put"All answers will have no capitals and no spaces" var n :string
put"which of the following is incorrect?" put"a I love bacon" put"b I hate school" put"c I am newbie at coding" put"d compsci.ca is useless" get n
if n ="d"then put"correct" else put"wrong" quit endif
put"Question 2" var a :string
put"what is this program called?" get a
if a ="turing"then put"correct" else put"wrong" quit endif
put"Question 3" var b :string
put"we are in the year...?" get b
if b ="2009"then put"correct" else put"wrong" quit endif
put"Question 4" var c :string
put"What is the username of the creator of this game?" get c
if c ="bc123"then put"correct" else put"wrong" quit endif
put"Question 5" var d :string
put"turing was named after who?" get d
if d ="alanturing"then put"correct" else put"wrong" quit endif
put"Question 6" var e :string
put"what color is the sky?" get e
if e ="blue"then put"correct" else put"wrong" quit endif
put"Question 7" var f :string
put"Infants have more or less bones then adults?" get f
if f ="more"then put"correct" else put"wrong" quit endif
put"Question 8" var g :string
put"how much oceans are in the world?" get g
if g ="4"then put"correct" else put"wrong" quit endif
put"Question 9" var h :string
put"What is the tallest mammal on the planet?" get h
if h ="giraffe"then put"correct" else put"wrong" quit endif
put"Question 10" var i :string
put"what mammal is the longest lived?" get i
if i ="human"then put"correct" else put"wrong" quit endif
put"Question 11" var j :string
put"what is the largest continent on earth?" get j
if j ="asia"then put"correct" else put"wrong" quit endif
put"Question 12" var k :string
put"what percentage of the earth is covered in water?" get k
if k ="70"then put"correct" else put"wrong" quit endif
put"Question 13" var l :string
put"what continent has the most countries?" get l
if l ="africa"then put"correct" else put"wrong" quit endif
put"Question 14" var m :string
put"a baseball field is approximately what size?" put"1" put"2" put"3" put"4" get m
if m ="2"then put"correct" else put"wrong" quit endif
put"Question 15" var u :string
put"how many games do Major League baseball teams play during the" put" regular season? " put"142" put"152" put"162" put"172" get u
if u ="162"then put"correct" else put"wrong" quit endif
put"You are good at this! I hope you didnt search through code" put"to find the answer."
put"if you would like me to add questions onto here, PM me on compsci.ca" % Made by bc123 put"made by bc123" put"also if you get any mroe questions please tell me to add them TY"
i jus learned turing today so pretty nubbish XD
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Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2009 8:36 pm Post subject: RE:Trivia! XD
Have you learnt loops yet?
Also you can use one variable to accept input from the user, which should be declared in the beginning of the program
Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2009 8:44 pm Post subject: Re: Trivia! XD
bc123 @ Thu Oct 15, 2009 8:27 pm wrote:
put "what mammal is the longest lived?"
get i
if i = "human" then
put "correct"
Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2009 9:11 pm Post subject: RE:Trivia! XD
it is human?
Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2009 9:12 pm Post subject: RE:Trivia! XD
oh sory jus read it carefully well i got thes questions and answers from trivia help forums like where they give questions and answerd but i tried to put sumthing obvious
XD but thanx for the tips XP like im glad to even have this much! hehe