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 Cart Machine (Sound Clips)
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 3:36 pm   Post subject: Cart Machine (Sound Clips)

This is my cart machine (basically it's a sound clip machine). It uses a custom GUI (not my own, but I can't remember whose) as well as the fork and Music.PlayFile commands to play and stop clips. It is all done, except I can't get the View.Update to work correctly. Crying or Very sad

I've included the source "cart.t", the code shown below, and the zip file that includes the sound clips and gui module as well.
If anyone could help with the View.Update problem, it would be greatly appreciated!

import G in "module.tu"
%include "songlist.t"
%Cart Machine v1.02
%Created By: pkjr92
%Current Version Completed: 09-July-2008

%This is a cart machine (a sound clip player).  The reason there are processes inside procedures is because
%that is the only way I could get the Music.PlayFileStop command to work.

%<-------------------- Begin Process List ---------------------------------------------->
process song1                               %begin the process by defining the name
    Music.PlayFile ("goodnightnewman.wav")  %tell the process what to do
end song1                                   %end the process

process song2
    Music.PlayFile ("runforrestrun.wav")
end song2

process song3
    Music.PlayFile ("sc_bond.wav")
end song3

process song4
    Music.PlayFile ("thebestschoolieverteachedat.wav")
end song4

process song5
    Music.PlayFile ("spiderpig.wav")
end song5

process song6
    Music.PlayFile ("121gigawatts.wav")
end song6

process song7
    Music.PlayFile ("failure.wav")
end song7

process song8
    Music.PlayFile ("rickroll.mp3")
end song8

process song9
    Music.PlayFile ("deanyell.wav")
end song9

process song10
    Music.PlayFile ("technobond.wma")
end song10

process song11
    Music.PlayFile ("technostarwars.wav")
end song11
%<-------------------------------- End Process List ------------------------------------------>

%<-------------------------------- Begin Procedure List -------------------------------------->
proc goto1 %name the procedure
fork song1 %tell the procedure what to do (in this case it will fork process "song1")
end goto1  %end the procedure

proc goto2
fork song2
end goto2

proc goto3
fork song3
end goto3

proc goto4
fork song4
end goto4

proc goto5
fork song5
end goto5

proc goto6
fork song6
end goto6

proc goto7
fork song7
end goto7

proc goto8
fork song8
end goto8

proc goto9
fork song9
end goto9

proc goto10
fork song10
end goto10

procedure goto11
fork song11
end goto11

proc goto12
end goto12
%<------------------------------------ End Procedure List ------------------------------------->

View.Set ("graphics")
colorback (black)

    exit when G.button (50, 1, "QUIT")

    G.procButton (50, 375, "Good Night Newman", goto1)
    G.procButton (50, 350, "Run Forest Run", goto2)
    G.procButton (50, 325, "Bond, James Bond", goto3)
    G.procButton (50, 300, "This is the best school I've Ever Teached At", goto4)
    G.procButton (50, 275, "Spider Pig", goto5)
    G.procButton (50, 250, "121 Gigawatts!", goto6)
    G.procButton (50, 225, "Failure is not an option", goto7)
    G.procButton (50, 200, "Rick-Roll (ERROR- .mp3)", goto8)
    G.procButton (50, 175, "Howard Dean Yell", goto9)
    G.procButton (50, 150, "Techno Bond (ERROR- .wma)", goto10)
    G.procButton (50, 125, "Techno Star Wars", goto11)
    G.procButton (125, 1, "<------------STOP ALL MUSIC---------->", goto12)
delay (100)


end loop
The zip file of all the necessary components

 Filesize:  24.07 MB
 Downloaded:  121 Time(s)

The cart.t source file

 Filename:  cart.t
 Filesize:  2.99 KB
 Downloaded:  96 Time(s)


PostPosted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 1:37 am   Post subject: Re: Cart Machine (Sound Clips)

After playing around with ur code for about 10 mins I found a solution for the seizure-tastic screen u had Razz, btw are u new to programming/turing cuse that program seems pretty advanced seeing as how I just started and it seems like you did too.

Thats the bottom part of the code you will want to edit, if it doesnt work, u can slap me cuse im well known for forgetting to put important details Embarassed

%<------------------------------------ End Procedure List ------------------------------------->

View.Set ("graphics,offscreenonly,nobuttonbar")

exit when G.button (50, 1, "QUIT")

G.procButton (50, 375, "Good Night Newman", goto1)
G.procButton (50, 350, "Run Forest Run", goto2)
G.procButton (50, 325, "Bond, James Bond", goto3)
G.procButton (50, 300, "This is the best school I've Ever Teached At", goto4)
G.procButton (50, 275, "Spider Pig", goto5)
G.procButton (50, 250, "121 Gigawatts!", goto6)
G.procButton (50, 225, "Failure is not an option", goto7)
G.procButton (50, 200, "Rick-Roll (ERROR- .mp3)", goto8)
G.procButton (50, 175, "Howard Dean Yell", goto9)
G.procButton (50, 150, "Techno Bond (ERROR- .wma)", goto10)
G.procButton (50, 125, "Techno Star Wars", goto11)
G.procButton (125, 1, "<------------STOP ALL MUSIC---------->", goto12)

delay (100)
end loop

Edit: Having no life @ 2:51 AM I once again scanned your code and noticed that the quit button doesnt exit game but only ends it, insert this into your module with function button

function button (x, y : int, text : string) : boolean
Mouse.Where (mx, my, mz)
var w := Font.Width (text, bFont) + 10
if mx > x and mx < x + w and my > y and my < y + 20 and mz = 1 then
Draw.FillBox (x, y, x + w, y + 20, c1)
Draw.FillBox (x + 2, y + 1, x + w - 1, y + 20 - 2, c2)
Font.Draw (text, x + (w div 2) - (Font.Width (text, bFont) div 2), y + 5, bFont, fc)

Window.Hide (Window.GetActive)


delay (200)
result true
Draw.FillBox (x, y, x + w, y + 20, c2) %25
Draw.FillBox (x + 1, y + 2, x + w - 2, y + 20 - 1, c1) %29
Font.Draw (text, x + (w div 2) - (Font.Width (text, bFont) div 2), y + 5, bFont, fc)

result false
end if
end button

if you dont understand how that works then visit Delos's Tutorial about windows here :

PostPosted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 4:14 am   Post subject: Re: Cart Machine (Sound Clips)

Thanks, it runs smoothly now. I've been programming in Turing for about a year, and everything except the GUI module is mine. Oh, and the reason I didn't put the Window.Hide command in is because I was planning to compile a stand-alone anyway, which terminates when the run window is finished.

PostPosted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 9:38 am   Post subject: RE:Cart Machine (Sound Clips)

Well then...
Welcome to Turing and CompSci guys! Smile

PostPosted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 11:44 am   Post subject: Re: Cart Machine (Sound Clips)

ah cool, that explains it, im on my first week.

@Sniperdude, thanks Razz

PostPosted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 3:00 pm   Post subject: RE:Cart Machine (Sound Clips)

No problem!

btw, check out the Turing Walkthrough - it's packed with usefull tutorials

PostPosted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 3:35 pm   Post subject: Re: Cart Machine (Sound Clips)

You don't really need call12 since Music.PlayFileStop is in itself, a procedure. So this would work too:
G.procButton (125, 1, "<------------STOP ALL MUSIC---------->", Music.PlayFileStop)
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