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 Applying for university
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 09, 2014 7:45 am   Post subject: Applying for university

Hello, I just started grade 12 with hopes of going to university next year for computer science, I was just wondering if anyone could suggest a good university (hopefully not too far from the Toronto region, but I'm not too opposed to leaving Ontario) that would accept me. I currently have an average in the 75-80% range, is this too low? What will I need? I haven't started my more important classes yet (functions, calculus, online programming) so increasing that average isn't out of the question yet.

Thanks for the help in advance! Much appreciated by Very Happy

PostPosted: Thu Oct 09, 2014 1:31 pm   Post subject: RE:Applying for university

You could just try for the highest grades you can get. Anything above admission generally spills over as bonus scholarship money.

You should also apply to all of the schools that you are interested in. E.g. UWaterloo might say "high 80s", but they also consider your "Additional Information Form" to adjust to your circumstance (clubs, work, various academic competitions, letter of recommendation from your teacher). Informally, I hear that could be as good as another 10 percent-points on your average (it could also take away, if your school is known to inflate grades). Finally they would typically give a range of alternative offers -- maybe no co-op, conditional on maintaining specific grades to end of year, or offer for some other related program.

For CS, you should apply to UW, UofT, and UBC. You should additionally apply to a couple of "safe choice" schools -- those that advertise lower requirements than your top choices, as a backup.
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 31, 2014 8:30 pm   Post subject: RE:Applying for university

Laurentian University (currently attending 2nd year) is great and have a great comp sci program which also has coop. Also profs are great (in and out of the classes), good environment, friendly staff and the campus is nice its got a mix of modern and old architec. Only thing is that its in sudbury. Otherwise waterloo is good, York as well, not sure about UofT.
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