Do you think the VGAs Sucked? (No ending time set)
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Total Votes : 7
Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2003 11:40 pm Post subject: The VGAs Sucked
Ok, this so disgraceful that i've stopped watching. This has to be the biggest insult to the gamiing community that was eve conceived. I mean honestly, the only good part(s) was teh Life behind the games segments. Other then that, that show had to be the worst i've ever seen. The winners were SOO obviouse and all the winners were usually the worst games in the catagory. I for one want to go throw up after seeing that.
Also, i pose a question, which game company(s) do you think rigged that show?
I think it was EA mainly, but i want to know you're thoughts.
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Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2003 11:50 pm Post subject: (No subject)
Here are some suggestions that i just gave spike tv:
GO DIE, the vga awards were foul and disgusting. i am neve watching spike tv again. This was a slap in the face for the gaming community. The winners of the awards sucked and were EXTREMELY obvious. what the hell are you thinking? next time let MTV do the awards. You guys suck.
Give me your feedback:
Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2003 12:01 am Post subject: (No subject)
yeah VGA sucked... heck, I was watching it only cuz my computer was taken And stoped half way though...
EA seriously rigged the show... I mean chearleaders are nice and all... but pff Madden is not the best game. And has anyone even heard of nescar before? Was there more crap? I donno... didn't feel like watching the whole show...
The videoclips sucked. Those crappy comentators from that "extream elimination challange" sucked more... just sucks