Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2010 5:56 pm Post subject: Script help |
so i've been trying out this cool neat program i found called autoit, im attempting to make a macro type program but i seem stuck, what i got so far but it doesn't seem to work any suggestions guys?
; Comments aren't executed in the code
HotKeySet("{F1}","Start") ; Hotkey for Start function
HotKeySet("{ESC}", "Terminate") ; Hotkey for Terminate function
While 1 ; Infinite while loop which waits for Hotkey input from the user
Func Start() ; the actual bot
While 1 ; infinite While loop, you can stop it only by pressing ESC
Sleep(1000) ; wait for 3000 milliseconds = 3 second
Send("{TAB}") ; press TAB
Sleep(1500) ; wait for 1.5 seconds
Send("1") ; press 1
Sleep(10000) ; wait 10 seconds
Func Terminate() ; terminates the bot
Exit 0
EndFunc |