for y :1.. 3
num :=1
num2 :=256 for x :1.. 8 parallelput(num) delay(50)
num *=2 endfor for x :1.. 8
num :=round(num / 2) parallelput(num) delay(50) endfor endfor
for y :1.. 3
num :=1
num2 :=128
for x :1.. 4 parallelput(num + num2) delay(100)
num *=2
num2 div= 2 endfor
for x :1.. 4
num div= 2
num2 *=2 parallelput(num + num2) delay(100) endfor endfor
Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2008 2:11 pm Post subject: RE:Light show (parallel port interfacing)
Doesn't work for me....
Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2008 3:25 pm Post subject: RE:Light show (parallel port interfacing)
To work this, you need to have an 8 (or more) LED lineup on a breadboard with pins 2-9 into the lights and a ground.
Do you have an "8 (or more) LED lineup on a breadboard with pins 2-9 into the lights and a ground"? That's why it didn't work.
Insectoid, it'd be cool if you posted the circuit diagram so others can more easily understand what's going on. Just draw it up in paint or something.
Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2008 4:33 pm Post subject: Re: Light show (parallel port interfacing)
Well, that would be a good idea. Here you all are!
LED Diagram.bmp
Circuit diagram for light show.
696.05 KB
365 Time(s)
Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2008 4:46 pm Post subject: Re: Light show (parallel port interfacing)
im doing somethign similar for my ISU,
but i uses 8 leds, and a wand that moves back and worth really fast, and you can enter text in and it will display it in the air due to persistence of vision, seems nifty as a demo,
cool stuff
Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2008 4:51 pm Post subject: RE:Light show (parallel port interfacing)
Sweet! you can buy those in the store, but if you can make it yourself, huzzah!