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 North vs South: Canada and American Schools
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 19, 2010 9:45 pm   Post subject: North vs South: Canada and American Schools

I finally took a look at the university requirements for top 6 courses, and to my surprise, "Pre-calc" which is the top level of standardized math education in the US, is only equivalent to our Advanced Functions courses? That Calculus in the US is an AP course? That our universities ask for students with AP level courses?

So then what is AP in Canada for? And is our high school system so much better than those down south? Whatever is going on, the american system must be breeding geniuses if they have the best universities in the world in a system where students are given such relatively unlofty goals at high school.

Heck, I'm starting to believe Taylor Swift that they start first year at fifteen. Rolling Eyes
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