Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2008 7:59 am Post subject: Captiols Quiz
Wat up everyone? This program quizes the user on the captiols of our provinces in Canada. Since Iwasn't allowed to use loops it was a bit harder then usally. Run, see what you think, post a reply.
Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2008 10:36 am Post subject: RE:Captiols Quiz
Wow 850 lines is a lot for a quiz program...too bad you weren't allowed to use loops cuz it would be much shorter with the first screen i would use getch instead of "get" if i were you cuz you only need to get one number +the program would not crash if the user entered a letter....hmmm when i enter 2 it says Bye but does not exit why do you restart it instead of quitting?...the percentage graph at the end is a good idea, i like that....Also you spelled capital wrong :3. I believe it's "capitAl" not "capitOl" check here -->
I can see that you put a lot of work into it
Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2008 12:42 pm Post subject: Re: Captiols Quiz
hmmm when i enter 2 it says Bye but does not exit why do you restart it instead of quitting?...
i only did it that way because i couldn't think of anyway to total quit, since i wasn't using a loop and all.
at the first screen i would use getch instead of "get" if i were you cuz you only need to get one number +the program would not crash if the user entered a letter
i know, it would make it easier but since we didn't 'learn' it yet i wasn't allowed to use it. in reality i know how to use it but my class (gr. 11) is doing everything i did last year (gr.10), we're doing the exact same programs as last year, its gay, but all wel
i didn't know i spelled capital wrong, lol, i really sux at spelling, as you can see
Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 6:02 pm Post subject: RE:Captiols Quiz