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 Really want to study computer science but SO CONFUSED.
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 24, 2009 3:01 pm   Post subject: Really want to study computer science but SO CONFUSED.

This dilemma keeps haunting me. I am an accounting student aiming for a CA currently almost done 2 years of my undergrad. I have always had an interest in computer, everyone that I have known would have guessed I would have gone into a software related field. I chose accounting instead because 3 years ago, I just felt computer science market was way too saturated and I would never have found work. 3 years from then, I have 3 friends who were in the same position as me, went on to study comp sci, and got 70k plus jobs right after their bachelors. It is not about the money but stability of career is something important to all of us. I am pretty decent at math and have extensively coded websites in PHP. I know PHP isnt all that but its still a useful language. Outside of that you could say I am a creative person and I think that would come in handy in such a field. The problem is, I am already a year and a half behind in my studies, and finally I have settled into accounting. Needless to say, I doubt you would find any accounting students finding the material actually interesting. I do want to do something with computers down the line, however studying computer science from the start now seems too far fetched. Should I just finish up my accounting degree in 1.5 to 2 years and then consider doing a second bachelors in comp sci? Or should I just continue with accounting, get my CA and move into performing accounting functions in the tech related industry? Or should I switch majors, start computer science from scratch. This would take me another 3 years minimum and then maybe later if I am interested in an accounting designation, I can come back and finish some accounting courses. I want to be a little versatile, I think comp sci and accounting are a good combination, but if I had to choose one, I would DEF choose comp sci. At first I was thinking, finish accounting and then do masters in comp sci, but I found out you really do need a solid math background to apply to any comp sci masters program. I am currently at Ryerson and most likely would be doing undergrad comp sci there too or maybe UFT.

So there is my dilemma, I am extremely confused, and after TONS of contemplation and thinking over the past 10 months or so, I still am unsure to this day.

Please if you guys could offer some insight.

I had a talk with my best freind who is working for EA in San Fran. He was really really encouraging me to start computer science from scratch and finish up the degree in 3 years. He said the prospects are amazing so that further confused me.

PostPosted: Sat Oct 24, 2009 5:33 pm   Post subject: Re: Really want to study computer science but SO CONFUSED.

My suggestion would be to see if you could do a double major of CompSci and Accounting. That way you aren't losing your accounting but rather keeping your options open. If that isn't an option, perhaps you could find some Math-related major to go with accounting so that the degree does cover some technical material. The accounting may come in useful if you start your own company which may be another option to consider.

PostPosted: Sat Oct 24, 2009 7:09 pm   Post subject: RE:Really want to study computer science but SO CONFUSED.

How about CompSci major and a minor in accouting?

PostPosted: Sat Oct 24, 2009 7:23 pm   Post subject: RE:Really want to study computer science but SO CONFUSED.

Thanks for your replies. I am already 2 years into my accounting degree, so almost all my first year courses would goto waste if I started comp sci again.

I am interested in double majoring, but I dont know many double major programs around here, and I doubt they would accept me this late into such a program.

Its all really confusing for me, I could do masters in comp sci after taking 10 undergrad math/cs courses but I might want to work after I get my bachelors.

Double major would have been idea, either that or comp sci with minor in accounting. I just dont know now.

PostPosted: Sun Oct 25, 2009 4:40 pm   Post subject: RE:Really want to study computer science but SO CONFUSED.

Let me just say that the longer you do something you don't like the more you'll kick yourself. Lifes too short to waste it doing something you don't even like.

Stop speculating on what you can do. Talk to an academic adviser at your school whom knows what he is talking about. Also talk to someone in CS department. Find out your options. Personally I'd burn a year if it meant doing something I like. Even if it meant burning both years of your Accounting degree and not getting a double major your accounting knowledge is not going to go away. After you get your CS degree you still have something that separates you from the pack.

PostPosted: Sun Oct 25, 2009 7:04 pm   Post subject: RE:Really want to study computer science but SO CONFUSED.

There is one important thing to consider, girls.

There is not a lot of girls in the computer science program, I would say the girl to guy ratio is 1/8.
Also most of the students are rather geeky and not very outgoing.

But yeah if you really love programming and you don't mind joining a sausage fest, then switch.

PostPosted: Sun Oct 25, 2009 9:24 pm   Post subject: Re: Really want to study computer science but SO CONFUSED.

I think the male:female ratio was 4:1 for Computer Science at Waterloo but Arts courses tended to be the opposite so that overall the mix was nearly equal. It was fun to study the first year language courses in addition to being a male minority in those classes. I'd second the going to an adviser and discussing your options as most of us here aren't going to know the rules for your specific case.

PostPosted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 5:49 pm   Post subject: Re: Really want to study computer science but SO CONFUSED.

OK guys thanks for your replies, I have some updates with regards to my situation.

If you look at the last 2 semesters here on this Ryerson Calendar they require you to take 8 courses from this proffessionally related table. Now currently I have almost completed 2 years of my business degree and if you look at that course list, I have already taken more than 8 courses from that list that were a part of my business set up.

So ACC 100, 406, 2 finance courses and law courses for example are all in that table. I have taken these and could be used to satisfy my computer last year degree requirement. I have also taken 5 Liberal courses which apply to all degrees.

All in all, if I switch now, it leaves me with 20 core CS courses mostly from year 1-2 and 3 of the CS program.

This is a weird situation, because I could technically graduate with a CS bachelors in less than 2 years finishing those 20 courses, but my last years requirement would be loaded with business related courses. I wonder how that will impact me when I go applying for jobs?

I mean arent you suppose to really learn the grunt and speacialized component of CS in your last year?

It is a unique situation to be in already having satisfied most of the 4 year requirements and that too with mostly accounting/finance courses.

I was wondering what you guys think about this.

Also I wanted to ask a question with regards to masters.

Most schools say they look at the last 2 years of your undergrad to determine if you can be given admission. Since I have done a lot of courses that will technically count towards my 4th year requirement. What do Schools mean when they actually talk about taking into consideration only your last 2 years. Or that you need a B+ average in your last year.

Does that mean whatever courses I take in my last year? Or the courses I am suppose to take in my last year.

I want to be eligible for a good masters program, but I wonder how grad schools would consider my case.

Thanks a lot for your replies.

PostPosted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 12:17 pm   Post subject: RE:Really want to study computer science but SO CONFUSED.

A total of nine courses is required between 5th and 8th semesters. A minimum of one to a maximum of three courses must be taken from the Mathematics Group, a minimum of five to a maximum of seven courses must be selected from the Computer Science Group, and a minimum of one to a maximum of three courses must be selected from the Engineering/Science/Business Group.
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