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 OpenSchool - The Open Source LanSchool client
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 1:07 pm   Post subject: OpenSchool - The Open Source LanSchool client

This was partially inspired by HackerDan's Lanschooled program. In fact, I used his documentation of the LanSchool protocol to do this.

Enter OpenSchool: The Open Source LanSchool client.

It's purpose is to eventually replace the propietary LanSchool program used in schools.
I have spent approximately 48-50 hours working on it, and I can safely say that the client is finished.

It works on both Unix based and Windows based environments (sorry, no Mac support!).

Note: This is for educational and idealistic purposes only! Please do not use this for mischiveous purposes.

I decided to open source and release this after I handed it in as a final project at my high school.

Here's the source and the distributable.


The Open Source LanSchool Client

 Filename:  OpenSchool.tar.gz
 Filesize:  1.04 MB
 Downloaded:  3329 Time(s)


PostPosted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 1:25 pm   Post subject: RE:OpenSchool - The Open Source LanSchool client

This is quite cool. Let us know what your teacher thinks of your project, and if your school will do anything about running LanSchool Wink
Latest from Tony's programming blog. DWITE - a programming contest.

PostPosted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 3:24 pm   Post subject: Re: OpenSchool - The Open Source LanSchool client

Actually, when I was...ahem...testing this out, the admin came down and saw me! Funny thing was, instead of chewing me out, he asked me if he could have a copy of his own Laughing
Combat Wombat13

PostPosted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 10:33 pm   Post subject: Re: OpenSchool - The Open Source LanSchool client

Just wanted to say thanks for the cool program, nice job and thanks for sharing.

PostPosted: Fri Dec 07, 2007 2:49 pm   Post subject: Re: OpenSchool - The Open Source LanSchool client

THANK YOU! I work at a nonprofit (nonprofit = no money) that teaches computers to kids. So when I heard about software that would blank people screen, I about cried. They are ALL so expensive. I have spent hours looking for the cheapest. Then I found this. This was a godsend. I am not a computer novice. I am only 22, but have been using computer for most of it. I, for the life of me, cant figure out how this program works.

please, help



PostPosted: Fri Dec 07, 2007 4:13 pm   Post subject: Re: OpenSchool - The Open Source LanSchool client

While this is indeed neat software (I've never used it... but I know of the stuff behind it) this statement is blatantly false

humanman42 @ 2007-12-07, 2:49 pm wrote:
(nonprofit = no money)

I work for a nonprofit too; and yet I definitely have a nice budget. Why just last year I got ~80K in new equipment. While your nonprofit might not have that kind of money; there are obviously some that do.

PostPosted: Fri Feb 15, 2008 1:50 pm   Post subject: Re: OpenSchool - The Open Source LanSchool client

you should put it on Smile

PostPosted: Fri Jun 06, 2008 8:53 am   Post subject: RE:OpenSchool - The Open Source LanSchool client

lmao now banned from all computers at my school FOREVER , it was worth it i had about 3-4 computer rooms blanked and the entire library and then i got caught lol - teacher hated it lol but i couldnt be proven to be held for blame

PostPosted: Mon Dec 15, 2008 9:48 pm   Post subject: Re: OpenSchool - The Open Source LanSchool client

How do I make this work? They're all like manifest files, none of them are executible!

Help please!

EDIT: Never mind, I found the file, I'm stupid Cool . Oh yeah, does this work with LANSchool 7.2 or 7.0 < Version.

Thanks in advance,

PostPosted: Mon Dec 15, 2008 11:45 pm   Post subject: RE:OpenSchool - The Open Source LanSchool client

My understand is that this expolite has been fixed since versions 7.0 and up. At least that's what the peoleop at lanschool have told me.

You should not be using this program to mess with school computers, doing so would be illgeal and could get you in alot of trouble.

Such progams are only made for educational reasons and to be proof of conecptes. Also nor i have anything to do with OpenSchool and take no respoablity for what peoleop do with it Wink
Computer Science Canada Help with programming in C, C++, Java, PHP, Ruby, Turing, VB and more!

PostPosted: Tue Dec 16, 2008 4:46 pm   Post subject: Re: OpenSchool - The Open Source LanSchool client

Well I don't really use it for mischief...

