that I am giving the impression that I look for only girls with make-up and clothes that are considered the "in style" but you have to admit that we have been conditioned by the wonderful medium of television to believe this is what makes girls/women beautiful.
But hey, fat people had it good in the 1600s when fat women were preferred over skinny women because it signified that women having wealth and an abundance of food and servants to look after the physically demanding aspects of life.
By this whole thread we are really rewriting a definition of the word "beautiful" which to most people is just something like "the pleasantness of the contours of the face which stimulates the senses in varying degrees" or something like that, but now it can mean:
1) What brand of clothes you have.
2) How big your boobs are.
3) How tanned your skin is.
4) How you apply your make-up.
It would be refreshing for future conditioning of the perception of beauty to include maybe not necessarily intelligence but open-mindedness, respect, etc.
I'd have to say, though, that if a girl just suddenly stood up somewhere and started reciting little-known facts concerning the Linux kernel I would find them hot immediately, unless they were ugly .
Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2004 12:16 pm Post subject: (No subject)
yea... trailer park boioys is funny.... (if its on when i go watch tv...)
all those crappy reality shows are all based on previous ones like above mentioned (i think it was dauntless... meh,...)
eiother way..... i only watch shows with hot ckicks,..... Discovery chanel....
and sometimes CSI and Law and Order SVU
but.... bitch me out i dont care.... i watch survivor.....
that is the only reality show ill ever watch... all the other ones are FUCKED UP PEICES OF SHIT!and are pitiful excusses as TV shows..
yes.... girls have to at least make it thru 75 % of that boycot list,....
i dont know much about linux..... its an OS alternative to WIndows... and has a panguin.... and shorthair likes it...
so asking a girl that.... hmm... dont think so...
.'like' shoud be banned from the female dictionary..
Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2004 1:49 pm Post subject: (No subject)
Well...what happens if a "good" girl by your standards buys clothes that look good. Then she's automatically bad right? Doing all that shit as a result of hating reality TV is stupid. Calm yourself.
Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2004 5:00 pm Post subject: (No subject)
I'm sure women have a boycott list too.
Maybe it goes like:
1) Men who know what a Linux is.
2) Men who swear excessively and repeatedly
3) Men who assume that dying hair is a sign of horrible self-esteem
4) Men who prefer fat-thighed women since they hate women who "burn their thighs off".
5) Men who think that anyone with muscle tone takes steroids
6) Men who keep their ass-hairs....
Templest, just wanted to say: just cuz a girl is hot doesn't mean she's shallow. And being attracted to someone doesn't mean that you are shallow either. It's true that people who have the privilege of being with beautiful women make the more homely women "feel like shit". But usually they're not ***, or metro-sexual...And just because people take showers and change clothes doesn't qualify them as metrosexual.
Yeah, the world would be better without idiots like that. But beauty is mother nature's way of ensuring that the "strongest" reproduce. While nowadays, beauty doesn't always entail stronger genes, that's where it came from. Basically, if beauty never existed, we might not exist to be like we are today. But since it did exist, it carried over, so that now people with the luxury of abundant food and shelter can reproduce at will. Minus the pressure, people are out of how nature intended them to be. Actually, I'm going to continue this rant in my Philosophy thread.
That was my retort
Dauntless.... Get read to feel my wrath.
*BTW: How-come shorthair never posts in threads where I appear anymore?
Maybe I might not have been too descriptive in my previous post, so let me tell you my views in a more detailed manner.
My definition of physical beauty: Tara Reid.
My definition of spiritual beauty: Jesus.
Now, about the cloathing comment, let's get that out of the way first. (since it seems to be your favourite point to argue):
Notice I used the word: Only. Meaning if a woman only purchases cloathing items/accessories from these such companies because it's trendy/hip/"it", then I see them as far from being someone I would consider dating. Why? Is it nessecary to purchase a $80, Plain White T-Shirt from Tommy Hilfiger just because it has a tag on the back? This not only shows me that they are easily brainwashed by any cool looking commercial, not a good thing, and that they are stupid for buying an $80 shirt that looks exactly the same as my $4.99 shirt from giant tiger.
