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 Recursive Java Method
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 1:04 pm   Post subject: Recursive Java Method

Hi Guys,

I'm back again with another question hoping you guys can help me out and point me to the right direction Smile

I am supposed to write the body of a recursive Java method for the following, however after a few java courses and reading a lot about recursion, i sometimes still don't know how to come up with the right base and generic cases:


public static int altSum(IntNode head, int i)

which, when called as altSum(head, 1), computes the alternating sum of the elements in the IntMode-based linked-list with head-reference head, i.e. Sigma_{i=i}^{n}(sign(i) * val(i)) where n is the number of nodes in the list, val(i) is the value associated with the i-th element in the list, and sign(i) is 1 if i is odd and -1 if i is even. For example, given the list

[ ] --> [4][ ] --> [7][ ] --> [8][ ] --> [2][ ] --> [9][X]
the alternating sum for thos list is 4+-7+8+-2+9=12.

I am not really clear where to start or what would be my base case and generic case? do i have to count the element and then use recursion as a count-down loop? All suggestions and comments are welcome. I am also not good with linked list so i will post a new topic as well with a few questions about Linked-List.

Thank you in advance Smile

PostPosted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 2:41 pm   Post subject: RE:Recursive Java Method

Base case: what happens when the value of head is null?

General case: what happens when the value of head is not null? Can you express the value of a list in terms of its value and "the sum of the rest of the list"?

PostPosted: Wed Sep 28, 2011 7:21 am   Post subject: Re: RE:Recursive Java Method

DemonWasp @ Mon Sep 26, 2011 2:41 pm wrote:
Base case: what happens when the value of head is null?

General case: what happens when the value of head is not null? Can you express the value of a list in terms of its value and "the sum of the rest of the list"?

Thanks DemonWasp,

I am a little confused with this one. I understand the words but I don't really get what is that the question wants. "...computes the alternating sum of the elements in the IntMode-based linked-list with head-reference head"

does this mean i have to get the sum of the elements passing through the method or sum of all elements of the linked list?


PostPosted: Wed Sep 28, 2011 7:45 am   Post subject: RE:Recursive Java Method

What they want is the following:

- They will give you the head node of a linked list (see the IntMode class).

- They want you to sum the nodes of that linked list in alternating order: the first node is positive, the second is negative; the third is positive, the fourth is negative (and so on).

PostPosted: Wed Sep 28, 2011 12:14 pm   Post subject: RE:Recursive Java Method

I see. so for example, the first number is positive + the negative of the second one + the third + negative of the 4th and so on. Thanks DemonWasp, i think i got that part of the question now Smile

So if the head is null then we are at the end and we stop.

But then what is the use of int i and the math formula in this method?


PostPosted: Wed Sep 28, 2011 12:33 pm   Post subject: RE:Recursive Java Method

You use i to determine whether to add or subtract the value at that node. Try doing what it wants you to do with a small list. Do it on paper, with a pencil.

PostPosted: Wed Sep 28, 2011 4:28 pm   Post subject: RE:Recursive Java Method

So basically i is the index and let's say if i=1, then we have 4-7+8-2+9
whereas if i=2, then we have 7-8+2-9 (start from second node)


no matter what i is, we always add every element of the list starting with the first node, however, the value of i will only effect the sign of each element when they are being added.

Am i in the right direction or still far away from it?


**Edit: I think i got how the negation and i works. Could you please check that if this is true: when i=2, then we get: -7+8-2+9 and when i=4 we get: -2+9
For base case, could i use n=1 so when it is over 1, i can use it as i and then deduct 1 from it?

One more thing, How can i count the number of nodes and element in the list?

**Edit: I think i got it. Here's what i figured and hopefully it's right:

public static int altSum(IntNode head, int i)
     if (i%2==0)
           int sign = -1;
          int sign = 1;

     if (head == null) //base case
           return 0;
     else //general case
          return( (sign*list.get(i)) + (altSum(, i++)) );

PostPosted: Wed Sep 28, 2011 10:02 pm   Post subject: RE:Recursive Java Method

The code you posted is correct (or at least has the right idea, I haven't tested it).

PostPosted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 12:45 pm   Post subject: Re: RE:Recursive Java Method

DemonWasp @ Wed Sep 28, 2011 10:02 pm wrote:
The code you posted is correct (or at least has the right idea, I haven't tested it).

Thanks DemonWasp
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