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 CS Studies in Post Secondary?
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 11, 2012 6:25 am   Post subject: CS Studies in Post Secondary?

This year is my last year in High School and I was considering what I would like to do in the future(post secondary education).
I was thinking Computer Science.

I would like to know what are the various jobs that I can get, if I can graduate with CS Degree?
Is it possible to do Soft. Eng. with CS Degree?
If I want to do IT, can I also do IT with CS Degree?


PostPosted: Tue Sep 11, 2012 8:59 am   Post subject: RE:CS Studies in Post Secondary?

Soft Eng and CS are pretty much the same thing. Theoretically they are different, but realistically the only difference is whether you get the engineering ring or not.

IT and CS would be 2 different degrees, however in the field of computer science which degree doesn't matter as much as whether you have a degree or not (which still doesn't matter skill-wise, but many employers don't get that).

Have you ever programmed before? If not find a good online tutorial, and learn how to program then you'll figure out whether you like it before you drop $10 000 to find out.

PostPosted: Tue Sep 11, 2012 3:12 pm   Post subject: Re: CS Studies in Post Secondary?

Yes, I have programmed before. In fact I have been studying few languages including Java, HTML, CSS, SQL, PHP, Javascript, c#, c++ basics.

The other thing I noticed is that few people work in the field of IT with Computer Science Degree, so thats what i was asking about CS degree being related to IT field.

Also, How much interactions do you do with Computer Hardware or any kind of hardware?
Because, i want to experience both hardware and software side.

Anyways Thanks, im thinking of doing Comp. Sci., but still am not 100% sure.

PostPosted: Tue Sep 11, 2012 3:59 pm   Post subject: Re: CS Studies in Post Secondary?

Computer Science has little or nothing to do with hardware. It is mainly about the theoretical parts and implementation details of software (algorithms).

Computer science, as a degree, generally does including some hardware overview (mainly just how it works - if that) but nothing of great detail.

If you are looking for more hardware orientated degrees see Computer Engineering, or Software Engineering. It really depends on what you are trying to get from the degree.

IT Jobs are mainly buying hardware, setting up systems, and making sure everything is running smoothly. IT is less of a technical job and more of a people-person/management job. (for lack of better terms).

Jobwise, generally speaking... (this is relatively vague cause a fair bit of people explore fields and it is not hard-defined this way).
Computer Science == Application/Software Developer, particularly advanced algorithms.
Software Engineering == Mix of above and below, both not to either extreme; focus on "design".
Computer Engineering == Embedded Development, Hardware Architecture

Clarify what you are trying to accomplish long-term, and maybe I can further clarify!

PostPosted: Tue Sep 11, 2012 5:10 pm   Post subject: RE:CS Studies in Post Secondary?

it sounds like your interested in embedded systems, so computer engineering would be best.
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