Furthermore, I do not assume every woman with a good looking pair of sneaker is stupid and automatically boycott her. Seriously, I buy $120 reebok shoes, I like how they look, and are light as fuck.
Ahh, let's get the swearing issue cleared up. My views on censorship & "quetionable" language:
Censorship is the most disguisting thing that could have ever been created. For starters, let's start with the simple question. What do you gain from it? A few more years of innocense in a child's mind? Why? I see no point, is it something a decent parent would do? Blind your childs eyes from the world's harsh-realities?. Or maybe not to influence others in such crude behaviour? what the fuck?. Have you not picked up dictionary lately? The last one I bought had about twelve different combinations in which the word fuck could be used. It's a word. Nothing more. Can it stab you while you're sleeping? Make your kid want to shoot up a school? Fuck no. All I see censorship as is another way of control. Some sick bastard out there is trying to pull a Holden Caufield and protect everyone under 17 from the hardships of adulthood. All I have to say to that is, fuck a shit brick. Knowing things which are obcene is just like knowing the difference between a metaphor and a similie, Its knowledge. Are you going to deny our right to learn new things, asshole? Personally if a child say "Fuck, I hit my finger". I couldn't care less. It's a WORD! LEARN THAT YOU FUCKING PANZEE! There is to some extent things which I do not aprove of. Which truly passes the boundries of obscene and crude behaviour. But the words: shit, fuck, ass, hell, rape, slut, whore, bitch, faggot, pussy, ect. Are not words to be afraid of, they're just words. If used inappropriately, they are obscene. So it the word balls. But that doesn't mean you'll start censoring basketball games because they use such crude language. Embrace language, the more words exist the easier it is for us to express ourselves, do you not understand?
Besides the word fuck we see a lot of "Should these games be banned?". Idiots, are those who say yes. Grand Theft Auto III, Is a game. Nothing more. I don't believe this game can influence a retard to shoot up a school anymore than it can influence a dog to take a shit. Do you want to know why kids do those horrible crimes against humanity? Because you fuck-ups as parents let them. Your kid displays emmotional difficulties and you shut them down, they might be sad and you say "suck it up", They get teased and you say "It's a part of growing up". NO! YOU ARE A FUCKING MORON! IT'S NOT A FUCKING PART OF GROWING UP! IT'S IDIOTS RUINING THE SELF ESTEEM OF YOUR OFFSPRING AND YOU ARE TELLING THEM TO "SUCK IT UP?" WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR PROBLEM? WATCH OVER YOU FUCKING KIDS! If a child was truly happy, none of this would happen. It's called emmotional instability. Children do things because they feel it's what they should do to fix things, or to do things. If they get pushed around all the time, they might think the only way to come back it to push back. Maybe with a Desert Eagle 0.50? You fucking jerks just don't get it. You attempt to censor games because you don't want to blame yourself for your own fuck ups. You're too scared to admit YOU went wrong. So you want to blame it on the games, or on Eminem. You jerks don't get it at all. I've been playing Quake 3 Arena, Grand Theft Auto, Diablo II, Warcraft, Day of Defeat, ect. Since I was 12, and I must say, I feel like shooting up a school just as much as I did when I was 3. Raise your kids accordingly, give them your love. They need it. Otherwise they'll grow to become fuck-up-as-parents like you. I hate each and everyone of you who thinks censorship is right.
Personally, I'll let my kids play all the violent games, watch all the rated R movies / aswell as pornography if they damned well choose, and listen to all the eminem / Maralyn Manson they feel like, Do you want to know why?
"People always say you must be stupid to use swear words because you can't think of a better word to say, I think the people that say this are stupid. Because to deny yourself of using these words is to limit your vocabulary. While we free thinkers learn to embrace it" -Templest. (feel free to use it on your sigs).
*Copy-&-Pasted from another forum I wrote it on.
Now, I really believe women should have a boycott list as well. But allow me to retort on your linux issue.
