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 Help me with my hangman game (GUI HELP)
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PostPosted: Wed May 21, 2014 3:42 pm   Post subject: Help me with my hangman game (GUI HELP)

What is it you are trying to achieve?
My hangman game's buttons wont work properly

What is the problem you are having?
When i click a, or any button, only the a button turns to an asterisk and disables.

Describe what you have tried to solve this problem
No idea how to fix it

Post any relevant code (You may choose to attach the file instead of posting the code if it is too long)
Look below


import GUI
setscreen ("graphics:800;500")

var buttons : array 1 .. 26 of int
forward procedure change (buttons : array 1 .. * of int)

%Got too lazy to do individual buttons, so yea
proc button
    change (buttons)
    put "Hi"
end button

%This is the backround
colourback (11)
Draw.FillBox (0, 0, maxx, maxy, 11)

%The Letter Buttons, they are part of an array
buttons (1) := GUI.CreateButtonFull (40, 100, 50, "A", button, 50, "a", true)
buttons (2) := GUI.CreateButtonFull (100, 100, 50, "B", button, 50, "b", true)
buttons (3) := GUI.CreateButtonFull (160, 100, 50, "C", button, 50, "c", true)
buttons (4) := GUI.CreateButtonFull (220, 100, 50, "D", button, 50, "d", true)
buttons (5) := GUI.CreateButtonFull (280, 100, 50, "E", button, 50, "e", true)
buttons (6) := GUI.CreateButtonFull (340, 100, 50, "F", button, 50, "f", true)
buttons (7) := GUI.CreateButtonFull (400, 100, 50, "G", button, 50, "g", true)
buttons (8) := GUI.CreateButtonFull (460, 100, 50, "H", button, 50, "h", true)
buttons (9) := GUI.CreateButtonFull (520, 100, 50, "I", button, 50, "i", true)
buttons (10) := GUI.CreateButtonFull (580, 100, 50, "J", button, 50, "j", true)
buttons (11) := GUI.CreateButtonFull (640, 100, 50, "K", button, 50, "k", true)
buttons (12) := GUI.CreateButtonFull (700, 100, 50, "L", button, 50, "l", true)
buttons (13) := GUI.CreateButtonFull (40, 50, 50, "M", button, 50, "m", true)
buttons (14) := GUI.CreateButtonFull (100, 50, 50, "N", button, 50, "n", true)
buttons (15) := GUI.CreateButtonFull (160, 50, 50, "O", button, 50, "o", true)
buttons (16) := GUI.CreateButtonFull (220, 50, 50, "P", button, 50, "p", true)
buttons (17) := GUI.CreateButtonFull (280, 50, 50, "Q", button, 50, "q", true)
buttons (18) := GUI.CreateButtonFull (340, 50, 50, "R", button, 50, "r", true)
buttons (19) := GUI.CreateButtonFull (400, 50, 50, "S", button, 50, "s", true)
buttons (20) := GUI.CreateButtonFull (460, 50, 50, "T", button, 50, "t", true)
buttons (21) := GUI.CreateButtonFull (520, 50, 50, "U", button, 50, "u", true)
buttons (22) := GUI.CreateButtonFull (580, 50, 50, "V", button, 50, "v", true)
buttons (23) := GUI.CreateButtonFull (640, 50, 50, "W", button, 50, "w", true)
buttons (24) := GUI.CreateButtonFull (700, 50, 50, "X", button, 50, "x", true)
buttons (25) := GUI.CreateButtonFull (280, 0, 50, "Y", button, 50, "y", true)
buttons (26) := GUI.CreateButtonFull (400, 0, 50, "Z", button, 50, "z", true)

%This is to change the letter to an *
body proc change
    for i : 1 .. 26
        GUI.SetLabel (buttons (i), "*")
        GUI.Disable (buttons (i))
    end for
end change

%Drawing the sticks
Draw.FillBox (570, 160, 590, 400, black)     %Left Line
Draw.FillBox (560, 160, 700, 180, black)     %Bottom Line
Draw.FillBox (560, 400, 700, 420, black)     %Top Line
Draw.FillBox (680, 400, 700, 370, black)     %Right Line

%Drawing the person
Draw.FillOval (690, 340, 30, 30, black)     %Head
Draw.FillBox (685, 245, 695, 370, black)    %Body
Draw.ThickLine (650, 190, 691, 250, 10, black) %Left Leg
Draw.ThickLine (740, 190, 691, 250, 10, black) %Right Leg

    exit when GUI.ProcessEvent
end loop

Please specify what version of Turing you are using

PostPosted: Wed May 21, 2014 7:05 pm   Post subject: RE:Help me with my hangman game (GUI HELP)


GUI.Disable (buttons (i))
put "just disabled button ", i

and describe what your code is doing before/during/after
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