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 How do joint programs work?
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 07, 2015 7:05 pm   Post subject: How do joint programs work?

I'm applying for University of Ottawa and there's a joint mathematics and computer science program.

How does the degree from a course like that work? Would it give two degrees, one for the completion of the math course and one for the completion of the computer science, or is it one degree for both?

And would that degree count the same as the general computer science degree or is that different?

PostPosted: Wed Jan 07, 2015 7:23 pm   Post subject: RE:How do joint programs work?

Not about this degree in specific, but here's some information that you might find useful:

A degree is a collection of courses. Some are required, some can be picked from specific groups, and some are up to your interests. In cases where there is significant overlap between the programs (such as Computer Science and Mathematics), the optional parts of one program can be used to pick up the required parts of the other and get you really close to completing both requirements.

You typically can't double-count academic material (e.g. submitting the same project / paper / etc. to get credit in multiple courses), so I'd expect this to be a single degree with both names on it.

Given the above, it would be the same requirements as a typical CS degree, but instead of "rounded education" via elective courses, it's just even more math Wink
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