#pragma comment(lib, "SDL.lib")
#pragma comment(lib, "SDLmain.lib")
#pragma comment(lib, "SDL_TTF.lib")
#include <stack> // We'll use the STL stack to store our function pointers
#include "SDL.h" // Main SDL header
#include "SDL_TTF.h" // True Type Font header
#include "Defines.h" // Our defines header
using namespace std; // save us from writing "std::" everywhere
// The STL stack can't take a function pointer as a type
// so we encapsulate a function pointer within a struct.
struct StateStruct
void (*StatePointer)();
// Global data
stack<StateStruct> g_StateStack; // Our state stack
SDL_Surface* g_Bitmap = NULL; // Our background image
SDL_Surface* g_Window = NULL; // Our back buffer
SDL_Event g_Event; // An SDL event structure for input
int g_Timer; // Our timer is just an integer
// Functions to handle the three states of the game
void Menu();
void Game();
void Exit();
// Init and Shutdown functions
void Init();
void Shutdown();
// Helper functions for the game state functions
void DrawBackground();
void ClearScreen();
void DisplayText(string text, int x, int y, int size,
int fR, int fG, int fB, int bR, int bG, int bB);
void HandleMenuInput();
void HandleGameInput();
void HandleExitInput();
int main(int argc, char **argv)
// Our game loop is just a while loop that breaks when our state stack is empty.
while (!g_StateStack.empty())
return 0;
// This function initializes our game.
void Init()
// Initiliaze SDL video and our timer.
// Setup our window's dimensions, bits-per-pixel (0 tells SDL to choose for us),
// and video format (SDL_ANYFORMAT leaves the decision to SDL). This function
// returns a pointer to our window which we assign to g_Window.
// Set the title of our window.
// Get the number of ticks since SDL was initialized.
g_Timer = SDL_GetTicks();
// Fill our bitmap structure with information.
g_Bitmap = SDL_LoadBMP("data/background.bmp");
// We start by adding a pointer to our exit state, this way
// it will be the last thing the player sees of the game.
StateStruct state;
state.StatePointer = Exit;
// Then we add a pointer to our menu state, this will
// be the first thing the player sees of our game.
state.StatePointer = Menu;
// Initialize the true type font library.
// This function shuts down our game.
void Shutdown()
// Shutdown the true type font library.
// Free our surfaces.
// Tell SDL to shutdown and free any resources it was using.
// This function handles the game's main menu. From here
// the player can select to enter the game, or quit.
void Menu()
// Here we compare the difference between the current time and the last time we
// handled a frame. If FRAME_RATE amount of time has, it's time for a new frame.
if ( (SDL_GetTicks() - g_Timer) >= FRAME_RATE )
// Make sure nothing from the last frame is still drawn.
DisplayText("Start (G)ame", 350, 250, 12, 255, 255, 255, 0, 0, 0);
DisplayText("(Q)uit Game", 350, 270, 12, 255, 255, 255, 0, 0, 0);
// Tell SDL to display our backbuffer. The four 0's will make SDL display the whole screen.
SDL_UpdateRect(g_Window, 0, 0, 0, 0);
// We've processed a frame so we now need to record the time at which we did it.
// This way we can compare this time with the next time our function gets called and
// see if enough time has passed between calls.
g_Timer = SDL_GetTicks();
// This function handles the main game. We'll control the
// drawing of the game as well as any necessary game logic.
void Game()
// Here we compare the difference between the current time and the last time we
// handled a frame. If FRAME_RATE amount of time has, it's time for a new frame.
if ( (SDL_GetTicks() - g_Timer) >= FRAME_RATE )
// Make sure nothing from the last frame is still drawn.
// Draw the background of our 'game'.
// Tell SDL to display our backbuffer. The four 0's will make SDL display the whole screen.
SDL_UpdateRect(g_Window, 0, 0, 0, 0);
// We've processed a frame so we now need to record the time at which we did it.
// This way we can compare this time with the next time our function gets called and
// see if enough time has passed between calls.
g_Timer = SDL_GetTicks();
// This function handles the game's exit screen. It will display
// a message asking if the player really wants to quit.
void Exit()
// Here we compare the difference between the current time and the last time we
// handled a frame. If FRAME_RATE amount of time has, it's time for a new frame.
if ( (SDL_GetTicks() - g_Timer) >= FRAME_RATE )
// Make sure nothing from the last frame is still drawn.
