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 Some more questions about university
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 07, 2008 1:33 pm   Post subject: Some more questions about university

I'm planning to apply for computer science for UW, coop and regular, should I apply 1 of each, or if I just apply for coop, and didn't get accepted, will i be considred for regular automatically?

Also, if I take chemistry in university, can I get transferred to software engineer later? (I didn't take gr 12 chemistry >.>)

And should I also apply for math in UW, considering that it have more space available and probably higher chance of myself getting in. And when I do get accepted to math, can I switch to computer sci or software engineer later, what's the chance of that happening?

If I can't get accepted to UW this time, which university should I go to that can give me a high chance of getting transferred to UW?

My marks right now are as following:
66 summer school english
80 advanced function (going to improve to mid 80s, btw i convinced my teacher in giving me 80 instead of 79)
80 data management (going to improve to mid 80s)
81 physics (going to drop to mid 70s)
~95 computer science (the teacher still haven't told me the mark, but my mark so far is 91,100,100 the 91 worth a lot cause it's the only test the other 2 are small assignments)
haven't start calculus yet, but it's probably going to be high 80s if it's the same as advanced function, the only reason I got 80 this term in advanced function was because i messed up a test big time (54%, I was very sick during that test...and I can't even think...)

how's my chance of getting accepted to UW?

also what's the chance of myself getting rejected in the last term (June) when my physics marks is going to drop to 60s, while all other marks are maintaining around the same? (my avg will probably be high 70s instead of low 80s by then...)

PostPosted: Sun Dec 07, 2008 7:56 pm   Post subject: RE:Some more questions about university

if you apply for co op and are not accepted, they still consider you and may offer you into regular.

i dont think it would be possible to transfer from another uni to waterloo for computer science because it is so math intensive that even if you could transfer, it would be hard to catch up on the math.

PostPosted: Sun Dec 07, 2008 8:24 pm   Post subject: Re: RE:Some more questions about university

endless @ Sun Dec 07, 2008 7:56 pm wrote:
if you apply for co op and are not accepted, they still consider you and may offer you into regular.

i dont think it would be possible to transfer from another uni to waterloo for computer science because it is so math intensive that even if you could transfer, it would be hard to catch up on the math.

Ok, for coop I hope it's like that, I still have to be sure, cause it doesn't say on waterloo website.

and for transferring university: If you have the waterloo 2009 admission book. On page 24 it shows a picture of this guy and it says "lance, who transferred into Computer Science from another university, says, "i'm glad I did it - now i'm studying a subject I really enjoy at one of the best universities for it."

PostPosted: Sun Dec 07, 2008 8:29 pm   Post subject: RE:Some more questions about university

Changing majors is difficult. Transferring between schools even more so. In either case, you would need to show a strong standing in your last school term.

If you get into any school that "can give [you] a high chance of getting transferred to UW", such as UofT (for example), then you might as well stay there.
Latest from Tony's programming blog. DWITE - a programming contest.

PostPosted: Sun Dec 07, 2008 8:33 pm   Post subject: Re: Some more questions about university

Horus @ Sun Dec 07, 2008 11:33 am wrote:
And should I also apply for math in UW, considering that it have more space available and probably higher chance of myself getting in. And when I do get accepted to math, can I switch to computer sci or software engineer later, what's the chance of that happening?

Computer Science is a department within the Faculty of Mathematics, so in reality it is just a major within Mathematics which is different from most other schools. Now, as for transferring from Chemisty to Computer Science, the issue there is how will courses you've already taken count towards your degree, e.g. do you have to take a lot of Math courses to catch up or could some Math courses taken while enrolled in Chemistry count? I remember when I went to Waterloo that someone that transferred from McMaster was a bit disappointed that most of what he had taken didn't transfer except for as electives outside of the major. I would suggest trying to apply into Engineering if you want a backup to the Math/Computer Science application spot.

PostPosted: Sun Dec 07, 2008 8:42 pm   Post subject: RE:Some more questions about university

It's not me, it's my friend. He's a genius, he's currently grade 11 with 95% avg while he's not even trying and just fooling around all the time. We want to go into the same university, UW is obviously the best choice for him. but if for some reason I got into UT instead, he'll probably follow me to UT, and so I'll ruin his entire life cause he could have been in UW...

So for him, i have to go into UW for sure, and even if he doesn't follow me, I still want to follow him.

(but he's the type that puts friends before everything else...)

I guess I'll just try harder now? but what's the chance of me getting into UW right now?

jbking @ Sun Dec 07, 2008 8:33 pm wrote:
Horus @ Sun Dec 07, 2008 11:33 am wrote:
And should I also apply for math in UW, considering that it have more space available and probably higher chance of myself getting in. And when I do get accepted to math, can I switch to computer sci or software engineer later, what's the chance of that happening?

