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 manipulating Windows' "Open With" function.
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 20, 2009 9:49 am   Post subject: manipulating Windows' "Open With" function.


if you are using windows as your operating system, when right click on a file, there is a menu for "Open with...", and then in side that menu, there is a menu for "Choose program..." When you select "Choose program..." a dialog with the name of "Open with" pops up. In there you can choose programs from "recommended programs" or you can choose programs from "other programs" section.

I am wondering how does Windows know what the recommended programs are?
also if somebody was to write a diagram or program that shows recommended programs for a file, how would this be written in c++ code?
the compiler im using is vc++ 6.0's compiler.

thank you guys very much in advance.
I appreciate your help.
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