DisplayText("Quit Game (Y or N)?", 350, 250, 12, 255, 255, 255, 0, 0, 0);
// Tell SDL to display our backbuffer. The four 0's will make SDL display the whole screen.
SDL_UpdateRect(g_Window, 0, 0, 0, 0);
// We've processed a frame so we now need to record the time at which we did it.
// This way we can compare this time with the next time our function gets called and
// see if enough time has passed between calls.
g_Timer = SDL_GetTicks();
// This function draws the background
void DrawBackground()
// These structures tell SDL_BlitSurface() the location of what
// we want to blit and the destination we want it blitted to.
// Presently, we blit the entire surface to the entire screen.
SDL_Rect source = { 0, 0, WINDOW_WIDTH, WINDOW_HEIGHT };
SDL_Rect destination = { 0, 0, WINDOW_WIDTH, WINDOW_HEIGHT };
// This just 'block-image transfers' our bitmap to our window.
SDL_BlitSurface(g_Bitmap, &source, g_Window, &destination);
// This function simply clears the back buffer to black.
void ClearScreen()
// This function just fills a surface with a given color. The
// first 0 tells SDL to fill the whole surface. The second 0
// is for black.
SDL_FillRect(g_Window, 0, 0);
// This function displays text to the screen. It takes the text
// to be displayed, the location to display it, the size of the
// text, and the color of the text and background.
void DisplayText(string text, int x, int y, int size, int fR,
int fG, int fB, int bR, int bG, int bB)
// Open our font and set its size to the given parameter.
TTF_Font* font = TTF_OpenFont("arial.ttf", size);
SDL_Color foreground = { fR, fG, fB}; // Text color.
SDL_Color background = { bR, bG, bB }; // Color of what's behind the text.
// This renders our text to a temporary surface. There
// are other text functions, but this one looks nice.
SDL_Surface* temp = TTF_RenderText_Shaded(font, text.c_str(), foreground, background);
// A structure storing the destination of our text.
SDL_Rect destination = { x, y, 0, 0 };
// Blit the text surface to our window surface, the NULL specifies the whole surface.
SDL_BlitSurface(temp, NULL, g_Window, &destination);
// Always free memory!
// Close the font.
// This function receives player input and
// handles it for the game's menu screen.
void HandleMenuInput()
// Fill our event structure with event information.
if ( SDL_PollEvent(&g_Event) )
// Handle user manually closing game window
if (g_Event.type == SDL_QUIT)
// While state stack isn't empty, pop
while (!g_StateStack.empty())
return; // game is over, exit the function
// Handle keyboard input here
if (g_Event.type == SDL_KEYDOWN)
if (g_Event.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_ESCAPE)
return; // this state is done, exit the function
// Quit
if (g_Event.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_q)
return; // game is over, exit the function
// Start Game
if (g_Event.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_g)
StateStruct temp;
temp.StatePointer = Game;
return; // this state is done, exit the function
// This function receives player input and
// handles it for the main game state.
void HandleGameInput()
// Fill our event structure with event information.
if ( SDL_PollEvent(&g_Event) )
// Handle user manually closing game window
if (g_Event.type == SDL_QUIT)
// While state stack isn't empty, pop
while (!g_StateStack.empty())
return; // game is over, exit the function
// Handle keyboard input here
if (g_Event.type == SDL_KEYDOWN)
if (g_Event.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_ESCAPE)
return; // this state is done, exit the function
// This function receives player input and
// handles it for the game's exit screen.
void HandleExitInput()
// Fill our event structure with event information.
if ( SDL_PollEvent(&g_Event) )
// Handle user manually closing game window
if (g_Event.type == SDL_QUIT)
// While state stack isn't empty, pop
while (!g_StateStack.empty())
return; // game is over, exit the function
// Handle keyboard input here
if (g_Event.type == SDL_KEYDOWN)
if (g_Event.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_ESCAPE)
return; // this state is done, exit the function
// Yes
if (g_Event.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_y)
return; // game is over, exit the function
// No
if (g_Event.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_n)
StateStruct temp;
temp.StatePointer = Menu;
return; // this state is done, exit the function
} |