Computer Science is a department within the Faculty of Mathematics, so in reality it is just a major within Mathematics which is different from most other schools. Now, as for transferring from Chemisty to Computer Science, the issue there is how will courses you've already taken count towards your degree, e.g. do you have to take a lot of Math courses to catch up or could some Math courses taken while enrolled in Chemistry count? I remember when I went to Waterloo that someone that transferred from McMaster was a bit disappointed that most of what he had taken didn't transfer except for as electives outside of the major. I would suggest trying to apply into Engineering if you want a backup to the Math/Computer Science application spot.

I think you misread what I typed.

I'm not going into chemistry, I'm trying to go into computer science/math. what i really want to go into is Software engineer, but I can't because I didn't take chemistry in grade 12, so i'm asking if i take chemistry in university, will i be able to go into software engineer? and software engineer and computer science should have a lot of courses in common, so it's not a big transfer i guess?

PostPosted: Sun Dec 07, 2008 8:52 pm   Post subject: RE:Some more questions about university

if you really want to go to waterloo you should look into geomatics at waterloo as a backup. i have a friend that is in computer science at waterloo first year this year and he is transferring to geomatics because the math is too much for him.

PostPosted: Sun Dec 07, 2008 8:56 pm   Post subject: RE:Some more questions about university

for Software Engineering, you'd have to join and follow a certain "class", it will be incredibly difficult to catch up on courses outside of their schedule. Even if some of your courses transfer over, you might still be required to wait and join next year's frosh class just to take that one Soft-Eng specific course you are missing.
Latest from Tony's programming blog. DWITE - a programming contest.

PostPosted: Sun Dec 07, 2008 8:58 pm   Post subject: Re: RE:Some more questions about university

endless @ Sun Dec 07, 2008 8:52 pm wrote:
if you really want to go to waterloo you should look into geomatics at waterloo as a backup. i have a friend that is in computer science at waterloo first year this year and he is transferring to geomatics because the math is too much for him.

lol geomatics needs 70% english as a minimum, I fail.

But I'm really good at math though (I know my marks says otherwise, but it's just bad luck...)

PostPosted: Sun Dec 07, 2008 9:03 pm   Post subject: RE:Some more questions about university

if you are able to again, i would look into retaking english in summer school or next semester and really committing, you know you could do better. it could drastically change your chance of getting accepted.

PostPosted: Sun Dec 07, 2008 9:07 pm   Post subject: RE:Some more questions about university

I doubt that I can get higher than 70, I really suck at english, it's one course that to me, requires pure luck rather than anything else. You can't get committed to something that needs luck...

But what is my chance of getting into math/computer science right now?

PostPosted: Sun Dec 07, 2008 9:21 pm   Post subject: Re: RE:Some more questions about university

Horus @ Sun Dec 07, 2008 9:07 pm wrote:
what is my chance of getting into math/computer science right now?

I think this was said before, but I'll say this again.

Waterloo's Math/CS is an "individual selection from low 80s".

Your marks are borderline. Your English is not looking good. But ultimately we are just a bunch of students, sharing our guesses at how the system works, on an online forum. If I tell you that "you will not get in for sure", then it would be a bad choice for you to give up and stop trying. If I was to tell you that "you'd get in for sure", then likewise, you still need to keep up. What else can I say?

Acceptance depends on a lot of things -- what highschool you're attending (yes, some get preference for strong performance of their students, others are penalized for inflating their student's marks), what you say on AIF, what your teachers say about you on your AIF, how you do on CCC+Euclid, how many other students apply with similar CV.
Latest from Tony's programming blog. DWITE - a programming contest.

PostPosted: Mon Dec 08, 2008 6:41 pm   Post subject: Re: Some more questions about university

whats the difference between computer science and comptuer engineering =S ... i know computer engineering is suppose to be lower level coding.. but could someone explain it some more ? and whats considered low level coding ?

PostPosted: Mon Dec 08, 2008 7:17 pm   Post subject: Re: Some more questions about university

implosion @ Mon Dec 08, 2008 6:41 pm wrote:
whats the difference between computer science and comptuer engineering

Have you seen 6 degrees of Computer Science yet? It's a good start for CS vs. CE vs. Everything Else.

Low level coding typically refers to working with hardware, to some extend. If you care what your hardware is, or how it's structured (for example, how information is stored on the RAM chip), it will likely involve "low level" coding.
Latest from Tony's programming blog. DWITE - a programming contest.

PostPosted: Mon Dec 08, 2008 7:25 pm   Post subject: Re: Some more questions about university

Tony wrote:

implosion @ Mon Dec 08, 2008 6:41 pm wrote:
whats the difference between computer science and comptuer engineering

Have you seen 6 degrees of Computer Science

yes i've read it many times.. yet i'm still confused by it all
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