Programming C, C++, Java, PHP, Ruby, Turing, VB
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 represention of light emitting objects moving in 2d space
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 13, 2009 8:13 pm   Post subject: represention of light emitting objects moving in 2d space

objects moving near the speed of light but speed of light does not increase. The lighter the color the older the emission.
View.Set ("graphics:1000;600,offscreenonly")
for clr : 1 .. 100
RGB.SetColor (clr + 100, (clr + 50) * 2, (clr + 50) * 2, (clr + 50) * 2)
end for
var scale := 10
const mxm := 100
const renewal := 50
const SOL := 1.5
const freqlength := 30

type Emitter :
x, y, vx, vy : real
xx : array 1 .. mxm of real
yy : array 1 .. mxm of real
rr : array 1 .. mxm of real
i : int
end record

color (white)
colorback (black)

proc initializeEmitter (var e : Emitter, x, y, vangle, vmag : real)
e.x := x
e.y := y
e.vx := cosd (vangle) * vmag
e.vy := sind (vangle) * vmag
for i : 1 .. mxm
e.xx (i) := e.x
e.yy (i) := e.y
e.rr (i) := 10
end for
e.i := 1
end initializeEmitter

proc drawEmitter (e : Emitter, c1, c2 : int)
for i : 1 .. mxm
drawoval (round (e.xx (i) / scale) + (maxx div 2), round (e.yy (i) / scale) + (maxy div 2), round (e.rr (i) / scale), round (e.rr (i) / scale), (((round (e.rr (i) / scale) div freqlength)
mod (c2 - c1))) + c1)
end for
drawfilloval (round (e.x / scale) + (maxx div 2), round (e.y / scale) + (maxy div 2), 5, 5, white)
end drawEmitter

proc moveEmitter (var e : Emitter)
e.x += e.vx
e.y += e.vy
e.i += 1
if e.i >= mxm * renewal then
e.i := 1
end if
e.xx (1 + (e.i div renewal)) := e.x
e.yy (1 + (e.i div renewal)) := e.y
e.rr (1 + (e.i div renewal)) := 10
for i : 1 .. mxm
e.rr (i) += SOL
end for

end moveEmitter

var e1, e2, e3 : Emitter
initializeEmitter (e1, 500, 0, 20, .8)
initializeEmitter (e2, -2000, 0, 200, 1)
initializeEmitter (e3, -500, 0, 160, 1.3)

moveEmitter (e1)
moveEmitter (e2)
moveEmitter (e3)
drawEmitter (e1, 16, 31)
drawEmitter (e2, 16, 31)
drawEmitter (e3, 16, 31)

end loop

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