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PostPosted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 7:24 pm   Post subject: Sgl

It's here. SGL v0.95.

SGL is a library that you can use to convert your SDL games into full blown OpenGL applications, quickly and easily.
It is fully documented (see the header file, SGL.h), and has been tested on both Windows and Linux (developed on x86 32 bit linux).

It's stable and fast, since it uses the OpenGL rendering infrastructure to display your applications.

Since it uses OpenGL, you can add many cool effects and shaders to your ordinary SDL based game using this.

It's fully Open Source, under a GPLv2 license (see the COPYING file for details on distribution).

SGL is a cross platform library, so you're never constrained to developing only for one platform. It theoretically works on any platform that supports OpenGL and any platform SDL supports. This gives you a very wide range of platforms to port your applications to!

SGL is not directly intended for 3D applications, however with some trickery, this can be acheived.

SGL is fully compatible with C++, so you may use it in C++ applications. SGL is written in the C programming language for speed.

Windows and Linux binaries are available, and source code is also available.

My GLTetris2 game is actually coded using this library, and it started out as a pure SDL application, so it may be a good example to go by,
if you're looking for some kind of reference.

If you guys have any suggestions, comments, or questions, send 'em my way!
Windows x86 32-bit binaries. Includes development files (headers, and the .a for linking). Compiled on MinGW.

 Filesize:  8.49 KB
 Downloaded:  329 Time(s)

The source code, see the NOTES.txt file inside for compilation details.

 Filename:  SGL_sources.tar.gz
 Filesize:  3.1 KB
 Downloaded:  297 Time(s)
Linux binaries (for Ubuntu x86 32 bit) (development header files included)
May need to rename to .deb (the forums will not let me post a .deb)

 Filesize:  22.04 KB
 Downloaded:  383 Time(s)


PostPosted: Mon Jan 21, 2008 11:25 am   Post subject: Re: Sgl

Geez, you guys are a tough crowd! No one has anything to say?
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