Sure, there are women that don't like "nerds" because they are wierd, ugly, and play with startrek toys all day. So they might boycott a man that doesn't like Linux. In my eyes, she's not worth it because she cannot recognize a man that has such qualities as mathematical/computational intellect. Any intellect really.
EDIT: The word "n e r d" is censored? wtf?
I read books, I write, I paint (art.. not building's walls), I make music, I am athletic, I have friends, So what If I like Linux, Counter-Strike and Massive Attack? You're a shallow bitch for boycotting men for such shallow reasons.
I am a firm believer that women/men should not wear make-up. Why? Dressing up your face with wale-blubber isn't going to make me think you're more attractive. Honestly. No joke, I'm better than judging women on their physical appearance. And women that feel the only way to attract men is through their physical appearance is a woman I want nothing to do with, so in a way, I guess it is better that they boycott me, infact, don't even tell me that you boycotted me, I don't want to talk to you.
Women that feel it is a nessecity to be physically beutiful (ie: Tara Reid) are annoying. To me, at least.
If I woman is naturally blonde, blue eyes, thin, has a tan, and is fucking hot (ie: Tara Reid). I won't condemn them, I would probably masturbate to them. But if all she has to talk about is her: cute baby puppy and his cute little sweater, ohh and "How hooooooot Rob (random name) is on survivor". Then I do not want to talk to her.
But on the same scale, if a woman is just not blessed with physical beauty, I won't condemn her either. Both hot chicks and Ugly women are equal to me. It depends on what type of people they are that I judge them on. You're shallow for boycotting men that have ass hairs. It's not my fault I grow down there, and I shour ass hell won't go through the pain of ripping them out just to seem more physically appealing.
I am boycotting women that are ALWAYS TRYING TO LOOK BETTER. I shower everyday, I wear clean/presentable cloathes, Some may argue that I lookmetrosexual. But I don't do it on purpose, and if I looked like "Bob the Trucker", I wouldn't be doing that on purpose either.
People that are driven by the argument that physical beauty is the only way to be beatiful make me sick.
Please, retort.
Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2004 5:19 pm Post subject: (No subject)
Look, templest, maybe you just like to hear yourself talk/type? Alot of this is subjective stuff that doesn't really prove your point so much as let you vent at people you hate.
Furthermore, I never said I hate censorship; I'm for swear words, but come on now, calm yourself. The word fcuk is something to be used sparingly, very much like the word "like" is...
You buy reebok's cuz they look good, and you think they're good shoes. Just because you don't exclusively buy reebok, doesn't exclude you from the fact that you bought something you liked either. If you want to be "holier than everyone", keep in mind there's more self-righteous pricks that are more elitist than you are; child rights activists will put you on their boycott list cuz you support child labour by buying reeboks...
Templest; never have children. You have the same views as white trash stoner parents. It's cool for you to think those thoughts now, but really. When you have kids, and you want to protect them, you won't think the same. Chances are, they're gonna run with the wrong crowd, like it or not, and you, against your will are gonna resent it. Porno will breed chauvinists, the exact kind of people that you seem to hate on. I'm sure you know what I'm talking about. The whole exploitation of women thing; if kids are only shown women who let men do all kinds of things to them, they'll expect their women to be like that too.
Frankly, you don't know enough about child psychology to make these statements anyways, I assume all you know about it is what you hear about on forums and the media. I'm pretty sure there's parents who tell their kids to suck it up and parents who don't, and that there's been mixed results for either side.
Yeah, today's government is irresponsible to blame things on video games. But they're only using the same type of deductive reasoning as you are. They're just more off-kilter. Also, violent tendencies are probably not single-generation jumps. Think about it...If the number 1 lets its kids be 1,2,or 3, then the kid who picks 3 will let its kids be 1,2,3, or 4...and on and on.
And come on. I look good by accident. I am above boycotting. That's ridiculous.
Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2004 5:34 pm Post subject: (No subject)
I'm not going to read all that, but to answer your question about shorthair:
He is afraid of you. And Dauntless is the new shorthair, but he actually knows what the hell he is talking about and is not as much of a bitch.