I just use it to terminate LANSCHOOL! I hate that program! My school got it two months ago and it sucks. Any time I play a game, the teacher blue screens us and we can't do crap! Is there ANY way to TERMINATE LANSchool - Version 7.2. Can't delete is, MSConfig is disabled, command prompt commands disabled, task manager disabled - NOTHING!

Help please!

PostPosted: Tue Dec 16, 2008 5:10 pm   Post subject: Re: OpenSchool - The Open Source LanSchool client

Whell @ 16th December 2008, 4:46 pm wrote:

Any time I play a game, the teacher blue screens us and we can't do crap! Is there ANY way to TERMINATE LANSchool

Maybe you should not be playing games in class?

Messing with the computers in any way the school does not want you to could be seen as illgeal or at the very least aginsted school's rules. I also disagree with the use of programs like lanschool witch force a tehcnoglicaly soultion on to a soical problem however the computers do belong to the school borad.

If you have phsyical access to a computer the chances are you can get around most programs on it, however this site is not the place to dissuces or encorage how to attack/mess with computer systems that do not belong to you.
Computer Science Canada Help with programming in C, C++, Java, PHP, Ruby, Turing, VB and more!

PostPosted: Tue Dec 16, 2008 6:03 pm   Post subject: Re: OpenSchool - The Open Source LanSchool client

I can get physical access to the computer. What I do is secret as I log into a public account in our school network, astu - every student knows the password, making it virtually impossible to track down the person. I don't play games in classes; I just do random things in between parts of the lesson, like if the teacher leaves or I finish before others. But when I'm blue screened, I can't move the mouse, making the computer useless, so I basicly stare at the ceiling for 10-15 minutes!

I just want to disable it, I don't want to reverse it and use it for bad reasons.

Matt Graham

PostPosted: Wed Mar 25, 2009 6:24 pm   Post subject: Re: OpenSchool - The Open Source LanSchool client

Whell wrote:

...Any time I play a game, the teacher blue screens us and we can't do crap...

Whell wrote:

...I don't play games in classes; I just do random things...

Hmm... contradicting much? If you're going to lie about something at least get your story straight...

Anyway... I found a proof of concept project made by Luigi Auriemma (pretty well known "hacker"... he even has his own category in antivirus programs.) The program was command line and only included a couple attacks (understandable since it was a "proof of concept.")

After looking over the code, it seems the header structure in v7 hasn't changed much. But they somehow encrypt this against the sender's IP address.

The unencrypted header looks like this:
xx|03|xx xx|da d1|xx xx xx xx

The first field is the type. The second field is the version (notice the increment.) The third field is the channel which has now become a 2 byte value (they now advertise 16000 channels.) I'm not sure what the fourth field is but it is the same as older versions. And the last field is the size (header + data.)

Now, to the good part. I've since written a nice GUI emulating many of the features in the current teacher console. The attacks included so far are shutdown, logoff, restart, run program, blank screens, crashing student process, adding/removing student from class, one-way messaging, two-way chat, send files, collect files, view internet history, and view running processes. It also shows a list of the student machines on the current channel. I've christened the program "Classdoom" because that's what Luigi Auriemma named his version that first released the encryption scheme. Also the GUI is very similar to that of the official teacher console and many of the dialog windows are indistinguishable from the real ones (aside from the name change.)

I've only tried this against the demo version of LanSchool v7.2 (seeing as I'm on spring break right now.) I have full confidence that this will work against a retail version but if it doesn't (don't chew me out) I'll try to have the problems diagnosed by next week.

Just to let anyone who cares to read the code know, I'm not a programmer! (I'm a network guy) I don't know anything about proper conventions when writing code. About the only thing you'll find is tabs and a comment here and there (I haven't even given it a version number.) Also I wrote it in Visual C# 2008 Express so you'll need the latest .NET framework to run this (FYI: Most schools probably have this installed... not that I'm advocating anyone use this other than for learning purposes *wink* *wink*.)


 Filename:  Classdoom.tar.gz
 Filesize:  2.82 MB
 Downloaded:  762 Time(s)


PostPosted: Wed Mar 25, 2009 6:59 pm   Post subject: RE:OpenSchool - The Open Source LanSchool client

Most schools do not have .NET 3 installed.
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