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 CS vs SE vs BBA/BCS at Waterloo - Choosing the right program?
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According to you, which program is best, given the parameters and constraints? (OPTIONAL, Although I would appreciate the vote...)
(No ending time set)
Computer Science (with the possibility of choosing options for specialization)
 100%  [ 4 ]
Software Engineering (with the unlikely possibility of choosing a specialization track)
 0%  [ 0 ]
BCS/BBA Double Degree
 0%  [ 0 ]
Total Votes : 4

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 15, 2013 4:11 pm   Post subject: CS vs SE vs BBA/BCS at Waterloo - Choosing the right program?

Hey everyone!

I came across this forum recently, and really love the different advice and opinions that can be found here from current students, especially for incoming first-years like me. I'm having a tough time choosing the best program for me, and it would be awesome if you all could help me out...

I'm kinda interested in business and entrepreneurship as well as film production and animation and motion graphics / SFX... these things are something I would like to do if I had the opportunity to, but my main interest still lies in computers and tech-related stuff. I have some experience with JAVA and programming in high school, but I've never exactly considered doing it as a career.

After having done some research, Software Engineering does appeal to me over Computer Science for its practical and applied approach, but at the same time I think that my business / sfx and video interests would be sidelined if I do choose SE...

Is it possible to pursue these interests after graduating or even while doing such a specialized and pretty hard program like SE? Also, is it even feasible to consider taking the Business / Management options under the SE program, considering that it already has a heavy and rigorous workload? And does the Professional Engineer qualification / title make a difference in the real world?

In that case, is it instead possible to take two tracks in the CS program (Business as well as SE)? How would one go about handling that, and do people generally do stuff like that? Also, what are the specific differences between doing the BCS/BBA double degree over taking CS with the Business track? Would it affect co-op and career options?

Thanks a lot in advance! Smile

PostPosted: Mon Apr 15, 2013 5:22 pm   Post subject: RE:CS vs SE vs BBA/BCS at Waterloo - Choosing the right program?

to address some (but not all) questions:

the "practical approach" comes primarily from co-op and your own projects.

SE is typically a very rigid program with little room for extra courses. CS is much more flexible, and would let you pursue your other interests... while earning credits!

An "Engineering" degree makes certain things slightly easier (e.g. visas for international work), but only marginally. "Professional Engineering" requires further qualification after graduation, that in practice rarely happens for SE. Should you somehow get it though, it will give you some extra cred in your local community (get to sign references as a "professional" or something).

My recommendation: if you have diverse interests, CS's flexibility is an advantage.
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 16, 2013 12:16 am   Post subject: RE:CS vs SE vs BBA/BCS at Waterloo - Choosing the right program?

As someone coming in last year and finishing first year CS this is what my opinion is.

SE is a very structured program and it is extremely difficult (read: suicidal to social life or making degree take longer or both) to tack on anything with it.

CS is designed to be extremely flexible and allows for choice and diversity of interest (this is the primary reason I chose CS over SE)

I can't say much about the double degree program vs business specialization but will say that I know double degree is a lot of work at times in comparison to some other programs (either that or my friend in that program just complains a lot).

As for SFX/film/etc. if you want to take these courses, your best option would be CS or CS with the business specialization as the other 2 programs are extremely rigid by design and have few electives. That being said, you probably can find lots of ways to get involved with these things outside the classroom by getting involved in a club on campus or by finding a group in the area that you can link into.

That all being said, factor in your gut instinct above all else. I'm personally in CS and while I know people in both double degree and SE as well as applied to SE, I can't say my opinion is right/wrong or accurate/inaccurate and at the end of the day it's your decision, do what you want with your choices. But I will agree with Tony's conclusion. From what it sounds like, CS might be your best choice

PostPosted: Tue Apr 16, 2013 1:10 am   Post subject: Re: RE:CS vs SE vs BBA/BCS at Waterloo - Choosing the right program?

crossley7 @ Tue Apr 16, 2013 12:16 am wrote:
SE is a very structured program and it is extremely difficult (read: suicidal to social life or making degree take longer or both) to tack on anything with it.

"Social life" outside of your own class though. SE will typically come out with a much stronger network of professional connections and/or friends as you are basically locked in the room with the same group of people, going through the same challenges. By the time I graduated CS, most of the people I was acquainted with ended up being out of SE (possibly through a mix of having a connection to each other and consistently getting into top co-op spots).
Latest from Tony's programming blog. DWITE - a programming contest.

PostPosted: Tue Apr 16, 2013 5:07 am   Post subject: Re: CS vs SE vs BBA/BCS at Waterloo - Choosing the right program?

Thanks for the heads up, Tony and crossley7!

I just wanted to clarify the prospects of taking multiple options/tracks with CS/SE...

Is it possible (have you heard of anyone doing such a thing) to go for two options while doing CS? In other words, is taking the Business Option and the Software Engineering Option feasible (academically) with the CS degree? Would you have to stay an extra term?

On the same note, is it instead better to take SE with more than one Track (Business + Management Sciences)? I'm guessing that one would definitely have to stay an extra term to do this kind of thing?

How would you go about doing this?

PostPosted: Tue Apr 16, 2013 10:07 am   Post subject: RE:CS vs SE vs BBA/BCS at Waterloo - Choosing the right program?

I had forgotten to mention that SE networking advantages. As far as CS plans go, follow the link below here and compare them yourself and see if you can pull it off

For SE, I am unaware of any options that can come with that degree but I could always be wrong. Adding anything to the base SE degree will make you stay extra terms or add courses to an already overfull schedule

PostPosted: Tue Apr 16, 2013 6:13 pm   Post subject: RE:CS vs SE vs BBA/BCS at Waterloo - Choosing the right program?

There are options you can do in SE (and even minors and double degrees if you REALLY want to haha...)

See the calendar:
Also, some more information:

PostPosted: Wed Apr 17, 2013 5:45 am   Post subject: Re: CS vs SE vs BBA/BCS at Waterloo - Choosing the right program?

Thanks a lot !

I shall check the links out, and evaluate my options... pretty much narrowed down to SE vs CS now.
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