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 Opengl java lwjgl Particle System (rain) help please!
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 01, 2009 3:33 pm   Post subject: Opengl java lwjgl Particle System (rain) help please!

Hey everyone

I would like to create a particle system in opengl java. Iv searched on here and found an example system but they are many different classes. The main class is run which contains methods etc from the other classes.

But I would like a particle system with all the methods etc in one class as I want to place the methods in my class which currently displays a few shapes and textures. I just want some rain effect on my shapes etc.

Please can someone provide me with some help, Even basic coding which I will need to edit will be grateful, Iv tried editing the code I found on here when i searched but to no use.


PostPosted: Mon Nov 02, 2009 1:19 am   Post subject: RE:Opengl java lwjgl Particle System (rain) help please!

This is a help forum, not a coding forum - we'll help you if you're stuck, but we won't write code for you (the exception being large group projects, most of which have fizzled).

Secondly, asking for a bad design won't get you anywhere. You don't want all of your methods in one class because that isn't helpful. Learn about encapsulation.

PostPosted: Mon Nov 02, 2009 5:31 am   Post subject: Re: Opengl java lwjgl Particle System (rain) help please!

i dont want someone to specifically write code for me, iv seen basic template structure online, but just wondering if someone can point me to some more.

Like when you have calls like New gluCylinder() etc, I just want the equivalent basic structure for particle systems

PostPosted: Mon Nov 02, 2009 9:19 am   Post subject: RE:Opengl java lwjgl Particle System (rain) help please!

Ah, then you almost certainly want polygons (simple quadrilaterals, probably square) and you want to have them orient themselves at 90 degrees to the camera's view angle (i.e. they always point directly at the camera). This gives the effect of only ever seeing the particles without any skewing.

You will need to make the polygons translucent so that each one of these squares can have a particle image on it. You may want to take a look at an existing particle system to see how it's done - my knowledge comes from working with jME; you can see an example of their particle system =particle]here.

PostPosted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 5:31 am   Post subject: RE:Opengl java lwjgl Particle System (rain) help please!

Well thank you very much for that advice, Ill take a look at them links and see what I can do!
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