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 Morse code decoder(translate morse code in to English)
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 08, 2013 11:40 pm   Post subject: Morse code decoder(translate morse code in to English)

import GUI
var English : array 1 .. 44 of char := init ("A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F",
"G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U",
"V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "7", "8", "9", "0", ",",
".", "!", "?", ":", "/", "(", chr (34), ")")

var morse : array 1 .. 44 of string := init (".-", "-...", "-.-.", "-..", ".",
"..-.", "--.", "....", "..", ".---", "-.-", ".-..", "--", "-.", "---", ".--.",
"--.-", ".-.", "...", "-", "..-", "...-", ".--", "-..-", "-.--", "--..", ".----", "..---",
"....-", ".....", "-....", "--...", "---..", "----.", "-----", ".-.-.-", "--..--",
"-.-.--", "..--..", "---...", "-..-.", "-.--.", ".-..-.", "-.--.-")

var input : string
var word : string := ""
var answer : string
var space : boolean := false
var filea, fileb : int
var key : string (1)
var renew : boolean := false

proc screentofileb
open : fileb,"", put
word := ""
for k : 1 .. length (input)
if input (k) not= " " and k not= length (input) then
word := word + input (k)
end if
if input (k) = " " then
for l : 1 .. 44
if word = morse (l) then
put English (l) ..
delay (50)
end if
end for
end if
if k <= length (input) then
word := word + input (k)
for l : 1 .. 44
if word = morse (l) then
put : fileb, English (l)..
end if
end for
end if
if k <= length (input)-2 and
input (k) + input (k + 1) + input (k + 2) = " " then
put : fileb, " "..
end if
end for
close : fileb
end screentofileb
proc decode
put "Enter the morse code"
word := ""
get input : *
for k : 1 .. length (input)
if input (k) not= " " and k not= length (input) then
word := word + input (k)
end if
if input (k) = " "then
for l : 1 .. 44
if word = morse(l)then
put English(l)..
delay (40)
end if
end for
word :=""
end if
if k = length (input) then
word := word + input(k)
for l : 1..44
if word = morse(l)then
put English(l)..
delay (40)
end if
end for
end if
if k <= length (input)-2 and
input (k) + input (k + 1) + input (k + 2) = " "then
put " " ..
end if
end for
put ""
put ""

get answer
if answer = "Y" then
end if
if answer not= "Y" and answer not= "N" then
put "Enter again"
end if
exit when answer = "Y" or answer = "N"
end loop
put " press and key to back to menu"
renew := true
setscreen ("nocursor")
getch (key)
end decode
proc fileatofileb
word := ""
open : filea, "Morse.txt", get
open : fileb, "English.txt", put
exit when eof (filea)
get : filea, input : 1
if input = " " and space then
put : fileb, " " ..
space := false
end if
if input not=""then
space :=false
word := word + input
end if
if input = " " and word not= " "then
for l : 1 .. 44
if word = morse (l) then
put : fileb, English (l)..
end if
end for

end if
end loop
for l : 1 .. 44
if word = morse (l)then

put : fileb, English (l) ..
delay (20)
end if
end for
close : filea
close : fileb
end fileatofileb
proc fileatonscreen
word :=""
open : filea, "Morse.txt", get
exit when eof (filea)
get : filea, input : 1
if input = " " and space then
put "" ..
space := false
end if
if input not= "" then
space := false
word := word + input
end if
if input = " " and word not= ""then
for l : 1 .. 44
if word = morse (l)then
put English (l)..
delay (20)
end if
end for
word :=""
space := true
end if
end loop
for l : 1 .. 44
if word = morse (l)then
put English (l)..
delay (20)
end if
end for
close : filea
put ""
put ""

get answer
if answer = "Y" then
end if
if answer not= "Y" then
put "Enter again"
end if
exit when answer = "Y" or answer = "N"
end loop
put "Press any key to lack to menu"
setscreen ("nocursor")
getch (key)
renew := true
end fileatonscreen
proc menu
setscreen ("cursor")
renew := false
var font : int
var pic : int
pic := Pic.FileNew ("C:/Turing work/imgres.jpg")
Pic.Draw (pic, 180, 130, picMerge)
font := Font.New ("Arial :30:bold")
Font.Draw ("Morse Code Decoder", 140, 340, font, red)
Font.Draw ("", 330, 340, font, green)
var button1 : int := GUI.CreateButton
(10, 230, 100, "Translate morse code", decode)
var button2 : int := GUI.CreateButton
(10, 180, 100, "Enter for a file", fileatonscreen)
exit when GUI.ProcessEvent and renew
end loop
end menu
end loop
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