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 bad chemistry mark D:
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 18, 2010 6:49 pm   Post subject: bad chemistry mark D:

here's the deal, i took chemistry in grade 11, hoping to get into software engineering, since i read that it's required. i studied 24/7 for that subject and still got the worst mark i could have imagined, 66% Crying or Very sad . all of my other classes are either 80s or 90s, i ended up choosing to forget about SE and decided to go into computer science. it's not that im lazy or bad at subjects, but i just could not do good in chemistry. i was born horrible at chem Mad .

my question is, if i go into comp sci, which doesnt require chem, and they look at my horrible g11 chem mark at waterloo, will that really affect the chance of my acceptance? Neutral

btw, i could not drop the course even after i tried with my parents, because they kept thinking SE is better than CS and not allowing me to drop. i was finally able to drop the g12 chem tho.

PostPosted: Sat Sep 18, 2010 7:08 pm   Post subject: RE:bad chemistry mark D:

Chances are that they will not be looking at your horrible grade 11 chemistry mark.
Latest from Tony's programming blog. DWITE - a programming contest.

PostPosted: Sat Sep 18, 2010 8:54 pm   Post subject: RE:bad chemistry mark D:

i agree with tony. Nobody really cares about your grade 11 marks once you get your 6 grade 12 credits. It's more a way of getting acceptance to university early. It just makes the process less about worrying if you got in or not, and that's all.

PostPosted: Sun Sep 19, 2010 1:45 am   Post subject: Re: bad chemistry mark D:

thx, really good to know. now i can sleep at night Very Happy haha. we're always told about how careful the universities are at selections and how quickly a person can be rejected over the smallest things. i guess it's just to overwhelm us with stress, like we need it Rolling Eyes

PostPosted: Sun Sep 19, 2010 1:55 am   Post subject: Re: bad chemistry mark D:

Off-topic, but I like your avatar xD

PostPosted: Sun Sep 19, 2010 3:39 am   Post subject: RE:bad chemistry mark D:

It's not really rejections, unless you miss the requirements outright. The way I understand it, is that there are rounds of acceptances (early, some in the middle, "late"), where Universities make their top picks out of candidates available. If you don't get picked up, they still keep your file for a later round. Depending on where your marks are, some students end up not being rejected, but all the offers would be send out to other students with somewhat better marks. This is where "late" admissions come in -- a student can accept only one offer, so as top students make their choices (and thus decline others), some spots open up. Universities typically try to account for this and "overbook" their offers (and yes, there have been situations where more students would accept their offers than University would think... it's a messy situation); but sometimes some room opens up.

In your case, I just wouldn't worry about some grade 11 course. Just rock grade 12 English + Maths and you should be in a good position.
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